



I wish to share with you that this is terrible.
Fuck that ending, I knew that was gonna happen.

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Sixty Minutes

Quite an entertaining German action film.
Simple premise, good fight scenes and the choreography is decent. Overall it's an engaging watch in an 89min movie.

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One Life

Such a beautiful story that needed to be told on the big screen with nice performances and the younger/older versions are well-cast. I knew what it was about after coming across the TV audience clip online a few years ago, so I was expecting it and when the moment showed up, I was crying my eyes out.
It was a shame they didn't put that clip in at the end of the movie which was a shame.

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One of the ugliest animations ever.
I wouldn't even recommend parents to let their kids watch this.

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I'm not the biggest fan of Elvis and I certainly didn't enjoy Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis which wasn't good, so I didn't care about a movie about his wife. If this is somewhat accurate of Elvis then what a dickhead. I appreciate the performances but they were sadly underwhelming especially Cailee Spaeny as Priscilla who just simply couldn't do it as the lead for me. Jacob Elordi was ok, honestly, I couldn't help but notice how fucking tall he was in comparison when standing alongside Cailee. Nicely shot and it's Slow-paced which wasn't a problem but overall I felt that other than Elvis being a shitty husband and more, it was more about him rather than a movie about Priscilla.
I don't think I'll ever watch this again.

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Mean Girls 2

After 30mins in I know why I never knew this existed.
I was so confused by the title because it's not a sequel, it's a remake that plays like a shitty spoof movie. It's so bad I couldn't finish watching it.

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Mean Girls

The girl falling back in the wheelchair got me real good. Such an iconic movie.
How is Rachel McAdams great in everything, she needs to be in more comedies.
We all need a friend like Damian.

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Role Play

Something that came out recently that was familiar was The Family Plan, it wasn't good but rather fun and, enjoyable and the lead Mark Wahlberg was convincing in the main role. This isn't the case with Kaley Cuoco who typically plays silly and over-the-top characters, so her playing the somewhat serious yet comedic assassin was never going to be believable to me. It's supposed to be an action rom-com but the action is poor, with no romance and it's not funny whatsoever, it never even made me smile. The movie doesn't know what to be, the first half tries to be a comedy and then the last half tries to be serious.
David Oyelowo is a better actor than these roles.

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How haven't I seen this before or for the most part never even heard of it?
Such a cool and dark sci-fi movie with a phenomenal cast. I was gonna give it an 8 if it wasn't for that frustrating editing and sound effects surrounding that one character at the end, also the ending was kinda confusing.

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The Notebook

I had the tissues ready and somehow I didn't shed a tear. It's a great romantic movie with brilliant performances especially by Ryan Gosling and Rachel Adams who have beautiful chemistry.

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I liked it but I certainly had a few issues with it.
The first act has some annoying camera work, frustrating character decisions and an important flashback scene that probably should have been shown earlier. The characters are good and the plot is fine. As a low-budget horror, it's watchable but nothing is surprising. It's worth a watch.

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Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia

It should be a crime to make a racing movie this boring.
Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia starts quite interesting but as soon as we get into the 2nd act and then the final act. It becomes extremely uninteresting and the pacing is flat even the racing scenes couldn't help it, those weren't terrible but just overall ok. I simply didn't care about the characters or the outcome of the story. The main character felt kinda obnoxious and Daniel Brühl was sadly underused.
It's not a car crash of a movie that's for sure.

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Orphan: First Kill

OK l guess l haven't seen the first one but I know enough to get the concept. The twist was unexpected and good, but at the same time, it kinda ruins the premise of the main character with an unsatisfying 3rd act.

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White Noise 2: The Light

Nathan Fillion is such a likeable actor I can get behind him playing any type of role but he's been miscast.
It's a slow burn for sure and it was decent up until the last 10 minutes why the fuck was that ambulance driver not looking at the road while he was driving, that whole scene was unbearable and the outcome didn't make sense either.

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The Beekeeper

Definitely a John Wick knockoff but you can't go wrong with Jason Statham killing and beating the crap out of everybody. I certainly didn't need a lesson on bees.

It put a smile on my face to see that bridge scene in the first 30mins which is a location that's close to my heart, been going to the seaside ever since I was a little kid

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Fall Guy

I would be lying if I didn't expect more in this, especially from that poster.

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Fool's Paradise

Charlie Day went all Epstein on his friends because there's no way he convinced them to be in this abomination without having shit on them no way.
I like the idea it's just terribly made/written especially when Charlie Day is the lead even if it's a comedy which was honestly never funny.
Points go to my wife Kate Beckinsale, she can do no wrong.

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Self Reliance

Similar premise to Most Dangerous Game with a few different rules. As a comedy, it kinda works especially that Ellen DeGeneres scene which was good. The best of the movie isn't necessarily the comedy itself, it's rather the characters and the nice dialogue between them. They definitely should have added 1 or 2 action scenes to make it a little bit more interesting.

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Poor Things

So Emma Stone is playing a grown woman with the mind of a little girl right, so it's fucked up to think that all those dudes who were sleeping with her, were simply fucking a little girl in a fully grown body, is that a 100% right or am I missing something?

I was going into this with low expectations simply because it looked stupid and weird. It was weird but with its aesthetic design, amazing performances by the cast and surprisingly hilarious, overall I found it quite good. Emma Stone is fantastic playing a pretty retard and watching a horny Mark Ruffalo call everyone a cunt was without a doubt the best part.
Knock off about 30mins and it's great for me. Despite enjoying it it's not a movie I wanna rewatch any time soon.
Also, as someone who's British, we tend to laugh at Americans attempting to do accents from Britain, especially from the Victorian era which is never great 90% of the time but they nailed it.

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Anyone But You

Sorry as a man I'm meant to believe that Glen Powell is just like every other dude on the planet.
It's lazy writing for me when you introduce a character as a nice guy but then quickly try and make him a knobhead. The humour is fine, It's pretty average when it comes to a rom-com. 4th Hemsworth was funny and the best part of this.
Definitely wasn't easy watching this when you're surrounded by women and then a hot sex scene comes up.

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Night Swim

‘Let's make a haunted movie but it can't be a haunted house, so let's think outside the box’

‘I've got an idea how about a haunted swimming pool’

Shitty movie with a shitty premise. Not scary and what a dreadful ending like someone died and there's zero emotion. Creators just use Ghosts as an excuse to make shit up.

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The Boy and the Heron

Please don't judge me but this was the first Studio Ghibli movie that I've seen. I know that's bad.

Simply Amazing and considering it my first, I instantly understand the prestigious nature of Hayao Miyazaki's work from the beautiful animation and especially the storytelling. I loved the animation, the pacing was spot on and the music was gorgeous. The reasoning as to why it's not a perfect movie for me is that, during the second act I felt slightly confused as to where and what was going on so it was a little bit vague. I watched the dubbed (English) version and what a great voice cast they had, I recognized all of them throughout the movie.

Amazing but honestly definitely isn't the best animated movie of 2023.

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Rebecca Hall makes it look so easy but unfortunately despite that amazing performance I just couldn't get behind the slow burn. What a fuckup ending.

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Speak No Evil

It was going great until Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and his relatives made an appearance in the final scene and honestly, it's the daughter's fault, not the goddam teddy bear.

Funny story, so when watching this my dad is reconsidering going to Florida with my mum. They met some random Americans on a night out the other day and they invited my parents out to stay with them.

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I Want You Back

Pleasantly surprised.
For the first 30mins was meh, all good after that. So for a rom-com, it’s quite decent.
I’m not a fan of Charlie Day and Jenny Slate but they grew on me more and more throughout this movie.

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Talk to Me

Even though it's my first watch it's genuinely one of my favourite horror movies ever, simply because I feel too many of them try too hard to just scare the audience first and then add the story but this is the opposite the story came first. For most of it, it was completely horrifying with some amazing hair & makeup work.

Shout out to Danny & Michael Philippou for pulling this off considering it's their first feature film.

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If you like the idea of Zoe Saldaña kicking arse and still looking great while doing it, well this is it. It's sexy and fun but kinda forgettable.

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The Bricklayer

The moment one of the bad guys was shooting a helmet that was thrown at the floor, well I simply knew that it wasn't going to be a good movie.
Aaron Eckhart is no action hero for sure but points for effort and also for Nina Dobrev.
Weak storytelling, unrealistic fight scenes and wtf were those dreadful sound effects?
Overall this is a forgettable movie that I wouldn't recommend.

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Society of the Snow

What a fucked up cannibalistic orgy this was.

Terrifying, horrific, disturbing, claustrophobic and emotional. Everything about this movie is simply magnificent, from all the amazing performances, set design, fantastic hair & makeup(shout-out to them) and flawless writing. I have to mention the plane crash scene, wow honestly I can't think of a better shot than any other movie I've seen to date.
The ending got me real good :sob:.

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The Gingerbread Man

This movie gave me a valuable lesson. When a woman has drama and a bunch of shit, just get far away from her as soon as possible the sex ain't worth it.
I've never seen or even heard of this movie so with such a good cast I was expecting it to be really good. Well, it's alright not good though. The pacing in the second act was too slow and so boring. Remove 20mins and that would make it a lot better. Good twist at the end.

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