Kevin Cador

56 Followers15 Following

Brussels, Belgium

Bird Box

I didn’t expect anything from It. I didn’t see the first cinematographic adaptation. I didn’t read the book. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie a lot. It didn’t feel that scary to me but I loved the story (duh), the acting and the overall atmosphere of the movie.

I liked the 80s style. It made me think about Stranger Things and The Goonies. I think it is mostly due to the actors, characters and the setting of the movies/show. Kids in dark and scary places underground.

The bully was maybe a bit too psycho-crazy for me. Felt a bit off. I was looking for a more violent death for him and the abusive father.

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I still don’t understand why the Indian ex-special-force who is pretty skilled didn’t try to extract the boy on his own. Hiring a third party then piss them off by not paying them is a bit stupid.

Loved the camera work and the numerous fist and gun fight scenes. The slap on the face of the child-soldier was hilarious :joy:.

I didn’t care too much about the ex-wife and the sick then dead boy backstory. Why are these kind of character always half-alcoholic half-suicidal because they lost a member of their family?!?

All in all an entertaining action movie if you don’t pay too much attention to the script and the use of many cliché :sweat_smile:.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

Shout by Kevin Cador
BlockedParent2023-06-13T06:40:38Z— updated 2024-05-08T09:03:37Z

I just want to watch the one-take fight scene in the hallway again! No Sleep Till Brooklyn the rewatch!!!

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Didn’t expect to enjoy it that much. It was a lot of fun to watch. A lot of jokes landed really well, some didn’t but it’s okay.

I’m still thinking about the chase with the big dragon bit and it makes me smile the day after :blush:

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The Harder They Fall

Incredible casting but no story or character development… like in a lot of other western movie.

One difference with other westerns is the music. I love this kind of music and it’s good to hear JAY-Z, Jadakiss or Lauryn Hill but I think it wasn’t a good fit for this movie style and the pace of the movie.

If you’re looking for a revisited western movie, with a great (partly black) cast and some good hip-hop with a western twist music, you’re better with Django Unchained.

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This movie should be titled Jeff :robot:. That’s it. That’s my review.

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Army of Thieves

Is it me or Brad Cage looked more like Hugh Jackman than Brad or Cage? Or does it mean that if Brad and Cage had a son he would look like Hugh!? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I liked the movie. It was an entertaining heist movie. It’s not a Zack Snyder movie. It’s not a zombie movie. It’s a Matthias Schweighöfer heist movie.

Matthias Schweighöfer is perfect in his role, his face and body expressions are so funny!

It was also great to see Nathalie Emmanuel. She’s just… extremely lovable which made her perfect for the role. I’ve seen her in Game of Thrones only before this.

Two less positive notes:
1) It was hard for me to take Jonathan Cohen seriously because I watched him in something else (La Flamme) and I thought his English acting needed some work.
2) It’s a shame that this movie didn’t come before Army of the Dead. It would have been a good introduction for the “main” movie even if, as I said, both movies have close to nothing in common expect some context.

PS: the guys that were in charge of the animation of the mechanisms inside the safes did an excellent job!

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Lot of fun with the kids. Watched in French (for the kids). I thought the fact that all songs were in the original language (English) would disappoint them but it didn’t. They had a blast.

Ended movie night with some of the original songs like Somebody to Love by Queen.

Now looking for the movie soundtrack :notes::eyes:

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The Simpsons: The Good, the Bart, and the Loki

“This is what happens when Disney buys Marvel and Fox” :joy:

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That 9-year-old child is a solid actress! You can find her in Them on Amazon Prime with the same mother but in a totally different genre. As I said, solid actress.

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Put your brain on “off” mode…

Then enjoy a mix of a bunch of movies and sci-fi concepts without expecting too much even if they try to wrap it with smart quotes and narration.

I would’ve loved this movie when I was 13. Now it made me smile and rolled my eyes a couple of times. But it entertained me for an evening.

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I watched it in French because I like watching movies in the original version with the original voices. It’s also my mother (and father) tongue. I don’t know if it’s this movie or maybe I watched too many movies in English but every interactions felt fake. Maybe because a lot of the interactions are with the AI or with other people on the “phone” which is different in terms of acting than playing with other actors.

Anyway, I liked the premise. It made me think about Buried. I liked all the sci-fi twists and how the sci-fi part grows along the movie.

I didn’t like how the AI was sometimes not smart at all but it just helps the movie. Also the communication part that always need amplification and the reach of it doesn’t make a lot of sense. But again, it helps building the suspense up.

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The Mitchells vs. the Machines

Lots of dad jokes. Made me laugh out loud. I think the kids laughed but I’m not sure because… I’m really loud :joy:

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

Never read the books but I guess Tom Clancy’s work translates pretty good on the “big” screen. I’m wondering if Amazon is planning to make a crossover with Jack Ryan. I would like that.

Only thing I didn’t like in this movie was the prison scene. I think it went to fast and he made it out way to easily.

Overall entertaining and good.

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The Father

This may be one of the saddest movie I’ve watched. Not an easy subject but an easy watch thanks to good writing, performance, direction,... did I mention writing and performance? Yes, twice!

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Monster Hunter

It wasn’t bad for the genre. I mean the video game adaptation genre.

I didn’t play the game so I didn’t look at anything else than the entertaining factor and that was okay.

I had to laugh at the Rambo 3 gunpowder cauterization scene. We know who did it first so the question is who did it better :joy:?

Some funny moment due to the language barrier between the two monter hunters. Just a shame that they had to have one perfect English speaker in the other world to make the plot go forward.

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Outside the Wire

Didn’t like it much. Still don’t know what the message of the movie was. Maybe they tried to push too many and the lost focus is my problem.

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Escape from Pretoria

The keys crafting and door unlock parts are some next level MacGyver stuff :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also made me think about what Prison Break would be if it was a tiny bit realistic.

Anyway, not the greatest movie but the tension is so high it ends up to be highly entertaining.

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The Lie

Long story short : don’t lie. If you do, try to be clever when covering it.

Almost stopped before the end of the movie because the parents were acting stupid. Almost missed the final plot twist.

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The Devil All the Time

The first hour felt like 2… or 3 hours but keep on watching. The second half is better paced and has some Tarantino movie vibes.

The cast is amazing and the build-up really interesting. The back and forth in time is well done.

I really liked the narrator’s flow and spirit. I was happy to find out he’s the book author the movie is based on.

“They's a lot of no-good sonofabitches out there."
Arvin asks, "More than a hundred?"
Willard laughed a little and put the truck in gear. "Yeah, at least that many.”

― Donald Ray Pollock, The Devil All the Time

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I love that the runtime is around 40min because Zoom. Pretty realistic if you ask me :joy:

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The Tax Collector

For me, this movie was boring for the genre.
Also, found too many WTF scenes and “why is/are he/they doing that?” moments.
Wouldn’t recommend it to anybody.

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First Cow

Another kind of movie. I didn’t know what I was watching... still not 100% sure. Sometimes slow but always entertaining.

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I loved it. Easily one of the best movies I watched recently and this year too.
The acting, the photography, the soundtrack, the story,... I loved everything about his movie.

Everything but one :point_up:. I think the scene where we see Thomas and Martha Wayne be killed was too similar to every time we see their death on tv. I would’ve loved to see another take on that one or at least not see the actual details. I would’ve preferred to see only the shot where we see Bruce over their dead body.

Still a :100:

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Fighting with My Family

I didn’t expect to like this one that much. Not a big wrestling fan but the story and themes took me by surprise.

I still don’t understand how this movie is categorized as a comedy. Okay, some moments are funny but definitely more drama than comedy.

The Rock appeared just enough. Could have been too much.

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I loved this movie. One of the best Christmas movie on my list :christmas_tree:

There are multiple themes and I loved the way all of them are presented. The friendship between Jesper and Klaus, the father/son relationship, the spirituality around Klaus’s wife and his way of dealing with the passing of his wife,...

All the little details that makes this movie a Santa Klaus origin story is gold.

The animation style and the drawings are a bit old school but as soon as you are used to them, you are taken in a wonderful journey.

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Point Blank

When a women is pregnant in a movie and the name of one of the character is repeated over and over again and you have this strong feeling the guy is going to die and the baby’s going to be named after him.

Or when the obviously good cop tells the not so obviously good cop that there are bad cops in the unit and you have this strong feeling the supposedly bad cop is going to kill the good cop.

Action was entertaining but nothing extraordinary and a lot of obvious twists made it boring sometimes.

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