Kevin Cador

56 Followers15 Following

Brussels, Belgium

The Twilight Zone: 1x01 The Comedian

It made me think about Death Note. Especially the part with the notebook. But also made me think about Black Mirror. I honestly do not remember a single episode of the previous The Twilight Zone series so I can't say if Black Mirror should've make me think about The Twilight Zone in the first place :thinking:.

The episode was too slow for me. I watched it because it's ** The Twilight Zone** and because I like Kumail Nanjiani. Otherwise I would have stopped watching to be honest.

Hope the second episode has a better pace. I like this kind of short stories and the ”it makes me think” feeling.

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Ted Lasso: 1x10 The Hope That Kills You

The Lasso Special at the end made me smile big time. I’m now wondering if something like that has ever been done and if it would work :thinking:

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The Boys: 1x02 Cherry

I love Frenchie but they should have casted a native French actor. I’m sure it’s not that difficult. Sometimes the French lines are not super fluid or not totally on point but I guess only a French native will hear it.

At least he was listening to Youssoupha :grin:. Hope to hear more French rap thanks to this character.

The soundtracks are great so far regardless of the langage :notes:.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

I’m always feeling like the episode went too fast. The end credits kinda surprise me again. I’m not talking about the pacing of the show. It is great. So great that every episode feels like it’s gone in like 15 minutes. I loved Wanda Vision but it didn’t do that. Am I the only one?

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Away: 1x02 Negative Return

The music is still too intense in this one.

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Rick and Morty: 4x05 Rattlestar Ricklactica

The :snake: civilisation story was perfect. Didn’t care about Jerry’s side story at all. But who does, right?

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Evil: 1x09 Exorcism Part 2

Shout by Kevin Cador
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-12-06T21:23:13Z— updated 2019-12-08T10:04:42Z

Didn’t expect the ending :exploding_head:

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Evil: 1x01 Genesis 1

Liked the premise and to see Luke Cage in a different role :muscle::nerd:

The “you can’t read in dreams” part made me do some research to confirm. I like a show that makes me think and drop little facts like that :man:‍:school:

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Stranger Things: 3x05 Chapter Five: The Flayed

This Russian guy really looks like The Terminator :joy:

Really liked this action packed episode. I was surprised by two scene transitions that I found very cool. Acting, script, direction and photography is on top, as always with Stranger Things!

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Lost in Space: 1x08 Trajectory

Okay. Didn’t see that coming. I mean, everybody saw Will being the naïve child he is, Dr Smith being the most destructive and manipulative but purposeless human being there is,... but the ending of this episode was exploding-face-emoji. The episode was funnier and cheesier than the previous ones. Maybe that’s why I didn’t see it coming. Now I’m waiting to see if they are going to somehow make it. Because let’s face it. They are the two badass and least annoying characters of the show. I don’t want them to be dead but I don’t want them to come back like nothing happened either. Them or the robot, not both. What would be your choice?

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Instinct: 1x01 Pilot

It made me think about Perception. The professor who helps a cop with his psycho knowledge. And the professor is of course a bit of a psycho himself (maybe less here than in Perception).

It was still fun to watch. Maybe because I think the actor’s skills and the direction is way above Perception.

I just hope the writers can come up with interesting and good paced cases for each and every episodes. Otherwise it will become just another show about a “cop with a civilian partner” who solve the same type of boring and expected case.

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The Mandalorian: 3x08 Chapter 24: The Return

Just two words : Din Grogu :joy:

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

This first part of season 4 is a masterpiece in storytelling :100:

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Stranger Things: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy

The buildup in this episode is incredible. The use of music on the show in general and for the plot is just pure genius.

Yes, some parts are slower and maybe a bit boring at time like the Russian/Hopper storyline but that comeback is going to be awesome… I feel it. Also, it can’t be too easy and it needs building.

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The Morning Show: 2x10 Fever

UBA+ aka Cory+ on Apple TV+ :upside_down:

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Ted Lasso: 2x09 Beard After Hours

This is the “hate it or love it” kind of episode. The difficulty with Ted Lasso is that the main thing is so brilliant that this kind of off-road episode can be hard to be appreciated.

There was an episode like that in Atlanta and more recently in Mythic Quest — also on Apple TV+. But I think they missed something here.
In Atlanta it was a real off-road, this one is half way off.
In Mythic Quest the purpose was to give context on the present day or on the background of lesser known character, this one is just a confirmation of what’s been glimpsed all along.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x01 The Duel

I’m clearly not objective about this one because it’s just a mix of things I just love: Star Wars, Samurai/japan culture, manga style drawings, gorgeous and detailed animation,…

The amazing part is that it’s mixed just right, with a lot of respect. Respect! :100:

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Young Rock: 1x01 Working the Gimmick
  • Does this feel fake? ... Then it's not fake. You never use the F word. Comprends?
  • Yes.
  • Good. Now we hug.


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Your Honor: 1x04 Part Four

In this episode, the part where everybody is at the table made me think about this expression: “you could cut the atmosphere with a knife”. Solid acting, good writing.

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The Mandalorian: 2x07 Chapter 15: The Believer

Love that they made him fight without his helmet, suit and utility belt. Showing us that he’s not just Batman. Mando is Superman with a Batman suit.

They also made Mando remove his helmet. The child truly means more to him than Moff Gideon will ever know.

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The Mandalorian: 2x03 Chapter 11: The Heiress

No, I have enough pets. :joy:

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Arrested Development: 4x06 Double Crossers

I started binge-watching Arrested Development a month ago on Netflix. I didn’t know anything about the show history and the gaps between seasons.

Now, I understand why this season feels different. I mean, really different… in a not-so-good way :disappointed:

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Away: 1x01 Go

A lot of drama. With a lot of [Epic music playing] on top.

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The Boys: 2x03 Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men

I’m disgusted every time Homelander drinks milk now. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m vegan. It’s just the way he drinks it... since the baby bottle in episode 1 :face_vomiting:

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Lovecraft Country: 1x03 Holy Ghost

Best episode for me so far.
First episode was a bit slow to setup.
Second episode was too fast with too many things happening.
This one was just perfect!

I didn’t expect the horror and racism mix to be this powerful… but it makes sense now that I’m writing it.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

I already miss Phil (aka Modern Family’s MVP) :cry::cry::cry:

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Messiah: 1x05 So That Seeing They May Not See

This episode was weak compared to the other episodes. I felt less engaged.

Also, I’m amazed by the low number of comments for this show so far. I guess it will start flooding later or I need to continue watching to see why nobody is commenting :see_no_evil:

I’m still hooked :innocent:

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

How do you know so much about The Spice Girls :joy:

Also, The Deep sub-plot was so funny until... :dolphin::boom::truck:

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Servant: 1x01 Reborn

Really liked the camera work on this first episode. Great setup episode.
I stayed far from spoilers so I didn’t know what to expect. Watched the next 2 episodes in a row. I love that the runtime is 30 minutes.

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Watchmen: 1x08 A God Walks into Abar

You need to watch the post-credits scene :see_no_evil:

I loooooooooved everything about this episode except the Cal/Manhattan look at the end... especially without the glowing eyes.

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