The Idea of You

A sweet heartwarming romance with main actors that share a real amazing chemistry ! For what it's supposed to be, I think it did great. One thing I would say against it is that the whole underlying scenario is cliché, expected (but not enough that it'll stop you fromhaving a good time, imo).
I've heard Anne Hathaway has received criticism for looking too young to play a 40yo, even though she herself is exactly that lol. And good for her. Otherwise I quite enjoy Nicholas Galitzine, but I hope he'll be able to not be typecast in the future, so that he doesn't oversaturate the romance flick market.

As a side note, Galitzine is 30. If they cast a real 24yo actor, would it have been cringier ? Maybe, given that we always see 24yo cast as highschoolers. How about irl though ?

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@xir I personally hate it when people get too picky about the ages of the actors. I get reminded every time someone is picky about it "blah blah blah she looks too young to be 40" of Catch Me if You Can. Leonardo is 28 at the time of release, playing a 15-19 year old... who for most of the movie is 17 and is trying to pass himself off as someone in his late 20's. Nobody can tell someone's age very well outside of 10 year age brackets, and even if they can, its much harder on screen with makeup and tactics to try and change what a person looks like. Honestly, I don't think it would have been cringier if he was 24, I think it would have been the same :person_shrugging:♀ Actors act the way the script demands, not the age they are

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9-1-1: 5x14 Dumb Luck

Reply by kirst

that biker really had it coming, like you're not supposed to take up the entire road with your bike!
how about you share the road?

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what i was saying hahah that is not sharing the road

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9-1-1: 5x07 Ghost Stories

Reply by kirst

I was sad that the Trakt description noted someone thinking they had a ghost roommate but that wasn't part of the episode. I was really looking forward to that.

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Yeah this didn’t feel like a halloween episode lol it was weird to be described like that

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9-1-1: 5x04 Home and Away

Reply by kirst

Can we not normalise hitting men as an expression of anger/frustration/sadness? If Buck was a female character, it would absolutely not be acceptable to depict her being punched out of nowhere, yet we see it time and time again with male characters.
And we certainly would not see other characters react to the situation as "He got you good" if Buck was female.

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@darksilver Agree :/ I get that it was an act of anger and wasn't done through healthy means but honestly when I compare it to the illegal fights Eddie was in in like season 3, I far more prefer what Eddie was doing

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9-1-1: 2x04 Stuck

Reply by kirst

Eddie's son Christopher is adorable! What gets me is that they take their sweet time when someone is in need of help, like don't hurry or anything.

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Yes especially at the bank scene pausing to talk about abby…! Get the guy out already!

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Seinfeld: 9x22 The Chronicle (2)

Just fast forward to the last section for cute behind the scenes clips and classic JLD and Jerry Stiller blooper set

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@reiko_lj Thanks for saying this I would have skipped it lol

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Grey's Anatomy: 3x23 The Other Side of This Life (2)

Reply by kirst

oh molly :( but FUCK THATCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK HIM!!!!!

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i mean susan molly is the daughter

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The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Reply by kirst

Another Special Presentation from Marvel, and another success. This is the way Marvel should move forward as the TV shows are too much. But this is great fun. It's simple, effective and fun. This will probably something I watch for many Christmas' to come. It doesn't break the mold, but it's a fun 45 minutes at Christmas time, especially if you love these characters.

This is really a Mantis showcase. This is the best she has looked so far and hopefully that continues on to Volume 3. Also the music is fantastic. DC is in very good hands with James Gunn.

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@theavereviewer absolutely! 100% prefer short form movies over tv shows

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X-Men: The Last Stand

Reply by kirst

People complain about Jean dying, but that's actually the only reason I've rated this movie an 8. I love it when movies succesfully make me feel something.

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@mesoptier yeah, a big good part about this film is how they make these huge main characters die and make their death scene mean something. scott's death sucked, i didn't even know he died until wolverine asked jean why she killed him, and even then it didn't really sink in until the grave scene. charles' death kinda sucked too, but the way the characters reacted after (especially magneto) made it better. jean's was a legendary scene, really elevated the movie. very sad and very emotionally charged.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x10 The Dark Hearts of Men

Reply by kirst

Who cares for the hookers her own fault to hang out with such people lol
And also Kurtis fells sorry XD for what they wantet to kill him :D

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wow, so they deserve to die because of their career choice?

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Ocean's Eight

Reply by kirst

Did not like it.
I guess it will go well with star stricken audience that watches movies just because a movie star that they like is in it.
For me it is a bad movie.
Bad characters (after watching the movie ask yourself what did you actually learn about lead characters.
Not two rows worth of character development and also almost no interaction between them).
Bad heist plot (multiple plot holes and inconsistencies:
SPOILERS they drag Ann to toilet so they can steal the necklace and then act that they found it somewhere else because it slipped although it was pointed out that it can not slip since you need magnetic key to remove it, or at least wouldn't it be easier just to give her the fake necklace in the toilet saying that it fell.
Also later they drove off with the rest of the diamonds while the place was in lockdown by "best security team in the world" that just accepts "oh, look what i found in the pool" explanation...
Not to mention the movie is caled Ocean's Eight but there were seven women in a group which made Ann Hathaway's reveal at the end not so much of a shock, more of a meh.
There are many more plot holes but it would take longer to read them than to watch this movie.
About SJW in the movie
they managed to cover all "the colors of Benetton", Also it is marketed as a movie about an "All women's heist team",
but in the end they have a male in a team, but I guess he doesn't count and doesn't deserve an equal part of the loot.
Constance swiped one necklace and gets 38 million, but the guy that collected all the rest gets a tap on the shoulder, and no credit.

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@dborg tbh the whole seven women thing i just thought she was excluding herself lol. and im sure they gave the guy some of the cut, he wouldnt have done it w out it

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x03 Trouble the Water

Reply by kirst

Another great episode! It reminded me of a Supernatural episode, "Just in Bello' S3E12.

My favorite moment is when the Deputy likens Frank to "The High Plains Drifter"

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it reminded me of that episode too! i’m glad this one ended happier lol

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The Walking Dead: 1x01 Days Gone Bye

Shout by Amanda Beaty

How did Rick survive for a month without food or someone changing his IV? Wouldn't he have more of a beard after a month? Why didn't they check the hospital for survivors? Someone had time to barricade a bunch of walkers in, but they didn't take the time to check for people in a coma? In a hospital? And why is Shane kissing Rick's wife? I'm only watching this because the 14yo wants to, but I think I'm going to become irritated very quickly.

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complaining about how accurate a show about zombies is lol

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Supernatural: 6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much

Forgive my lack of acting skills but how the hell does Jared play doe-eyed perfect bby Sam and also evil, soulless, villain Sam? He goes from golden retriever to hellhound real fast lol.

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@drusjella it happened in the lucifer storyline too and i was blown away. he's really good at playing lucifer sam vs sam sam

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The Boys: 2x04 Nothing Like It in the World

Am I missing something?
We now know that Liberty was a superhero 40+ years ago, but has Compound V been out there that long? I mean, she was relatively unknown, as if it was a normal thing to have heroes then, but I thought Vought did that in the last 20 something years, Homelander being one of the first huge heroes to get recognition and fame. Did I miss something or does this feel like a bad retcon of sorts?

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@danzoc I bet its something like superheroes were kind of just their own people, not attached to vought that heavily (kinda just like shield with the avengers i guess?) but now with the new century they made the seven and made homelander the leader, which catapulted him into massive superstar status (much more than the superheroes before him)

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The Boys: 2x04 Nothing Like It in the World

Reply by kirst

I'm still stuck on how storm front even got into the seven in the first place. I mean she's not exactly a team player; How would an image-minded corporation like Vought even hire such an outspoken individual to begin with?

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@mike_a i think its because she used to be liberty

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13 Reasons Why: Season 1

So after finishing the season 1 I can't help but wonder how messed up the educational institutions in the USA are. This is likely an exaggeration, but the melting pot of cultures is essentially a pot full of friction.

Having said that, I liked how it was handled. The show is called 13 reasons why and I see those tapes handled it well and concluded it as well.

After seeing the first episode of the second season, I'm pretty sure they have gone on a different subject now and I am no longer interested. For a sharp 13 episode run, this show packed a real emotional punch, but I'm surely not going to continue with rest of the series.

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@solstafir good decision, PLEASE dont watch the rest

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Doctor Who: 2x03 School Reunion

Reply by kirst

3 episodes into this season with David Tennant playing The Doctor... and I miss the old actor (Christopher Eccleston). :/ Tennant to me just doesn't have that same charm, he overacts a bit too much for my tastes, and his facial expressions are cringy in my opinion. It barely feels like the same show to me, unfortunately. I was always excited to see a new episode when Eccleston was The Doctor, but I don't feel that way at all anymore. Am I alone in feeling this way? /end rant

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i definitely feel like that, i miss the old doctor :/

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Grey's Anatomy

Reply by kirst

half of the people that are in the header are dead or gone please change thank u

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@leetaemin LMAOO fr its a good header but its like 10 years old

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Grey's Anatomy: 1x05 Shake Your Groove Thing

Reply by kirst

The TOWEL, the SCRATCH, the BURKE AND CHRISTINA - oh the shocks this episode.

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@tequila-brie Yes!!! its so dramatic this episode I loveee it

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Grey's Anatomy: 1x01 A Hard Day's Night

Reply by kirst

Maybe it's just me but the lead actress's acting feels so weird. It's like she's reading a book or something when she's talking and it kinda bugs me. She just sounds so calm and unbothered all the time. The other actors are great though.

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@im_trusfrated yes!! thats the main reason i dont like her

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Poooor writing at best. I just don't get it. Some people are really enjoying it?

i really only watch it because of the actors and short format and the belief that it could work. But it almost never does. Total failure tbh. Sorry but this deserves to be cancelled, such a waste of talent.

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i honestly cant imagine hating the show this much yet gettinng to season 2, episode 3. if i dont like a show i stop watching by like the second episode…

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House: 2x03 Humpty Dumpty

wtf is foreman talking about house would do it to any patient

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@kirstensnow also cuddy was running really weird in the beginning of the ep... i cant pin point it but it was just off

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House: 2x01 Acceptance is this. why is foreman's character now being statisticized? last season it felt like they did everything to avoid him being written as a statistic black man and now, all in one episode, he's got a gang tattoo, has stolen a car and been to juvie in his youth. they even got a shiny new g-funk intro to go with it!

also cameron's character development here regressed? the whole first season established her incompetence with not being able to confront patients with bad news and after all that, now she can't mention or tell one patient they have cancer??

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He was said to have gone to juvie and stolen a car last season too. Just not focused on as much

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Hugh Laurie plays another (fairly) genius doctor who is, ironically, less fun than his previous Dr. House was. I found the character of Doctor Chance interesting but his endless forgetfulness and fake apologetic nature were annoying to me.

Regardless of this little tidbit this is a very thrilling show that unfortunately got cancelled way before it's time. It's moody, smart, it's exciting, it's binge-worthy and features one of the two best sidekicks to root for you could imagine. If you're a fan of House you'll have a hard time shaking the House-vibe coming from Chance at times but that's to be expected.

Hulu dropped the ball in not marketing this show enough, I happened upon it via word-of-mouth and wouldn't even have started it if it wasn't recommended. Be prepared for an exciting show that leaves an open ending to what could have happened next.

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@mansemat yeppp, i only heard about this through an article about hugh laurie where they called it a bad show

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Space Force: 1x08 CONJUGAL VISIT

So a whole episode about Maggie, and still no mention of what she did. I can see the plugging things for other seasons, but come on. She definitely should have been in more episodes. Following her life in prison would definitely have been more interesting than the other background characters. Like, Erin is supposed to talk about her, and we get nothing ? Why was she even in this episode apart for the punchline ?

It tried to deal seriously with deep questions about relationship, but it was just repeating the same thing over and over, so... not a really a success.

The casting part was great, but way too short.

Ali and Chan trip: cute, but without any interest whatsoever.

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@fly_ yepp, i hate how they don't even explain how she did it

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Shameless: 7x01 Hiraeth

I really hope that polygamous relationship with Svetlana, Veronica and Kevin will actually work out and not end in a complete unnecessary disaster. I think it's really interesting to see such a relationship on TV and these three actually seem to make it work.

Oh, and of course I loved to see how intelligent Svetlana is! It makes her a much more interesting character.

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@haibara i know!! i love it

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Fight for Your Right Revisited

Reply by kirst

let me tell you, i did not expect to see actors i recognized here

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seems like the whole cast of parks and recreation was here

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