
1 follower

Boston, Massachusetts

Cobra Kai: 2x03 Fire and Ice

"'Asian whitewashing?' They're calling me Daniel LaRacist on here."

I was dieing

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Shrinking: 1x06 Imposter Syndrome

Harrison Ford aka Indiana Jones way too high on edibles is priceless :rofl:

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Homeland: 8x09 In Full Flight

Late to the game in terms of watching this after it aired, but regardless ... fantastic season so far and hard to imagine there's only three episodes left before it's all over!

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60 Days In: 8x10 To the Bitter End

What the hell did I just watch this season? That was garbage.

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Hamilton's Pharmacopeia: 3x03 Xenon: the Perfect Anesthetic?

That was both a fascinating, sad and scary as hell episode. When that guy started vomiting, I immediately became anxious because I know how dangerous aspiration can be. And obviously the woman was completely addicted to the Xenon. No non-addicted person would be losing it and practically sobbing.

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Homeland: 8x11 The English Teacher

"Then you're a bunch of lying fucks. I know you fucking have it!" :joy:

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PEN15: 1x02 Miranda

At the end, the mom said, "Hoot, hoot, I'm an owl now," but it definitely looked like she turned into a crow when she flew away, lol

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Our Planet: 1x02 Frozen Worlds

Jesus, the walruses were hard to watch

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Cobra Kai: 1x01 Ace Degenerate

Definitely excited to watch this. Not sure why it took me so long

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x15 Old Scars, Future Hearts

I love Alex! Despite the tough guy exterior, he's got a heart of gold

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Evil Lives Here: 13x03 Scratch My Murderous Itch

I'm sure he's a super nice guy, but that dad's beliefs and experiences :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Letterkenny: 11x06 Degens

Another season of Letterkenny watched too quickly

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Mythic Quest: 2x07 Peter

I really appreciate that CW committed to shitting in Peter's desk. It didn't look like he was going to at first.

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Doug Stanhope: Beer Hall Putsch

I'm usually a fan of dark comedy, but couldn't really get into this one. Not sure why. Maybe a little dry.

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Grey's Anatomy: 15x25 Jump into the Fog

I was behind a few episodes and trying to play catchup, so didn't realize this was the season finale. Not that that really matters. If anything, it lowered my opinion even further. What a dud

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Cobra Kai: 1x05 Counterbalance

The Karate Kid was part of my childhood and I really miss Mr. Miyagi.

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Britain's Most Evil Killers: 7x01 Lewis Daynes

So sad. And to know that he was suspected of raping another boy and possessing child pornography at 15 years old and they may have been able to stop him ...

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Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death: 6x01 The Night He Turned Bad

That must be terribly difficult: loving someone before you knew they were a monster and trying to reconcile afterwards

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Dr. Pimple Popper: 9x20 Quadripple Nipple

Bro, what are you doing? Just let her cut your hair. You need help.

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60 Days In: 8x08 Pill Trades, Drug Raids

They should hit that mf, Jamil, with a charge for being stupid

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See No Evil: 10x08 Comply or Die

That kind of evil is born, not made.

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Nailed It!: 7x01 Cobra Kai

I would pay millions of dollars to see Ralph Macchio, Billy Zabka and Yuji Okumoto battle!

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Nailed It!: 5x04 Travel Dos and Donuts

Wow. They're a lot. And by "they," I mean all of them.

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Mythic Quest: 3x01 Across the Universe

Yup. I'm with David. I like Brad, but I don't trust him at ALL

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Mythic Quest: 2x09 TBD

Uhhhh, not to be a Debbie Downer, but wiretapping is super illegal in at least 11 states

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Mythic Quest: 1x05 A Dark Quiet Death

Okay. I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one confused as fuck about what happened to Mythic Quest and did I somehow switch to a completely different, yet loosely related show.

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Mythic Quest: 1x04 The Convention

"It's an epic poem. Have you no education?"

Also, he was a really great actor/character in Homeland.

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Mythic Quest: 1x03 Dinner Party

Interesting idea, but not original. It was either LoL or Dota that modified their matchmaking algorithm to match toxic players and cheaters only with other toxic players and cheaters.

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Mythic Quest: 1x01 Pilot

Honestly, I was expecting more from the pilot. I don't know if I put too much weight on Ian because it's impossible for me to separate this character from his more iconic one, Rob from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." But I'm going to try to ride out a few more episodes and see how it goes. I'm a huge nerd and growing up, my jam was always MMORPG's and other fantasy games and there were still a few comedic bright spots at least

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World's Most Evil Killers: 6x05 Judy Buenoano

As evil as she was, it's kinda surprising none of her children didn't turn out equally twisted too, whether die to similar genetics or simply home environment

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