Heather T



Enola Holmes

Enjoyable enough although predictable and annoyingly cliché at times. Not a fan of the looking into the camera shtick. The enigmas were Dora the Explorer level (pity), which makes me think this was made for children more than for adults.
Liked the dynamic between Enola and Lord Tewkesbury (plus well acted roles). No comment on the phenomenal cast, love 'em all.
Would watch a sequel.

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@xir It's an adaptation of a young adult novel series. Netflix's summary doesn't say anything about that (they never do when it's an adaptation), however, they do use categories and the categories clearly indicate that it's a family film, not an adult one so that mistake was your own.

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Review by Theo Kallström



The Good:

Wigans remains the only feelgood element in this film and Lamorne Morris seems to be the only actor who has a truly good time.

The Bad:

Ugh. This is another one of those films using a generically annoying B-thriller soundtrack that just goes on in an endless loop and never.

The origin story of Bloodshot is so quickly and superficially handled that it doesn't make us care for pretty much any of the characters.

I don't know if the film is trying to portray PTSD or what, but Ray's hallucinations are just messy and take the viewer out from the experience without providing anything valuable to the plot.

The origin story and overall plot are so generic that the film stops being interesting after the first fifteen minutes.

The action scenes are sluggish, making them pretty boring and unimaginative to watch. The overuse of slow-motion serves no narrative purpose.

Because there are no real differences between the action scenes and the non-action scenes, this film never lifts off. It begins poorly and never finds its footing. It's as if Sony decided to cash in on the superhero craze, but didn’t bother to pay for people who care about the source material.

The plot also falls apart pretty quickly. Despite its simplicity and cliched structure, it's trying too hard to be more intelligent than it is, which makes it convoluted and uninspiring.

The actors don't help lift the atmosphere. Vin Diesel seems bored, Guy Pearce evokes no emotions and the rest are bland and forgettable. It doesn't help that Diesel plays a very bland hero and I can't even remember who the villain is.

The final fight looks like a PS3 era boss fight with quick-time events. Not a favourite of mine.

The Ugly:

That 'Psycho Killer' dance is a weak attempt at copying the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

WACPINE RATING: 2.71 / 10 = 1,5 stars

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@coldstream96 Of course, it was a copy of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. That was the entire point. If you'd actually paid attention there's actually a comment by Dr Harting (Guy Pearce) to the tech guy, Eric, about how many movie cliches he ripped off when putting the movie simulation together.

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Charlie's Angels

Telling that almost all of the bad reviews of this are written by men. Why is every movie about strong women, doing the things and have the cringy dialogue every mission impossible movie has, suddenly a ‘feminist’ movie? Is it a great movie? No, probably not. But it’s fun and if we can all admit that it’s just as decent as a lot of action movies with a male protagonist it will save everyone a lot of time and energy.

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@sophievdw Thank you for pointing out exactly what I was thinking when I saw all the comments.

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Secret Society of Second Born Royals

Film 103 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Secret Society of Second Born Royals is a standard Disney+ / straight-to-streaming fare. The idea of a group of teenagers with differences but a shared trait coming together under the guidance of someone is definitely not new. I think of Kingsman of a recent example, where this was done really well.

With all this in mind, this isn't that bad for a simple watch. There are a myriad of issues with it. From the uneven dialogue, the bland villain, some questionable acting. Or perhaps that the small "European" nation looked very similar to New York City. But despite some clear problems, at a basic level, there was enough here to get me from scene to scene and keep me mild entertained.

Will I ever watch this again? No, not a chance. But I was looking for an easy watch, without having to use my brain and this was it for tonight.

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@thelazyreviewer It was filmed in Toronto which does in fact have European architecture.

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