Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Columbo: 1x01 Murder by the Book

An amazing episode and one of the best. Not the first ep tho, that would be Prescription: Murder from 1968, also a stone cold classic!

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Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat

This was absolutely amazing. Watched it all the way through twice in less than a week. I didn't know any of this stuff. Now I gotta know everything. And that's because of this brilliantly told, perfectly executed miniseries. This is gonna clean up come Emmy time!

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What We Do in the Shadows: 1x03 Werewolf Feud

This show is great. Truly living beyond my expectations, which were huge, considering how much I love the movie. They are KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK!!!!! I've got that "new fave" excitement for each show each week.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 9x03 The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award

This is the best and my favorite episode of this show hands down. The best!!!

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

Favorite episode! Such a friggin' blast. Wow wow wow was this episode something special.

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The Righteous Gemstones: 1x01 The Righteous Gemstones

HILARIOUS. cannot wait for more!!!

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Buffalo Bill: 1x02 Buffalo Beat

It's amazing, the more two faced Bill is the more you love him. He goes from touching, caring man of the people host then, on a dime, turns into a total dick. It's so great.

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Buffalo Bill: 1x01 Pilot

What a strong, strong pilot. Every character is well defined right out of the gate, but none more so than Dabney Coleman. He has this slimy, sleazy local talk show host down to a T. So great.

Also, that guest on the show was The Professor, right? From Gilligan's Island?

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The Last Drive-In: Joe Bob's Dinners of Death: 1x01 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This is a must watch for two reasons: to witness Joe Bob expound on his favorite movie of all time and then to witness Joe Bob react to Darcy saying she likes the remake better :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Charlie's Angels: 1x15 Angels on a String

Columbo baddie guest star!!!! Love

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The Joey Bishop Show: 1x03 A Windfall for Mom

Worth watching for the guest spot by Barbara Stanwyck!!

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Buried In The Backyard: 1x03 Lady in a Barrel

This was UNREAL. No spoilers here I’ll just say it’s satisfying.

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The Venture Bros.: 7x09 The Forecast Manufacturer

This was a super hilarious episode. I blurt laughed out loud 4 times which is a lot considering I was watching it late and was trying to keep it down for the neighbors.

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Rome: 1x01 The Stolen Eagle

I love this show. I watched it when it aired, loved it then, so bummed when it had to cut it short. They only wanted one more season!! But it was super expensive. Anyway I'm rewatching now. I've held a bit of a grudge, unrightfully so, again Game of Thrones. Everyone loves that show. Guess what, this is just as good if not better! That's not a fair statement I suppose because GoT has so many more seasons. Either way, I love Rome, it's a great show, others should watch it.

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Buffalo Bill: 2x02 Jerry Lewis Week

Classic episode. Also features a young Jim Carrey being one of many SUPER ANNOYING Jerry Lewis impersonators.

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Buffalo Bill: 2x01 Hit the Road, Jack

This is the episode with the missing musical number because the rights holder wouldn't allow it on the DVD. Luckily, that's what YouTube is for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww5bYOP9Tu0

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Buffalo Bill: 1x09 Ratings

Another great one. I think the young dude who says he only pulls cables with one hand...I think he played the killer in the classic X-Files, "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose." Yup. Totally.

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Buffalo Bill: 1x08 Below the Belt

This one does get a bit sappy at the end but it totally works. Also they do a great job of having running jokes to keep some levity during the heavy stuff (JoJo betting on how Bill will react, the smoking dog, the author selling her book).

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Buffalo Bill: 1x07 Guess Who's Coming to Buffalo?

Bill's daughter comes to town. Usually a story like this would ramp up the sap value but Bill is never really happy she's around and she annoys the hell out of him, it's pretty great.

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Buffalo Bill: 1x04 Buffalo Bill and the Movies

This is the first not A+ episode. Still great, and still features great Bill smarm and assholery, just kind of a thin story and unfortunately one or two jokes centered around how big a lady is and how funny it is that Bill is kissing her. Not cool, 1983.

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Buffalo Bill: 1x03 Woody Quits

Piglet threatens to quit after Bill goes too far. I love how stubborn Bill is when he's pressed to get him back. What I love even more though is the three minute break we take to watch apparent song and dance man Dabney Coleman do a full on number in his apartment. This is one thing I love about sitcoms, when the star of the show is able to showcase one of their other talents even if it has little to do with the plot. I bet Geena Davis was off screen going, "If he gets to dance I'm bringing archery in here. I've got my bow in the car, let's do this."

(Just kidding, she didn't start the archery kick til much later. But still! Wouldn't that have been great.)

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The Twilight Zone: 1x03 Replay

What a powerful, superb episode. I can already imagine how it's gonna piss off a certain part of the internet but who cares. Great ep. Great ep! And I watched the old ep they reference legit like two days ago. Loving this reboot!!!

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Inside No. 9: 1x02 A Quiet Night In

The bit with the dogs. I was watching on my phone at a bus stop and I just lost my mind cracking up. Like big guttural laughs, no doubt looked crazy. Totally worth it though. One of my favorite laughs ever.

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Star Trek: 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Got TOS on Blu-ray and watching the show for the first time. Was inspired to check it out after digging Beyond so much. This was my favorite episode so far. Genuinely excited and I actually gasped a few times. The giant guy was great. Semi-spoiler for first 20 minutes: Also...uh...was a fan of the female android uniform. Seemed pretty racy for 1960s primetime.

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Barry: 2x05 ronny/lily

Fave episode so far! Hilarious!

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The Twilight Zone: 1x18 The Last Flight

Watching this show for the first time...this is one of my favorite eps so far.

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Hunters: 1x08 The Jewish Question

Okay so Ted didn't bite the bullet. Shame. Cuz now we're subjected to "jokes" that never land. This episode, its the Zsa Zsa Gabor line. Every line needs a laugh track to tell us they expect us to laugh. Ugh. Can't wait for the finish line on this one

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Wu Assassins: 1x02 Misspent Youth

Theres some rough acting, bad CGI and I could do without most of the soundtrack. But the asskicking in this show is just too awesome to pass up! Love

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

I mean...What the what

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BoJack Horseman: 4x06 Stupid Piece of Sh*t

I've never watched a show or movie that more perfectly nailed my inner monologue 24/7. The episode was top notch, sure, but the stylized moments inside Bojack's head....man oh man. Downloading this ep on my phone so I can show my therapist and psychiatrist the first 3 minutes to just say...THIS! THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALMOST LIKE!!!! I'm sure I'm a cliche here but I'm grateful for it. Watched this show for the laughs and did NOT expect to relate so much to the real stuff. Fuck I love this show.

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