Kevin Cador

56 Followers15 Following

Brussels, Belgium

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Reply by Kevin Cador


Shout by Val
BlockedParent2019-09-03T22:12:38Z— updated 2024-03-19T15:20:48Z

Orientalism at its best :person_facepalming_tone1:♀:person_facepalming_tone1:♀

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I had the exact same thought (same about Men in Black: International).

I didn’t know the term orientalism so I had to search it. Thanks for adding this to my knowledge :innocent:

I guess Hollywood is still stuck and didn’t progress that much on that point. It’s a shame because I find it so ridiculous that it takes me out of the movie/show every time it happens. And I’m even not from or living in the Middle East/North Africa.

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Reply by Kevin Cador

Great fun, but a little happy slappy for me. DC is better when it's dark lol. Good film though, but a shame they couldn't even cast Henry Cavill at the end for those 2 seconds lol.

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Thought exactly the same about Henry Cavill. Also like it way better when darker.

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Mortal Engines

Reply by Kevin Cador

Nice try to make a new Star wars and another Death Star!!

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With a Terminator and another Sarah Connor.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Reply by Kevin Cador

As much as I liked the first installment of this movie, the second installment (more of a continuation than a sequel) blows Volume 1 out of the water. The violence and action-packed "Volume 1" sets the stage for an often thoughtful and humanistic storyline.

For me, the best part of this movie was seeing Tarantino at work. Tarantino the writer started with a completely blanks slate and made something that (not unlike is other films) is a little off-kilter. The story moves along at a pace that he sees fit and he isn't afraid to stop the story to go tell another story. Tarantino the director is even better here. I can't remember the last modern film where the director uses music and color to add flavor to his story. At times the story turns to black and white, at other times 70's funk plays to bring the viewer back to the genre that Tarantino grew up with. The opening scene is the perfect example of this: Uma Thurman driving a convertible down a road, almost romanticizing her vendetta. The wind barely touches her hair and she doesn't once look at the road. The since is shot in a surreal color scheme - not quite black and white, maybe more of a silvery effect.

Also, don't be afraid to watch this movie without seeing the first one.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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The craziest is that I read that Kill Bill was written and shot as only one movie. That’s also why The Hateful Eight is considered Tarantino’s 8th movie and not 9th.

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Ocean's Eight

Why didn't they switch the necklace? At the moment of robbery why didn't they put the fake one? It would have been a lot cleaner, not alerting everyone. When they "found" the fake necklace and returned it, it should have been a huge alert for them to check and see immediately that it is fake

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Thought the same at the moment it happened. But then they couldn’t do the job inside the job inside the job. First job was the necklace. Second job was to frame the ex. And third job was to stole the other pieces.

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Reply by Kevin Cador

movie is almost entirely run by the really bad and cheesy villains...

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Are you referring to the oversized animals or the brother and sister? :p

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Reply by Kevin Cador

A surprising amount of fun. Jack Black and Kevin Ryan just about steal the film, but Dwayne Johnson is also really great at comedy.

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You mean Kevin Hart right? :D

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Reply by Kevin Cador

I didn’t expect anything from It. I didn’t see the first cinematographic adaptation. I didn’t read the book. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie a lot. It didn’t feel that scary to me but I loved the story (duh), the acting and the overall atmosphere of the movie.

I liked the 80s style. It made me think about Stranger Things and The Goonies. I think it is mostly due to the actors, characters and the setting of the movies/show. Kids in dark and scary places underground.

The bully was maybe a bit too psycho-crazy for me. Felt a bit off. I was looking for a more violent death for him and the abusive father.

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@Dmx agreed. They also tried to push the comedy too hard sometimes. It’s difficult to find good scripts done for kids.

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