Justin NemethDirector


San Diego, CA


Reply by Justin NemethDirector

season 4 starts soon :)

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@dgw no, it's valid to report it. Seems like a junk test comment when Trakt was about 3 months old :sweat_smile:

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American Born Chinese

again begging @Trakt to do something about these before-release reviews.

this has 95% critics rating and 100% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it's 30% here on Trakt?

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@klovarr we hide ratings before an item is released. Once it's released and starts getting normal ratings, the early ratings have very little effect on the overall percentage. There is a VIP forum thread where someone gives examples of this. This should be considered a support issue and not be left as a comment.

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IMDB: Top Rated Movies

How many movies that are in this list have you seen ? 29 for me...

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@valzin I've seen 80 so far :smile:

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Acapulco: 1x09 The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Schedule is wrong. The episode 9 is released already. Please fix this

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@prosenikov Apple TV seems to release the episodes earlier then they originally scheduled. In the future, please contact support with any data issues, don't post in the comments.

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David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet

The film features stunning photography of nature and wildlife, and is definitively worth-watching and thought-provoking. I love David Attenborough's accent, he speaks so clearly and understandably that the film can be recommended to people learning English even at lower levels. The ecological message was great for the feast of St. Francis. I did not like the idea of eoncouraging people to reduce the number of children they have, it looks like a bad idea as in most developed countries there is already problem with negative natural increase so it would have a bad effect on these countries. I also wonder about re-wilding the planet and introducing sustanability, would it not lead to job loss among people employed in industries related to overexploitation of nature? Caring about nature is very important but people are far more important than animals. I also disliked the part in which humans are called a species of animal, they are much better than that as they have immortal souls which animals do not possess. Choosing between animal and human welfare, humans are alaways more important.

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I highly recommend reading the book “Dominion” by Matthew Scully. I also used to have ideas of human superiority, but the reality is we are uniquely entrusted with caring for the entire natural world. This book is an extremely important read.


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The Umbrella Academy: 2x01 Right Back Where We Started

Number 5 went 10 days back in time before another apocalypse. So it does feel like season 1 in some cases. Otherwise the season starts really good. Even if it is a little slower than season 1.

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@jim222001 Yes, please use the spoiler button. We use to automatically blur and figure out how to present spoilers for others.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x01 Right Back Where We Started

Number 5 went 10 days back in time before another apocalypse. So it does feel like season 1 in some cases. Otherwise the season starts really good. Even if it is a little slower than season 1.

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@jim222001 please use the spoiler tags correctly when adding your comments, we are getting many of your comments flagged for this.

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Avenue 5

Shout by Mr Impossible
BlockedParent2020-01-22T03:50:11Z— updated 2020-02-12T00:23:10Z

This show is absolutely terrible. 4 episodes out of 6, still cant recommend.

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@jaw72 I don't agree with rating after one episode either, but this is why we have the watched % attached to every comment. That can help determine how much credibility a comment might have.

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Reply by Justin NemethDirector

I've never made a comment here, but this movie deserves one.

Please read the following comment as my personal opinion, I'm sure not every one will agree with my point of view and thats okay.
And also non native speaker here, so I apologise in advance.

1. This movie is amazing. It was everything I expected it to be and much more. I was afraid because I got hyped a lot before seeing the movie, but I must say it was even better than what I was expecting to see.

2. The music and the sound is amazing. All the choices for the tracks/songs are on point. The moments where they want to build the suspense work perfectly. Also what they do with the Frank Sinatra song is superb. At the end of the movie it will have a whole different meaning for you.

3. The acting of JP is astounding. He portrays the role of Arthur Fleck perfectly. Not that we have a real world example of this role, but for me it comes awfully close to what I imagine a Joker from A Killing Joke (Graphic Novel) to be. Further comparing JP to different Joker portrayals might be fun, but they don't work in the same context, so I won't tell you JP is a better Joker than HL.

4. Don't watch the movie if you're only a Batman fan. For people who are only amazed by how cool the Batman character is, this won't do it for them. This movie needs to be seen as a single uncoupled work of art. Forget Bruce for a second and try to understand how the Joker is the perfect incorporation of what Gotham is.

5. Watch the movie if you like to be challenged. You won't walk out without feeling a tiny bit of empathy for the person Arthut Fleck becomes, and yes he does become a sociopath.

6. This movie reflects society. This movie is in many ways a mirror in whats happening on some parts of our world. This movie shows what happens when people treat other people like garbage. And the elegance of the movie, is that it keeps the discussion so far away from politics.

7. It raises some serious questions. In the beginning Arthur Fleck is just a clown, that has a rough time and we feel for him. At the end he is the Joker that kills people freely and thinks it's funny and even though we don't identify ourselves with this character, we still understand where his thoughts come from. This dissonance between in us that we feel sorry for him in the beginning, that we understand why he becomes the Joker and still wouldn't tolerate anyone that takes such actions in real life is fascinating, to say the least.

8. Will definitely watch it again in the cinema.

For all people that want to see something similar, watch Blue Ruins.

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@artthik great breakdown! The music was really gripping and played a huge part in the film for me.

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IMDB: Top Rated Movies

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Hey, how often is this updated?

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@kbfz all IMDB lists are updated daily, with the exception being the Box Office list. That is updated early Monday after the weekend box office stats are updated.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x02 The Naked Now

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

This is a remake of an episode from the original series; like many remakes, it's inferior to the original. While this one has its moments, some disturbing content--especially implied sexual relations between Data and a human woman--messed this up for me. The language was actually rather clean...until the last scene or two; then they fouled it up.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Implied sex between a male-type android and a human woman; Data is stopped short before making a crude joke. 2/5
Nudity: A woman is seen wearing an outfit that displays her midriff, her back, and a bit of the lower part of her chest. 3/5
Language: Four or so d-words; one or two h-words; two or three misuses of God's name. 2/5
Violence: Sci-fi action violence throughout. 3/5
Drugs: It is said that the reactions that the crew has are like being intoxicated. 4/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Plenty of emotional intensity; the ship nearly gets destroyed; Geordi is seen without his visor. 3/5

Score: 3/5

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@dgw yes, you can do that for public profiles

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Wow. Really liked this movie. The look of it is very dark and kind of dirty but on the other side it's a lot of fun and I thought the stoey was pretty interesting and exciting. Can't wait to watch it at home in 4K.

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I was thinking the same thing, can’t wait to rewatch in 4K HDR at home on my OLED :)

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The Social Network

The rating should at least be in the 90s for sure! Very inspiring movie for me personally. If you have an idea you are trying to get off the ground, watch this movie, then you will start working on it immediately after. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross do an amazing job with the soundtrack. Interesting note that approximately 83% of trakt has been coded while listening to this soundtrack :)

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@antoine-fantoine haha, that's a special badge for myself, @sean, and @jimmy :)

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The Expanse

Reply by Justin NemethDirector


Shout by Deleted

I am not liking at all. Can't connect with any of the character. Find it very boring
I usually love sci-fi

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@chocolatefrog I see you've watched it all now, did your opinion change for the better?

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Ready Player One

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

I could feel a sweet taste in my mouth coming out from the cinema after Ready Player One knowing I’d be coming straight back here, my very own “Oasis”, to write this very review about a movie that I hope will be a landmark for all the other people, who like me live in a world where “pop culture” isn’t just a part of history, but it’s a part of real life… or simply IS real life.

Ready Player One isn’t a movie for everyone. It’s a gem that is only to be understood by the people who it is made for. A hymn bellowing aloud to every single person who struggles in life.

The misunderstood, the shunned… people who don’t know what place they have on this earth, people who don’t know how to start living, people who hide and those who create an invisible shell around themselves separating them from everyone else… people like me… the internet people.

Those of us that live in a world where comic books aren’t just “books with figures for kids”, where videogames aren’t just brainwashing violence, where movies matter and they have to be talked about, where the line between fantasy and what is real and tangible is so thin, that it enables us to expand our minds and so deeply changing every single one of us: the way we talk, the way we look, the way we think, how we interact, how we live!

Those are the people Ready Player One was made for. Me and you reading this.
This is for US.

I feel sorry for those who cannot possibly feel the relevance this movie has. Who did not understand any of the references, the little things this movie was brought up upon, the lingo the characters use, the way they are portraited the way in which it takes them a blink of an eye to feel like family, to trust one another completely and depend on each other, the need they have to feel included and not eclipsed by society.

There is only sadness in that, at least for me writing this, I could not live a life without this, it would be colorless.

Ready Player One is an amalgamation of pop culture concentrated in 2 hours and 20 minutes in the form of a videogame where everything your imagination wants is right in front of you.

The characters will fight against an “EvilCorp” to take control of “Oasis” the virtual reality that is the pinnacle of society’s future by racing to find the ultimate “Easter egg” and ensure the community is safe from exploitation by greedy goblins that do not want you to install “AdBlock” as a mod.

The movie struggles to have a very clear line between real and virtual because of the consistent switches between CGI and “regular” film, this up until the very end where it finds balance and leaves the viewer, who understands what is going on, with a message that to me is most important in all that happens: take a break from the internet.

I shouldn’t need to say this – but render unto Caesar the quality of CGI is out the roof, everything is super-detailed and the animations are PHENOMENAL, which is on-par with the few real-life choreographies that are featured in some of the switches between real and virtual that I mentioned earlier. The colors are so vivid and perfectly placed some of the scenes are dreamy and give a sense of everlasting life to what is happening which further thins the line between you – the viewer and it – the picture.

Steven Spielberg is a master at giving life to what could very well look bland and lifeless and for that, I shall thank him till the day I die.
It’s always a pleasure to see Easter eggs and references inside movies, like we’re used to with the MCU, but I daresay this one is an entire different level.

Let me explain to you why: Everything you see, from the WIRED magazine, to the “Twitch” streaming mention, to the DeLorean to the Iron Giant, Tracer, Halo, Gears of War and also all the Back to the Future tingling sounds that warm my heart, these aren’t just references or Easter eggs, and this is why this movie it SO GOOD, they ARE the movie!

It’s just a facet of our life that is there to remind ourselves that, however sci-fi the movie might look like, if you think deep enough it’s actually a mirror of everyday life (if you’re a nerd, like me).

The story itself isn’t too shallow or a Denis Villeneuve mindfuck, it’s a simple low and high climax with a big reveal and a moral story, so it’s a textbook good story… but it is the way it was shaped to enclose everything that just fucking shoots at your brain so seamlessly that makes it even better.

Besides my personal opinion, I think the cast overall was just spot on. I don’t think I can contribute objectively on this subject, for this particular work.

I rarely enjoy Ben Mendelsohn, especially as a bad guy.

What I can say is that I loved the perpetuating and profusing synergy between Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke. I LOVED how bad-ass Lena Waithe looked OOC and how massive her character looked in-game which also showed some soft spots which gave it more depth.

Win Morisaki did one thing near the end of the movie that I won’t spoil but I screamed the name of that thing in the room and everybody was both pissed and annoyed by me (Don’t regret it)

In general, I just loved the crew altogether, bit of a weak villain but honestly, it’s not that bad, it’s really hard giving dignity to someone who you know is going to lose anyway, unless you are Andrew Kevin Walker and like fucking up everyone’s mind.

To end this review I would like to say I almost cried in 10 scenes purely by nerd-gasm, I definitely cried when Win Morisaki did that thing that I cannot speak of without spoiling, with the big purple sword and that bang-bang-bang-bang and those tin-tin-tin from Back to the Future and also all the brum-brum-brum, also cried on the dance swooshy-swoosh scene where they – and so I kept crying and I had to hold my breath when she did that thing with the bike that they mentioned and that was my big “whoa” and then the movie ended and they said that thing and I was like “fuck that I don’t take days off I gotta learn RS6 Siege”.


You can find my reviews on real life @WiseMMO on Twitter.

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Great review :) I’m curious if you read the book before watching the film? It is quite different, but overall it was super enjoyable and we had a blast watching it. I did wonder if some of the plot and characters were confusing if you aren’t familiar with the book already. I’ll likely see it again with someone who hasn’t read the book and get their opinion on that.

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The Magicians: Season 1

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Average episode rating: 5.923

That feels about right. I could be talked into Math.floor()ing that, too. Oops, I just did.

The season got off to a pretty underwhelming and off-putting start, then got pretty good for a couple episodes before dropping back into the trap of overly sexualizing every situation possible.

Hollywood writers—especially any who work for Syfy—say it with me: Not everything is about sex.


Say it again.

Repeat until you actually understand the words.

I call out Syfy writers specifically because one need only look at the other shows on their slate recently to find examples of characters being put in bed with each other for no particular reason other than "sex sells". It happens in Killjoys a lot, too—another Syfy Original. Based on just the two, I'm not inclined to give any other Syfy original shows a chance. (I haven't watched enough of Wynonna Earp to know if it also falls into this trap, but the likelihood that I will ever watch another episode of that show has just dropped even further.)

Between characters screwing each other at every possible opportunity and the sheer amount of gratuitous blood & gore, I'm downright resentful that I still want to know what happens next. This show wasn't fun to watch, and it's not even using the sex and violence to make a worthwhile point. The real surprise for me, at this point, is that I managed to get through the whole season in just under 9 months.

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@dgw Yeah, sounds like it's worth adding a new UserVoice topic with these ideas and examples :)

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What the Health
What the Health

Shout by Snowrunner

It's not really a documentary. It's essentially a 90 minute OpEd piece telling you to go Vegan.

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@snowrunner so, did it work?

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What the Health
Steven Universe: Season 4

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Numeration off from 4x09.
Gem Harvest is 4x08 and 4x09 episodes.
Three Gems and a Baby is 4x10.
Steven's Dream is 4x11 and so on.

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@s-ed As mentioned, we use TVDB for this info. Also, please post a support.trakt.tv ticket for data issues since we don't monitor comments for this.

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Before the Flood

Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-11-03T21:18:16Z— updated 2017-02-25T20:37:09Z

This movie had changed my look to everything, literally, everything.

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@abdullah_alamri I highly recommend https://trakt.tv/movies/cowspiracy-the-sustainability-secret-2014 as well. Leonardo DiCaprio also produced that documentary and its extremely well done.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Reply by Justin NemethDirector


Shout by Deleted

Glenn, we all gonna miss you but I've just to say that they couldn't let down the comic fans, it was just his destiny; just go back and re-watch the entire series, in different occasions they play with his death or his fate being hit by Lucille.
For what concerns Abraham, he could confirm the Orange Crush theory, he was loved by the fans but not so much in order to completely shock them (see Daryl's or Carl's fans... they are really tough and dangerous (just kidding) fans, ha)... what I mean is that two deaths are the best way not only to give the proper Glenn's death to the comic fans, but also the death of one of the most loved characters... all this waiting, hype and misterious death theories and then what? Glenn dying? just like in the comics? well, if so you could have killed him right in episode 7x16, but adding Abraham to the "Lucille scene" it makes a lot more sense to me!
Shame on who spoiled (1/2- 2 months ago) the number of deaths and Carl "losing a hand"! it seems to be one of the crew members!

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@alex-a-f4575973-b68f-4f02-bfd5-036d8555f783 Yes, please indicate spoilers correctly. It is a requirement when posting comments.

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IMDB: Popular TV Shows

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Awesome list. So much to watch and so little time :(

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@crist_miranda Agreed! Lots of interesting shows, but not enough time!

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IMDB: Top Rated TV Shows

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Nice list, but you have the wrong Game of Thrones. The correct one is https://trakt.tv/shows/game-of-thrones
Also, there are two Cosmos entries for the same show here on trakt (don't ask me why). The more popular of the two is https://trakt.tv/shows/cosmos-a-spacetime-odyssey

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@thefork good catch, sometimes people add shows as movies on TMDB for some reason which appears to be the case here. I'll make the logic a bit better so it will only include actual TV shows moving forward.

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Fortitude: Season 1

Your list is missing ep 12. It's listed on both iTunes and Amazon

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@daptonic only 11 are listed on TVDB which is our source. Also it is best to post issues at support.trakt.tv in the future. Thanks.


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How I Met Your Mother: 8x06 Splitsville

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

6.8/10. This is a hard one to judge. There's so much mixed up, broad humor in the episode that doesn't work particularly well, most of it centered around Nick. But there's also some of the classic comedy of the gang just pal-ing around with one another that really does. And hey, I may be a Barney-Robin skeptic, but NPH absolutely kills Barney's big speech to Nick about being in love with Robin. It's those sort of earnest, or at least earnest-seeming moments from an otherwise cartoonish character that have been missing all too often in the various love stories the show's tried to pull of between the two characters. Of course, Barney claims it's a feint so they can draw out the romantic tension for longer, but it's still a great moment.

That said, the side bits were pretty funny. Ted trying to be braggy about a pickup basketball league is the kind of goofy, self-depricating humor that works. And while the virulent anti-Patrice shtick is one of my least favorite running gags on the show, Barney's "BFF day invitation" threat feels true to the character and enjoyable. And while Marshall's similar basketball obsession is also broad, Lily continuing to bring up elaborate details about the Danish exchange student is just silly enough to work, and Ted looking after Marvin so Marshall and Lily can have sex is oddly sweet. Overall, there's just a smidge too much dumb humor for this episode to be considered good but there's still some pretty good stuff there.


I forget is Barney's speech is part of "The Robin" or not. "The Robin" really infuriated me as to how horrible it was and kind of broke my faith in the show, so I'm at a weird crossroads not remembering how it began exactly. If Barney's speech is real (and I think it's at least, partially real, right?) then it's still a nice moment to bring the two of them back together, but if it's part of that freaking insane scheme, than the whole damn thing is kind of tainted.

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@andrewbloom @ds1 FYI, I'll be pushing a change this week that won't auto reveal inline spoilers. I think this is a good option to try first and should allow spoilers to be always marked inline, but the top level comment will auto reveal if they watched the item.

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Stranger Things

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

If Stephen King and Steven Spielberg had a baby, this is EXACTLY what it would look it.

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@hwlr that's great news! I'm only 2 episodes in, but loving it so far and excited it will continue beyond season 1.

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Sing Street

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Homage to 80s music, first love and big brothers. This was a pleasant surprise in last night's sneak preview. One of the best music movies I have ever seen and easily a top 5 movie for 2016. Watch it!

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Fully agree, we saw it for free at a sneak peak too. I didn't know much about it, but the music and movie are really awesome.

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The Last Ship: Season 3

Reply by Justin NemethDirector

Why there are no air dates? the show is already back

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In the future, please open a support.trakt.tv ticket when there are data issues.

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