Stumptown: 1x09 Dex Education

Not that the idea of a reality like that is something I dislike, but is everyone in this show bi? Because I don’t buy it.
And what’s it with the boys getting so upset about it. It’s usually just other men that are a problem, the bi-fantasy just sparks their kinks lol.

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Stumptown: 1x07 November Surprise

I don’t trust Liz. I mean, the fairytale of it is nice, but she did drop into Nick’s (wait sorry, Grey’s) bar completely unannounced, swindling a bunch of people. Other than the swindling part I think normally you announce yourself to the owners of establishments, plus your guided tours would be regular. This is either lazy writing, or she just stinks to high heavens. Like a big fat honey trap.
Also what Dex says in the end … yeah she does seem happy? But can she be happy on her own? Is it not all just a giant ruse?

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Mr Inbetween: 1x06 Your Mum's Got a Strongbox

This episode is hilarious.

I’ve been wondering how he got out of the car.
The whole scene at Bernie’s… so awkward xD I love it. If I’d been Bernie I’d shat my pants.
Love how Ray is all matter of fact like “how ya doing” out in the outback.
And I thought the whole time the box would be empty. This is even better.

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Beyond: 1x03 Ties That Bind

The main character is really pissing me off by now. He’s endangering so many lives with his abilities but OH NOOO DONT STICK ME WITH A NEEDLE I need more time boohoo. What an asshole. It makes me want to drop the entire show. That, and his eternal dumbfound expression.
Also the entire family (except for Luke)… “what were you thinking!” What dad, what? What was he thinking, telling the flipping truth? Yeah because lying and play pretend and THEN get pissed if at each other like the separated couple you are isn’t toxic. Ugh.

Ah also, as usual, the miracle drugs used in film - working immediately.

“My sister” :sob: he could have just said friend? Which is closer to the truth than anything else he could have come up with. Such an idiot.

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Stumptown: 1x05 Bad Alibis

This episode kind of annoyed me. Why would dex be underprepared for an interview she clearly already has an outfit for? Why make her look the fool at all? This doesn’t fit her character. Sure maybe she wouldn’t want to be upright about the background with felonies, but she damn right knows she’s GOOD at this shit, that’s a good enough reason to become a PI. And honestly, it should have crossed her mind that a person interviewing her about being a PI would have done a proper back ground check on her, too.
This just stinks like lazy writing unfortunately:/ They tried to turn it around but just starting out like that…? Yikes.

Glad the rest of the episode didn’t quite follow suit.

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Stumptown: 1x04 Family Ties

Really, you’ve been to prison but you don’t know the faucet trick? :thinking:

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Stumptown: 1x03 Rip City Dicks

I wonder how many people will not even question the tape recorder. I mean, by now it should be obvious to all of us that Dex’ car is either magic or possessed by some mischievous spirit, but a tape recorder… a tape recorder does not work like that. Even just manually to get to the beginning of a song is 50% magic.

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Stumptown: 1x01 Forget It Dex, It's Stumptown.

Wait I know that voice. Is that Nick? It’s Nick.
I knew his name before I remembered what show he was in xD damn.
And of course he’s running a bar. It’s what Nick does.

I like Dex’s unconventional methods. Not giving a shit. Let’s go.

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Mr Inbetween: 1x05 Hard Worker

Gaz is so annoying. He got both himself and Ray into deep shit with his porn thing, and then he turns around and is dumb with it again. I really hope Ray doesn’t have to get him out of horse shit again. Ok so the guy has got a fetish. There’s other ways to go about it than keeping indulging in your home, where your Russian wife is going to divorce you if she finds you with it. Which she will. As he is being pretty stupid about it.

But then their other friend is pretty dumb too. If you’re gonna try and make a sneaky call at least go take your car somewhere as you said you’d be going, and do it away from prying eyes.

Really, is everyone around Ray just a moron? That guy with Dave, Bobby, is just the worst of them. Ray must be sitting there wondering the same thing.

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Mr Inbetween: 1x04 On Behalf Of Society

I’m actually not disagreeing with Ray. About doinf society a favour. He lives by a different set of rules than the one the government has imposed. He’d do well in a society run by mafia. Honour codes and cleaning up and all that.
Also understand Ally. Pretty terrifying to see your guy get all violent. She doesn’t know whether he’s indiscriminate violent or not.

But the guys in the van… that was Davros wasn’t it. Ouff. Deep shit.

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Mr Inbetween: 1x02 Unicorns Know Everybody's Name

You really don’t need to keep digging just to be shot and end up in your own grave. That’s probably more painful than anything else hed do. Plus, if he was afraid that if he were to stop digging he’d get proper fucked up… I mean that’s just more effort. So why dig. Just let him shoot you.

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Only Murders in the Building: 4x02 Gates of Heaven

Oh heeeelllllll no. It’s all ham.

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Beyond: 1x02 Tempus Fugit

While I like Luke, being the only one of the brothers with a personality, the whole stepping into a gum and then going on about functioning members of society, but can’t park his car properly, like a functioning member of society.

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Beyond: 1x01 Pilot

Would have preferred if Holden didn’t turn out to be such a maniac crybaby after 12 years of something else. He’s like this giant oaf, not a single brain cell up there. The way this is filmed / written, too. We get way more insight in the thoughts and feelings of the side characters than him. He’s just a wall. An apparently dumb wall, unable to reflect on anything that’s happening to him or around him.

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Siren: 1x05 Curse of the Starving Class

Such a toxic mother. Sudden lunch, one on one, after never caring for her before? Huge red flag.
Maybe the entire family is a huge red flag. Besides estranged Ben, we want him to be the golden boy of course.

But bit of a big promise, “we’re gonna make it safe”, you’re just two people. Don’t promise things you don’t know you can keep. I mean, before that they were more careful with their words, like “we’re TRYING to find your sister”, now suddenly it’s from trying to straight out stopping the government.

At least Helen is out now. But I wonder if she has some darker plans. There’s gotta be reasons she’s where she is now. Maybe she was banned? Maybe she’s an evil mermaid witch. Maybe her real name is Ursula!

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Siren: 1x04 On the Road

That military dude is so annoying. And unrealistic. If it’s the only specimen they have, they wouldn’t want to endanger it, no?

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Will Trent: 2x08 Why Is Jack's Arm Bleeding?

“She died because an abusive man killed her, not because a brave child wanted to protect her”, that got to me.

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Critical Role: 3x81 The Eve of the Red Moon

When they said “the fire goddess you have become” my brain went like OMG WHAT IF … the gods are done for, and they’re ACTUALLY becoming the new gods?!

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Siren: 1x03 Interview with a Mermaid

“Not my water”

Nothing particular about Ryn acing a “primate test” in a few seconds that an average human would need several minutes to study, and then most likely complete at far lower than a 100% success rate.
Yes they have mentioned “highly intelligent”, but that is so far beyond genius level, it should have triggered… something.
And how is it that Jerry gets Ryn to the Siren at what seems half an hour or less, but when the others get his message, still daylight, immediately turn the car around to get there, it’s the middle of the night?

Also if the big military man wants results, almost killing the only specimen they have isn’t helping that. Durrrr.

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Only Murders in the Building: 4x01 Once Upon a Time in the West

Great start. Love how seamless it went from the last season. I enjoyed how we start out knowing more than them, wanting them so badly to see the signs and hints they never catch on to, until, bit by bit, things start falling into place and the big aha moment hits them in the end. The un-fun kind.

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Will Trent: 2x05 Capt. Duke Wagner's Daughter

I don’t love how they’re all ganging up on Amanda. Yes she’s made one really bad decision - from the POV of working with the police. Not taking into account anything about her position. Yes she likely would have had to wave her job goodbye back then.
They all know that. And to begin imagining the trauma Amanda has been through and again is going through… they’re still being ready cruel. As coworkers. Friends even.

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Will Trent: 2x01 Me Llamo Will Trent

There’s no way Ramón does not speak perfect Spanish :joy:
I want to see take outs from this episode. He must have cringed so hard. Or laughed so much.

“That’s a LOT of eye contact agent Dawson”
I didn’t know how much I’ve missed this show, and why.

But wow, what a first episode. Cricket’s amazing. That… I hadn’t expected that to happen.

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Tracker: 1x13 The Storm

How did they get the FBI involved so quickly?
I like it when Reenie takes down old white dudes thinking they’re above the law. That scene could have been just a little bit longer. For satisfaction.

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Tracker: 1x12 Off the Books

It took me a while to recognise Ackles in this. The voice was so familiar. And some of his facial features. Those outside the beard area :joy:
I guess it’s a role he’s grown into – the slightly problematic, skirts chasing older brother.
Liked the episode though.
And Colter just taking it factually how his brother basically is a contract killer. Like sure, why not. Tracks.

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Tracker: 1x10 Into the Wild

I love how the cases in this show are so varied. Yes; he’s always tracking something or other, but sometimes it’s pretty straight forward, and sometimes they get themselves into deep, unexpected shit.

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Tracker: 1x09 Aurora

I love how the law enforcement in this one is really wanting Shaw to help out. It’s so heartfelt. Like, oh we the police could never find her, but you a total layman… sure please go ahead, would help us a great deal if you got any further.

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Tracker: 1x08 Camden

“We can’t go in there, we don’t have a warrant!”
“Yeah.” goes in
“We don’t need a warrant. I’m breaking and entering. You’re in pursuit” lmao

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Tracker: 1x07 Chicago

What I appreciate about Colter is that he can be like
“MAN I told you to wait in the car :angry:” and then “hey I’m really glad that you didn’t”
He’s good at owning up to his mistakes.

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Critical Role: 3x77 The Promise and the Price

This got so tense in the end I got emotional watching this. Omg. Fricken Ashton

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Tracker: 1x03 Springland

“I can immediately tell it’s her van, or her body”
Well so can he, he’s got eyes. On the other hand, she has no clue how to defend herself or anything and is going right into “enemy territory” with people who shoot on trespassing. Colter really had no arguments against her coming?

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