


Captain America: The First Avenger

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-01-27T05:02:10Z— updated 2022-04-04T22:03:12Z

maybe im a sucker for post 1990s set movies maybe im a sucker for bucky and peggy, who knows. i do know that this movie is amazing & worth every rewatch ive done before trakt and will do in the future.

rewatch apr 4: every time i rewatch this i sit through the credits just to watch one of the worst after credit scenes ever made.

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Catch Me If You Can

the kelly scene is the best, u can see frank only truly wanted to b loved and have a full family again

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Iron Man

this ending will never get old! love it

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love love love!!!!!!!! fourth wall breaks are so fun, especially all the references to ryan reynolds. :)

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Die Hard

best movie ever. so enjoyable and never bores me such a good concept

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The Avengers

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-02-05T03:53:05Z— updated 2022-11-01T03:07:00Z

ok after watching every other marvel movie fully at attention for the first time (yes... including endgame, all of captain america's movies, iron man's, spider-mans, infinity war, etc.) this isn't that good of a movie, not really. it's there as a type of introduction, i'd say. it's still really good- an 8/9 is what i'd rate it as but some things in the movie were either too drawn out or too quick. i feel like the fight was really short in actuality? there was too much time given to the buildup and introduction of the story that the fight got less runtime than it should have.

that scene where tony goes into the portal with the nuke was VERY exciting though, even knowing that he had done that. that scene was well made. I knew he would get out fine, but i was still anxious and drawn into the movie. i love it when movies do that to me even when i know what's going to happen.

edit oct 31 2022: end credits are bomb!!

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Fight Club

I am so fucking confused. good movie though

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

i re-watched this and i forgot how little of a role actual bucky (even just hints) play out in the movie... im just really excited for more bucky scenes i guess. love how sam was introduced. besides my disappointment with how little bucky shows up, its a genuinely good captain america movie, and a lot of really important things to the mcu happens here.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

just wish there was more bucky and sam and less pierce and rumlow

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Die Hard 2

ending is literally amazing. wow. most of the film is not as good as the first die hard but the ending is at that level, if not better.

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The Social Network

im going to watch this solely for andrew garfield

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The Amazing Spider-Man

Where the fuck is mj ☹

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wow just wow!! the suspense in this was intense & i loved all the 80s hacking. so many points when im yelling at other characters to just fuckin listen to david and so many points i was yelling at david to stop lol. and the computer was funny. "all situations end up with everyone losing... would you like to play chess?" absolute gold.

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Baby Driver

i would never put this movie anywhere close to my top 10 favorites but there's something about it, i keep coming back. also holy shit buddy looks like negan so much in this film

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Captain America: Civil War

this feels way more like those big avenger movie than a captain america movie. spider-man was my fav part of this ngl

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

this feels less like a spider-man movie and more like a tony stark/MCU movie. i dont get it either but thats what it feels like

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Brokeback Mountain

i completely understand why people wouldnt like this movie (non homophobic reasons) but i love it. beautiful mix of love + grief and a love lost. "sometimes i miss you so much i can hardly stand it."

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The Interview

sooo insanely stupid but i can't help to like it

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the funniest fucking movie ever made i swear. no other movie or tv show will top this. seinfeld? funny, but not funny like this. nothing will ever top this.

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Wreck-It Ralph

been thinking about it since i rewatched it, LOOVE IT!!!! i wish the sequel took place in the arcade more i love the whole concept so much

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Spider-Man: No Way Home


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Captain America: Civil War

so many moments here are Iconic i love them

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La La Land

lowk wanted to turn it off multiple times & ngl the only parts i liked about it were aboout 45 min in? an hour? when their relationship started to get all fucked up. but the idea of what could be will never fail to get me emotional so it left me feeling good about the movie

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine

apparently people hate this movie? i actually loved it. sure it was a bit weird seeing this timeline’s deadpool but other than that it was actually super enjoyable.

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The Bourne Identity

honestly im just a sucker for matt damon

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

so long and thanks for all the fish! x

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Point Break

AMMAZING OMGGG I LOVE KEANU AND PATRICK AND LORI gary is ok but eh. his character was weird. dindt like him too much

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The Bourne Identity

god how i wish i was marie

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The Net

the most 90s computers-focused movie ever. loved it

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

movie has practically no plot until 1h 30m into the movie but the last 30 minutes r so eventful. also has anyone noticed that harry looks like young leonardo dicaprio in some scenes?

gwennnnnn :(

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