Justin NemethDirector


San Diego, CA

IMDB: Top Rated Movies

How many movies that are in this list have you seen ? 29 for me...

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@valzin I've seen 80 so far :smile:

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IMDB: Top Rated Movies

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Hey, how often is this updated?

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@kbfz all IMDB lists are updated daily, with the exception being the Box Office list. That is updated early Monday after the weekend box office stats are updated.

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IMDB: Popular TV Shows

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Awesome list. So much to watch and so little time :(

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@crist_miranda Agreed! Lots of interesting shows, but not enough time!

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IMDB: Top Rated TV Shows

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Nice list, but you have the wrong Game of Thrones. The correct one is https://trakt.tv/shows/game-of-thrones
Also, there are two Cosmos entries for the same show here on trakt (don't ask me why). The more popular of the two is https://trakt.tv/shows/cosmos-a-spacetime-odyssey

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@thefork good catch, sometimes people add shows as movies on TMDB for some reason which appears to be the case here. I'll make the logic a bit better so it will only include actual TV shows moving forward.

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Underground Network

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Antitrust would probably fit on this list

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Good call, I'll get that movie added. Thanks!

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Underground Network

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

The Pirate Bay, Away from keyboard, is missing.


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Added to the list, thanks!

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Underground Network

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

No Takedown? Closest thing to a movie about Kevin Mitnick

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Thanks for the suggestion, added!

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