Kajol Kajju


Colombo, Sri Lanka


best romantic movie right after the conjuring movies. the two main characters are relationship goals

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@marahefner but this isn't a romance movie. :unamused:

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Merry Christmas

The ending didn't make sense to me.

Why would the kid saying that Vijay gave her the toy implicate him or Kat? As per their police statement, Vijay had met Kat & her kid at the church and then they all drove to Kat's home too. So he can say he had given the toy to the kid during any of that time. How does that make him look guilty?

Also, why would Kat wear the ring Vijay was offering? That would make HER look like an accomplish; that both of them were lovers and did the murder together.

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@vicky_buddy Although true, Annie can talk now so she will eventually tell the police on questioning about last night's ordeal. So Vijay might have thought of doing so what he did rather than escalating it further.

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Kaala Paani

Kaala Paani (Black Water) is about the unraveling of a society under crisis. An epidemic strikes the island, and the show follows characters on disparate journeys as they all come to understand how civility is a thin veneer, and there are different rules for survival in a dystopia. Netflix bills this as their first Indian survival drama, and if that’s what you’re looking for, this delivers.

Kaala Paani remains rooted in Indian drama, with enough familiar Bollywood tropes and super dramatic acting to satisfy (or frustrate, depending on taste). The setting of a near-future Andaman and Nicobar adds a little freshness for seasoned viewers of both Indian dramas and english post-apocalyptic drama (why so many desert wastelands?). But if you like this show, credit is due to the writer’s clarity of idea — the human aspect of epidemic survival — and the director’s focus on execution. The team said yes to liberal use of fable & philosophy tropes, yes to time skips, yes and yes again to flashbacks (make it like Oprah’s giving them away), and no to in-depth explanations of science/procedure/things-that-aren’t-drama. The focus is entirely on the character journeys undertaken by a set of individuals from a distribution of roles across the island society. The actors all did very well, and most have juicy dramatic bits preceded by overlong childhood flashbacks (can you tell my biggest quibble? yet they are a classic Indian trope that can’t be escaped… get it?) to hammer in that character development. This is not a mystery series: there are no twists, no red herrings. But the 7 episodes are meaty with social drama, seasoned with the urgency of a thriller, and light on the boring gristle. Overall, Kaala Paani will hits the spot. And if my review hasn’t put you off it, I think you’ll enjoy it too.

A second season is possible but not required. The epidemic isn’t fully resolved (given the time frame it can’t be anyway), but most characters have reached a climax and denouement to complete their arc. If continued, here’s hoping the writing remains true to concept with new character journeys so that the energy stays high.

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@madanaka The islanders will survive eventually. But the people on the ship will most definitely not. That ship was like the Titanic.

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Started out as a decent enough show. Degenerated into woke rubbish and soap opera style drama that had little to do with actual medical drama. That this crud got multiple Emmys just shows how irrelevant and broken the Emmys are.

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@perjonsson Hi, I'm just curious but why are you watching the whole show if you don't like its drama part? I mean medical drama means drama in the hospital. This show and many other medical dramas showcase the medical part of the hospital and the drama between doctors and nurses in the hospital. Its purpose is to entertain. If you want 100% medical part then why not just opt out of the show? Abandoned it. All your comments on every episode seem so negative. If I don't like a show this much as you do I just drop it and watch something else.

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You: 3x05 Into the Woods

No one else said anything about this but I will. Love obviously enjoyed watching Theo getting a blow job, but Theo was also watching her watching him. I think he planned it that way to try and make her jealous. It's working.

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@thenightwolf Exactly. Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. And no one is talking about it. He definitely planned it out and also was obviously loud so she could hear him. He is just making her jealous and she is gonna do something about it... good or bad... well.. learning towards bad. Ugh!

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Euphoria: 2x03 Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys

this is not going to end well.

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@anaa_mgs Agreed. She just dug it herself.

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New Amsterdam: 4x02 We're in This Together

I used to enjoy this show, I think it was for the most part season 1 & 2, then it started going to shit, at least in my opinion. I am wanting to enjoy it, but it is missing what it originally had. I will continue to try and watch this season and see if it gets any better but I enjoy "The Resident" much more at least at this point.

Looks like Trakt.tv has the name of this episode reversed with S04E03. This episode is called "We're In This Together". I just informed Trakt.tv so it should get fixed.

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@thenightwolf OMG! Yess! The Resident is so much better. That and The Good Doctor, so very interesting. New Amsterdam was looking promising but ya after 2 seasons it has lost its zing. Is it because they are done with written material? Like this was based loosely on a book right?

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New Amsterdam: 4x02 We're in This Together


I agree with most of what Marc's already said. But: Helen and Max are just boring. Sorry, but their appeal was the will they/won't they routine. Now that they're together, there isn't much left to tell about these characters.

What's missing is interesting medical riddles, handling patients which was once a strength of this show. But it all gets bogged down by Iggy's issues (which are the most boring of all), by Floyd's love triangle, by Lauren's relationship issues. And let's not mention all those manager-decisions... o no, we can't close down the ICU, we'll rather staff it with people who haven't worked in an ICU for a long time or not at all etc. That's negligent at best (especially since it doesn't solve the underlying issue of a lack of competent doctors for the ICU).

I still like this show, but some kind of upheavel is needed to make it interesting again.

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@nicky2910 I'm with you on that. It has become boring and something has to happen medically to really uplift the season. Also I don't think Max and Helen are gonna last long in this relationship. Not to mention the new character that Karen called is going to do things her way and Max is gonna see it and reconsider moving to London with Helen.

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Prodigal Son: 2x12 Sun and Fun

Holy shit i never wanted to punch someone in the throat so bad when she started screaming. Nails on a chalk board

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@j_345 Omg! Yes! My poor ears! She is so irritating, more than Jessica.

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

I get why everyone is pissed, cz I'm pissed too. But in the end and deep down in our hearts we knew this was coming. One of them is gonna die and one of them is gonna have to live a full life and bring the next generation Winchester out into the world. It was a given in my opinion. Or on the other hand they both die and we still are pissed off about it. The writers just had the audacity to not mention anyone in this last episode of the effing SERIES! Like, WHAT!? WHY!? Why wasn't Cas there to welcome Dean? Why didn't the other hunters come back? Why didn't jack come to meet Dean and Sam? What happened to Judy and the girls? Just why did they had to die anyway? Why did Dean die like that? Why did I ugly cry when Dean was dead and then again when Sam was on his death bed taking his last breathe and then again when Carry On was playing?? WHY? WHY?? UGH!!!
I'm just happy its finally over. But seriously, so many questions were unanswered.

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@vwfringe I get what you are saying but I think we just wanted more from the episode than what we got. While watching it I was happy with it but after it ended I was left with questions and sadness that Cas and Jack weren't there. Judy and the girls too. Just wanted all of them to be there you know for the last shot at least. Or just mentioning what happened or what nots... just anything I guess. Jensen wasn't happy with the ending either, and tbh no one is. It just feels rushed and incomplete. SPN cast and crew has been great on screens and off screen. Especially the meetings and how they are so friendly and down to earth with their fans. Love them all and bless them.
Now that it's over, it's okay to move on.

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Review by Deleted

So, where does the movie Signs fit in? Well, it's not quite as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable, but it's not quite as bad as The Happening or The Village or Lady in the Water. It's kind of in the middle. So you watch Signs, and you're like, "Hey, that wasn't... that wasn't as good as the first two. I mean, like, every director has a movie that's not as good as the other ones. But I'm okay with that, maybe their next one will be better." This feels so unbalanced now; the first two movies had this glorification before I started insulting them, but there's really not that much good about this movie at all. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix did well to play their characters. However, the child actors did not hold up and they were a sore pot for me when watching this movie. There's just so much wrong with this movie, like the fact that aliens invaded a planet with the EXACT liquid compound that covers more than 90% of the earth that could kill them on contact AND did it naked. I don't even feel like talking about all of it. Overall, Not as good as the other ones.

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@mitzle-deleted-1476635645 and you still gave it an 8? :thinking:

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