


Prison Break: 5x04 The Prisoner's Dilemma

I knew from the start that something wrong with Sara's husband.

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Girlboss: 1x10 Vintage Fashion Forum

It's totally amazing how they pictured forum.

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Prison Break: 5x02 Kaniel Outis

I thought that was obvious. If someone not responding on name that they call him and they know another his name who is pretending to be, then call by it.

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Prison Break: 4x15 Going Under

Lincoln is the same murderer like a lot of people in this TV-Show. T-Bag at least not pretending that he's good.

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Girl Meets World: 2x15 Girl Meets I Am Farkle

Wow! Thank you, Disney! Now I know I'm on the Autism Spectrum.

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Bones: 12x12 The End in the End

It is not ordinary way to end TV Show but I'm really happy that all worked out.

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30 Rock: 7x13 Last Lunch

That show was one of the best. Tina Fey is genius. Thanks for every episode.
Oh my forking God! Kenneth!

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The Blacklist: 1x18 Milton Bobbit

Great episode. Finally started real action with Tom. Cool scene when Lizzy was breaking his things on emotions.
Lord Voldemort )=:

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Girlboss: 1x11 Garbage Person

Like mother, like daughter.
P.S. OMG, Pete from 30 Rock.

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Prison Break: 4x22 Killing Your Number

That's not honest. At all.

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Secrets and Lies: 2x10 The Truth

It was scary moment with Amanda and Kate on the roof. I cried. Kate doesn't deserved to die.
Now about Amanda. I thought that was her from the first episode. Right after the incident when Cornell was asking questions to all of them, Amanda wasn't fully grieving and she was defending herself, not her brother. And all her lies through the season. At least, actress is very good.

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The Magicians: 2x04 The Flying Forest

Even though Marina was a psycho she was kinda cute. Sad that she died. I hope they´will show her sometime as memory.

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Falling Water: 1x10 Circular Time

Cool thing with answer on "His name is..." in the final scene. And sadly, not fully happy end for Burton.

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The Blacklist: 1x12 The Alchemist

Same mistake again and again. You do not leave people alone who can be killed soon, especially when they say "Who the hell are you?" to their own lawyers.

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The Magicians: 1x13 Have You Brought Me Little Cakes

Yes! I knew that Martin is the Beast. Since episode where he can't again travel to Fillory.
The end was mind blowing.

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Blindspot: 2x20 In Words, Drown I

Shout by katamberka

I assume, that someone are Prison Break fans :D Yes, they tried, but there was sooo many stupid things and mistakes. The most stupid was to think that Devon don't know how Zapata looks like.

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Emerald City: 1x06 Beautiful Wickedness

Shout by katamberka

Why is everyone call him "The Wizard"? He is not using magic at all and don't like when someone else is. So why?!
Sylvie is cute, even though she killed several people. And the idea that somewhere girls-witches like her is interesting.
West still the coolest person in this mess.

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Younger: 3x10 Pigeons, Parrots, and Storks

I still do not remember name of Diana's boyfriend, but he is creepy. She deserves much better.

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The Magicians: 1x06 Impractical Applications

Marina is a total psycho.

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Emerald City: 1x05 Everybody Lies

Shout by katamberka

First you call Dorothy "the beast" and 1 minute later "You've come home". Make up your mind.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x07 Call It Mother’s Intuition

"Because you're my puppet."

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Outlander: 2x01 Through a Glass, Darkly

This is one heartbreaking episode.

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Girlboss: 1x12 I Come Crashing

Actually I liked that song.

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Prison Break: 3x04 Good Fences

Why Linc still not said to Michael about Sara's death? Selfish bastard. He would've help anyway.

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Bones: 12x08 The Grief and the Girl

Shout by katamberka

And still... Why are they killed Max?!

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Girl Meets World: 2x06 Girl Meets the Tell-Tale-Tot

"It's not a crush. It isn't." I feel you, Maya.

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The Good Place: 2x12 Somewhere Else

Ok, that cliffhanger kinda worse than in the first season ending.

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30 Rock: 6x13 Grandmentor

"We're on a show within a show! My real name is Tracy Morgan!"

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30 Rock: 7x05 There's No I in America

"I mean, the Parcells have been in this country since we went berserk and murdered everybody at Roanoke, but I never felt like a true American until today."

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The Blacklist: 4x10 The Forecaster

Am I the only one who understand why Red killed (tried to) Kate? She knew that Liz is everything to him. And yet she came with the idea how to make that Red would never ever saw Liz again. Yes, maybe to protect her, but that was totally stupid. Everyone who really knows Red, understand that he's the only one who can protect. That means Kate lost belief in Red. And without it she could've did even worse things to him. Yes, Red could've sent Kate free away. But killing is just his way. And, actually, when closest friend betrays you it feels like you've been killed, inside.
P.S. Liz is just ungrateful 13-year-old.

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