Archibald's Syndrome

I saw this at a screening of the 2021 Manhattan Shorts and this one was my favorite of the 10 films shown. It started off with a very strong Tarantino style and ran with an absurd plot that I adored. I can see this one being turned into a full-length film for sure.

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Chinese Portrait

I stumbled on this film randomly playing and I just ended up sitting through the whole thing transfixed. Definitely more art than documentary, but worth a watch to see a very diverse portrait of China.

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Mortal Kombat

Campy acting and cheesy dialogue, but it's damned entertaining with the action and when the main theme song kicks in you just can't help but get hyped up

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Beastie Boys Story

Heartfelt look into the band from when they first became friends to their final gig, filled with hilarious and interesting stories and footage throughout a really enjoyable live-documentary.

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