

in front of my tv

Bob's Burgers: 6x04 Gayle Makin' Bob Sled

♪ It's Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving for everybody! Except for Europeans! ♪

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Bob's Burgers: 6x03 The Hauntening

"Mom's bringing the scary and Dad's bringing the hairy."

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The Mary Tyler Moore Show: 3x01 The Good-Time News

"Will you shut up, Ted?"

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Bob's Burgers: 3x21 Boyz 4 Now

"My heart just pooped it's pants."

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The Middle: 3x02 Forced Family Fun (2)

"Sue's got her period and there's a bear outside!"

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Mad Men: 7x12 Lost Horizon

Peggy roller skating while Roger plays the organ in an empty office has got to be one of the best visuals this show has ever done. Kudos!

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Timeless: 1x16 The Red Scare

If this show gets cancelled after THAT cliffhanger, NBC will be dead to me.

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Mad Men: 7x08 Severance

Mad Men? More like Mustache Men.

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Mad Men: 7x14 Person to Person

I feel as though I need to buy the world a Coke now.

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Mad Men: 7x13 The Milk and Honey Route

Well it took almost the ENTIRE series but I finally care about Betty now. Knock 'em dead, Birdie, indeed.

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The Affair: 3x10 310

The previous episode was more of a season finale than this one was. This episode just felt tacked on and so out of place. It's the first time during the entire series that I honestly didn't care about what happened during the majority of it, with the sole exception being the Noah/Whitney scenes.

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Lost: 6x17 The End

i won't deny that I have huge issues with the ending of this amazing series but when Vincent comes out of the jungle to lie down next to Jack as he dies making this show come full circle I cry like like a newborn Aaron for about an hour afterward.

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Bob's Burgers: 12x06 Beach, Please

The extreme change in Mickey's voice is absolutely jarring.

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Family Guy: 17x02 Dead Dog Walking (2)

Brian: "I'm warning you, if you kill me, the internet is going to freak out."

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The Affair: 3x01 301

What the hell kind of ending was that?

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Family Guy: 19x10 Fecal Matters

OMG! I Shazamed the song at the same time Peter did.

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Fortitude: 1x07 Episode 7

Shout by RoxieVelma
BlockedParent2015-09-23T03:09:08Z— updated 2021-04-11T22:43:22Z

Note of advice: Please do not eat before or during this episode, if you don't want to see what you ate again afterwards.

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The Affair: 2x03 203

How very McNulty of Noah to drink Jameson.

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The Royals: 1x07 Your Sovereignty of Reason

+1 for Joan Collins' entrance and for her saying "F.M.L".

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In the Heat of the Night: 2x17 Walkout

That episode where someone murders O.J. because he was in love with his wife.

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The Mary Tyler Moore Show: 4x22 Lou's Second Date

The last regular appearance of Valerie Harper as Rhoda Morgenstern.

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Scandal: 3x13 No Sun on the Horizon

"Yum yum, crispy piggy, yum yum!"

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The Big Bang Theory: 8x15 The Comic Book Store Regeneration

"To Mrs. Wolowitz, a loving mother to all of us. We'll miss you. "

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Arrow: 4x18 Eleven-Fifty-Nine

Shout by RoxieVelma

Wow, they actually killed Laurel, The Black Canary, but before she died she gave her blessing to "Olicity"?!!?!?!?!?! First Sara (but at least she came back only to go to another show), then Laurel, so I guess this means they'll kill of Lance next since he really has no purpose anymore. Oh wait, he's precious Felicity's mommy's stud muffin, so I'll guess he'll stick around and have tons to do! OMG, they can go shopping and buy Felicity and Oliver things for their apartment and clothes for their baby! When will this soap opera end and the real "Arrow" return?

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Orphan Black: 5x07 Gag or Throttle

This episode was definitely an eye-opener!

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Orphan Black: 4x09 The Mitigation of Competition

Donnie is no longer re-enacting "Orange is the New Black".
Helena is back and killing bad people again!
Rachel is back to being that HBIC she's meant to be.

Today was a good day!

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Orphan Black: 4x03 The Stigmata of Progress

Some things never change: Kira is still creepy (and getting creepier by the seasons) and Sarah still thinks her hoodie is a cloak of invisibility.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 1x10 Hello Raskolnikov

How does Annalise deal with her husband's death? She gets a new wig.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x04 Leslie and Ron

Not gonna lie, I'm a little upset that the Morningstar incident didn't involve a veggie burger. That being said this might be one of my fave Parks & Rec ever. The last 10 minutes were just spectacular.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: 1x04 Fall

COURTESY REMINDER: PLEASE don't spoil the last four words for anyone, no matter if they are amazing or eh. Some people have waited almost ten years for this, so make the spoiler tag your friend on here and in real life.

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