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Training Wheels

Hilarious short film, both main actors did a phenomenal job with the script

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If I Go Will They Miss Me

Bit of an odd one, had trouble following it but I loved the cinematography

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Stranger Than Rotterdam with Sara Driver

Fun medium to visualize with and a fun story to play out, felt the ending was a bit abrupt but I enjoyed it overall

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You Go Girl!

The main actress did a great job in this short, I would have enjoyed this premise as a full length film with her as the lead

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The Phantom of the Open

Loved the movie, quite funny with some real heartwarming moments throughout. Some sequences felt a bit out of place to me (the dreams mostly) but this is a movie I will readily recommend to anyone.

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He's All That

Honestly it was impressive how much product placement was crammed into this

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Very cute short, caused a bit of sniffling in the theater I saw this in

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Closed to the Light

It was an interesting film gimmick to look at, which there was a bit more to it but it said everything it needed to

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Archibald's Syndrome

I saw this at a screening of the 2021 Manhattan Shorts and this one was my favorite of the 10 films shown. It started off with a very strong Tarantino style and ran with an absurd plot that I adored. I can see this one being turned into a full-length film for sure.

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Chinese Portrait

I stumbled on this film randomly playing and I just ended up sitting through the whole thing transfixed. Definitely more art than documentary, but worth a watch to see a very diverse portrait of China.

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