Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x08 The Murmuring

This became emotionally very strong.
And such beautiful images.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing

How do you make something look so 1979? I mean even the filming technique, not just what we see and hear. It does look like it’s filmed analogue.
And the light? It’s like it’s seeping through people. This thing already is a trip, haha. Panos Cosmosis… Cosmatos. Indeed.

What a flick! It’s somewhat reminiscent of the episode 3, The Autopsy, as it is a somewhat similar topic.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x06 Dreams in the Witch House

Ah I can’t stop thinking outlander during this. And also, so frustrating to be Gusman. Especially when you think you’re in a community where people will believe you, and yet they don’t.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x05 Pickman's Model

I feel so bad for Thurber, but at the same time he’s felling all those bad decisions… moments I also recognise. Those few moments when you KNOW you really shouldn’t, you really really shouldn’t, when this bad foreboding feeling grabs you… and then you either heed it or you don’t.
This is a story of what unfolds when you do not.

Richard seems genuinely happy to have found someone who shares his view of the darkness (funny the actor would be the Darkling too haha), yet he is also somewhat unhinged so not trusting that genuineness.

Is that a particular accent he’s having or is he just insane? Sometimes the way he pronounces things makes you hear one or two things. Is he inviting to his wake or is he asking Thurber to wait? Both? Both.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x03 The Autopsy


The imagery with the spider catching things in its web – fantastic.
The end was hard to watch, the body horror was real.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x02 Graveyard Rats

Fantastic filming!
Story of a greedy bastard who didn’t know when to stop.
Loved the creature… is a rat or a sloggoth?
Fantastic terrors down in the black church. How is it that this idiot keeps fighting rats, but none of them have ever actually hurt him other than that one bite in the beginning, and a little slash?

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Baby Reindeer: 1x01 Episode 1

This is making so uncomfortable, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep watching. It’s making me more uncomfortable than curious to see where this is going :sweat_smile:

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x08 The Case of the Hungry Snake

I hoped that maybe in the end, the cat king and Edwin would become some thing after all. I mean, COME ON :sob:
I will definitely miss him.
And Niko… I’ll expect her to return. It’s been foreshadowed after all. Just a bit differently than it would suggest in the end.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x07 The Case of the Very Long Stairway

The doll house reference made me smile. And then, despair makes a show, whoohooop! Although I still don’t like her adaption. Despair is so gross and ugly, and they put a pretty, big lady to play her. Just doesn’t scream Lady Despair to me.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x06 The Case of the Creeping Forest

I was wondering – almost an entire episode without the cat king? Glad he showed up, although it didn’t work out too well for him.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x02 The Case of the Dandelion Shrine

I love David the Demon xD
And the cat king is fantastic. As is Niko.

I love how they bring up things that have happened to them on the past without explaining anything. Why would they? And it spurs on the imagination. Like what is the great chewing gum debacle?! What could that possibly be?

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x01 The Case of Crystal Palace

What a whacky show!
“Best mates” yeah I bet; that’s totally the vibe you give off.
A glowing squid as a pet?? “You cannot keep her”??? Bags of holdings?? This is going to be either really good or really bad, innit?

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3 Body Problem: 1x08 Wallfacer

Everything leans on the presumed fact the San-Ti cannot lie. However, they might be expert liars. Is everyone just this gullible?

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3 Body Problem: 1x07 Only Advance

I’ve never had many friends. But thanks to you guys it always seemed like enough

Whatever happened to the game though? Did it just magically disintegrate? Or suddenly become obsolete once two people figured out why the San-Ti were coming? And why the need of a game convoluted like this to then just turn on the players later on. Seems like a huge waste of energy.

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3 Body Problem: 1x06 The Stars Our Destination

Ok that part of him going to London was pointless. Why would he take the big journey all the way up there just to turn back because … he saw Jin and Raj. And that being the one moment he’d “realise something”. Meh.
And for a tailing job to only use one man? That seems unprofessional.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

Killing all science… hmm.

Well, this is taking off now. Mirror cities. How terrifyingly cool is that.
I guess everyone would believe something if they suddenly saw an eye in the sky.

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3 Body Problem: 1x04 Our Lord

You’d think that after communicating with extra terrestrials for this long, Evans would have covered lying and metaphors with them.

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3 Body Problem: 1x03 Destroyer of Worlds

Oh, it’s heating up.
Finally the three bodies make sense. Also looking forward to seeing what they’re “being recruited for”.

And these other guys on the game – when will we meet them?

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

“Let’s kill this quam-puta” has easily been the best quote this week.

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3 Body Problem: 1x01 Countdown

I like the story / premise so far but not entirely sold as how they’re trying to pull it off. I’m not convinced by all of the actors and their work. Maybe the 30-episode one Chinese version would :grimacing:

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x07 Retreat

I CALLED IT gods I am so proud of myself hahaha
But uh oh when he said cluster B… I flinched. There’s a cluster A somewhere isn’t there …

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x06 Crime Seen

In which the big clue brings me back to my “unlikely suspicions” from a few episodes back. I’m back on there now. Guys you’re looking in the wrong direction.

How can Darby be this cold when pools in Iceland as default are hot water :thinking:

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x05 Crypt

Again a show with many good points. There’s the climate thing and how we’re destroying the planet – in a sense. How really just the richest can do anything about it, but also we’re so self centred. The planet won’t care. We’d just destroy ourselves and the current life, and new life would happen.
And this thing about the cigarettes and how nowadays it’s the phones. Yes.

“We are powerless to ice, to wind, to cruelty.”

And how when you’ve experienced the vast nothingness and death of the universe, life on earth suddenly becomes so precious.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets
A Murder at the End of the World: 1x03 Survivors

Hate when suddenly everyone seems suspicious. Both the people who seemed sad and the people who seem unfazed by it. Everyone who talks to Darby now seems suspicious, as well as those who don’t. Tomas was fishy already when she ran into him but he doesn’t seem the mask wearing type.

“The eight richest men in the world hold the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people.”

And suddenly Ray doesn’t have a hot Bath drawn for Darby. Pshhh.

Andy’s unblinking stare is unnerving. As is the way he tends to be filmed from half in the shadows. We’re MEANT to suspect him, right? Just everything he does and how he comes across is soooo wrong.

But now I’m starting to suspect the unlikely - maybe the killer isn’t any of the guests. Maybe the killer is Ray.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x02 The Silver Doe

Ayyy. And the immediate suspects are of course, Andy, because obviously he’s fishy somehow, and apparently Bill wasn’t invited by him.
Secondly the astronaut, she’s also fishy, and she was made cool right from the start so we would like her. But Lei also had some sort of reaction which also makes her suspicious in some sense.
I won’t believe it’s Lee yet, I think she wanted Darby there to prevent something or help figure out the truth.

Slight hiccup, but… If Mitchell had made a film with Ray then he would know you had to be literal with it. That little piece with the lights was a bit unnecessary.

And that last scene of Bill and Darby meeting for the first time… almost broke my heart. Ugh. Great acting.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

I love all about this so far.
The unlikely crime solver(s), and, the thought that maybe groups like Andy’s do exist in real life, that is a comforting thought.
Yet I can’t help but thinking at this point, Lee invited Darby to solve her own murder-to-be.
Is what I thought. Well.

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Will Trent: 1x13 A Bad Temper and a Hard Heart

Hmm… Why is he targeting people from the home, if it’s all about Lucy and her child, yet enlists some others in help (PeePee).
And why kill others from the orphanage to rile him up when he’s taking people that weren’t even “important” to Will to start with? Or did he not know which of the many children was Lucy’s child? Then that would make a bit more sense, but it never appeared to be such.

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Kindred: 1x01 Dana
Will Trent: 1x12 Nothing Changed Except for Everything

Lucy… I didn’t see that coming.

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