

Melbourne, VIC

Big Mouth

Very very average show. Made it halfway through the first episode and it just wasn't funny in the slightest. Give it a miss. 3/10.

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Hard Candy

Shout by Swaglord

This movie made me hate Ellen Page. Sure, the dude was a bad guy, but the things she did were unforgivable in this film.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

Very boring and drawn out. Completely unnecessary, nothing really happens at all throughout the whole film.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x09 Heroic

WTF happened to this show? 1st season was excellent, 2nd season was pretty good and now this 3rd season is an absolute shit-show. It's like a completely different show. So dreadfully boring, I don't think the writers have any clue what they're doing. Absolutely terrible, every week I just keep thinking that surely something will happen this episode but it never does. I don't know if I can handle watching another episode.

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Absolutely terrible throughout. The ending is especially cliched and pathetic. My 11 year old sister could have done a better job at making a movie. The worst movie I've seen in quite a long time, don't waste your time.

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Fairly disappointing if I'm honest. I was expecting a lot more from Groening. I'm also a huge Eric Andre fan but this just falls flat. Not a single laugh out of me so far and the story is very dry and feels recycled.

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"America FUCK YEAH" the show. Overblown patriotism seen time and time again. Still, it's not a bad show if you can look past all of that, assuming you're not blindly in love with America and its ideals already.

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Ingrid Goes West

What kinda ending was that? It felt like they were trying to send a message about social media but the ending completely contradicts what the whole point of the movie seemed to be. Other than that it was a solid movie.

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You're Next

Dat ending tho.

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Her is strangely and beautifully wonderful.

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Grown Ups 2

Worst movie I've seen in my entire life. Words cannot even begin to express how horrible this film truly was. It was like a crude version of a Disney Channel original show. I seriously cannot believe this, I want my time back. Please don't watch this film. Ever.

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A very brief account of the JFK assassination. I would have liked to see more depth although there were some interesting facts throughout the film.

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The Carrie Diaries

Why the hell am I watching this crap? Oh yeah, that's right; Annasophia Robb got HOT.

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The Internship

Hardly any genuinely funny parts and the ending was completely predictable. Save your time.

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Parks and Recreation

I love this show so much. After Community finished I was looking for a similar show and I found one that was even better!

Ron Swanson and April Ludgate are the best characters.

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Kick-Ass 2

Successfully completed watching all of Chloe Moretz's movies. I regret nothing.

Superb sequel, I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was.

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Only God Forgives

Shout by Swaglord

"Billy Raped and Killed a 16 year old girl."
"I'm sure he had his reasons."


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Requiem for a Dream

Jesus Christ. Well. I guess dont do drugs. Made me feel pretty bad tbh.

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Dead Man Down

Well worth the watch. Quite an interesting twist.

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Another movie glorifying meaningless killing. I mean seriously, when one of the Americans who just killed an opposing human being said "I just wish I was closer so I could see him die better" it made me feel sick. Pass.

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The Purge

Predictable as said but entertaining and quite spooky.

Give it a watch for sure.

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21 & Over

Waste of time, disappointing. Don't in expecting another Superbad.

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Eerie but good. Pretty big twist. Watch it.

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Spring Breakers

Weirdest movie I've seen for a while. The outfits were brilliant though, I don't think the 4 girls wore anything but bikinis the entire length of the film.

2/4 of the chicks were hot: Ashley Benson and Vanessa Hudgens

3 Stars for them. Oh and also Franco was good as usual, still not enough to save the film though.

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Jason's worst film by far. It was slow as mentioned and quite boring. Give it a miss.

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The Startup Kids

It was very interesting and inspiring to watch. I liked how the guy who made Vimeo just goes and chills in the woods with no electricity or anything.

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