

Oslo, Oslo County


As someone who’s reading cards on an almost daily basis, I had to see this. I expected this to be a terrible teenage flick.
Ito turned out not to be!
Sure, the beginning was silly and the teens were a little over the top and “not the smartest”, with a barely credible plot … more like someone coming up with the script while high on something, and then writing it within a night – and yet not doing the absolute worst job with it.
I could list a few things that were silly or unlikely, like with previous “freak accidents” apparently having been realistic enough to give them that title, yet how would you explain a girl mysteriously being sawed into halves? By accident? Huhmmm…

Jump scared were somewhat predictable, but fun. The scene with the darkness just starting to swallow everything was particularly nice.

Love how they actually figured out what to do in the end.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

Not all of their background stories are well thought out. It’s mostly just “war happened to me. I was treated most unfairly. Now I’m angry.”

While they were making all these defense plans I wondered why they were hiding anything. Wouldn’t they know those war ships have scanners?

I preferred the “gathering the fellowship” story line from the first part to this one, where it’s mostly about battle preparations, heroic speeches, WE HAVE A PAST, battle, death, RAAAWR WE CAN DO THIS, battle, battle manoeuvres, oh maybe we can’t do this, more battle manoeuvres, heroic endings.

There was still something or other about the last few minutes that touched my cold core, but all in all felt a little lacking, despite epic ness.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Starts out a little slow and boring. In comparison to knives out, which I loved from the getgo, this seemed like a big letdown.
It picks up after the first 40 minutes or so, when stuff finally starts happening and we go into the reviews.

Jared Leto is getting mentioned so much, I kept thinking he’s either going to make a cameo, or he’s the killer, or both. The gloves would fit his style.

It does get really good when Blanc unravels it all. The lies and deceit all having been in the open and guillable as a watcher I can be, I believed them :upside_down: like the Baby Blue thing. Wow. Clever.
I love when they play with perception and the fallibility of it.

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Poor Things

Fantastic work of art.
Intriguing story of a woman becoming.
And “I must go punch that baby” is one of the best things I have heard in a while. I will want to use it.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Funny how she’s a much better shot with a random weapon against a bunch of trained soldiers than with her trusty steel against some amateurs.
The Bennu-whisperer was a nice touch. That jump made my heart so happy. As well as her soft feathers.
As they keep gathering soldiers, it’s like… all rebel fighters are of a different ethnicity than white. It’s like the big evolution against The White Man. And the story of revenge gets to all of them it seems.

The fighting scene with the rope/chain was beautiful

In general, this movie had a lot of beautiful scenes. The last one was stunning as well, falling through the ice and all.

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The Darkness

Well, this one was full of dick swinging and a lot of “alpha males” with 20-30 year younger wives, whom they all disrespect. Strong start.

I did like the
“Your god cannot help you now” though.

I like how we can just blame the marital problems on demons from the third world, we don’t need to work on it or anything.

And then it gets very convenient, what with the portal, and Mikey suddenly going from “wheeee I love my new friends” to “ok imma save you now”. So random.

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The House

Such bizarre, dark stories. I’m glad the last one at least had a more positive, freeing outlook.

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The Favourite

I found it interesting that in the beginning, I was very much on Abigail’s side. Sarah was always too forceful, too manipulative for me to like her much, although I did get to peek behind her eyes as well, and I can understand her.
Toward the end however, I was much more propelled into Anne’s point of view, torn away, ans estranged from Abigail. Anne, vegetating with what seems to have been stroke after stroke. Nobody really only cares for her. She’s the puppet of her country, the parliament and the nobility.

In short: living at court only seems to have been superficially fun and satisfying.

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Not knowing much about Tolkien’s life, I like experiencing this the way it is done.
The war scenes - oh, so he sees himself as Frodo, with a high impossible task … and his squire, Sam.
Then… the headmaster at first seemed an inspiring source for Gandalf, although really just in the first scene.
The four friends… ah, Marry, Pippin, Sam and again, Frodo?
Edith… is she Galadriel? Or maybe Arwen?
The priest seems to have inspired Bilbo.

Funny, how “Sam” would mention there’s a problem with there not being any women in “Tolkien’s” books :sweat_smile: there really barely are any worth mentioning, we all know that.
When they’re running through the hallway at around 25 minutes it looked like they were bumping into Aragorn.
Either way, I get all teary from youthful, deep friendship like that.

When they talk about Wagner, and how it shouldn’t take six hours to tell the story of a magical ring… I giggled.

For some reason, I had been under the impression that Tolkien wrote most of TLOTR imprisoned. However, that was never mentioned, and does not show up anywhere online either. Strange, I was so convinced. Maybe I was thinking of Wilde.

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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

I’m not sure by what standards to rate this :joy:
Was it entertaining? Yes.
Was it silly? Yes.
Was it a little dumb? Yes.
Endearing? Yeah.
Over the top? Mmhm.
Plot twist? I mean… yeah.
Surprise Junji Ito vibe? Hello.

It’s one of those things that aren’t necessarily a “good movie”, but they’re one of those perfect stupid things to do with a bunch of silly best friends.

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A thrilling story about friendship, bravery and love. 

And what a fantastic case, and amazing costumes.

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

What a strange film.
It starts just a little odd, but you think it’s a relatively normal world, until they start introducing actual different animals than those we have in ours. Crayon pony fish? Hello, you’re cute.

The crew is so weird, I love it. They’re all so specifically odd, yet not over explained. Random Portuguese … not very talented singing of David Bowie , lady who refuses to wear shirts…

And I love how obviously bad it is, optically, as if it were made back in the 80s, on low budget.

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Mission Pluto

Love their enthusiasm but gosh, the narrator’s narrating style is so jarring and sensationalist.

The entire story could have been packed down into 15mins instead of 45. A lot of repetitive, unnecessary waste of time.

And in the end, they just hype you up for it but never even show you what they found. It’s like one of those scroll/click bait videos on social media that just keeps going on and on and on without showing you what you’re waiting for.

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Fantasia 2000

Nice, but I don’t think it would have been so impactful like the first fantasia was, if I had seen it as a child. I really only enjoyed two or three stories more than average. The original fantasia still has me glued to my seat for the majority of films.

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Nightmare Alley
See How They Run

Nice little whodunnit, with stories inside of stories inside of stories.

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“When chaos is put into a rectangle, it becomes a painting.”

What a life-project, beautifully enveloped in auditory and visual arts.
A stunning masterpiece.
A hard tackle.
A dive into mysticism.
An ode to Paul Celan.
Chaos, put into rectangles.

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Omg when she swallowed… I was like what kind of Disney/Pixar movie is this :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Frozen II

So badass. When Elsa heard herself from the first movie sing and is like “bah follies of the youth”
This is quite dark and serious. Love that.rising from the floor when it’s not you I’m rising for … that hit.

And “I’m here, what do you need” is the best thing I’ve heard in a Disney movie in a while.

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Oh noooooo Guineveeeeerrrr!!!! :sob:

Only the first of many year jerk moments. What a lovely film wipes eyes Full of adventure, family values and magic. What more could you want.

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Raya and the Last Dragon

Cute. Didn’t strike me as overwhelmingly anything other than cute until the end, when it totally jerked my tear ducts
Welcome to Kumandra

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Now this is everything I could ever have wanted in a sea-creature Disney movie. Forget arielle. This film is a hundred times better
Real friendship, innocent day dreaming, ending reigns of terror, new chances and old ladies eating gelato.

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The first 20 minutes have been extremely flat and boring. Waste of time. It doesn’t really pick up until after he dies, and even then I’m not sure I want to keep watching. The idea of the after/before is nice, but it’s just not hitting home.
It gets cute and more meaningful when they get to earth, and was quite nice in the end, just took a while to get there.

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Who doesn't love the villain-origin stories.
And who doesn't love girl boss crooks!
1 got so excited hearing the riff for whole lotta love, basically at the edge of my seat, waiting for it to kick off.
The delivery with the dress at the ball was a gag.
I feel like the role of Artie was made for David Bowie. I kept seeing his young self as him.
And the Cruella act is... interesting. Very over the top, but makes sense for a fashion designer.
I liked that scene on the post bike. It was a nice touch. All those potential hopes and dreams of the people writing just getting blown away with the wind. Like her idea of her whole life just shattered.
The "sit" scene was boss.
Poetic Justice is my favourite.

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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

Somebody warned me this was going to be real depressing.
I didn’t find that at all. It’s just not sugar coating things. It’s proper Del-Toro-dark. Quite like the original Pinocchio story – with a few adjustments.

Interesting take to have this play out in a very active and fascist Italy.
The bits of standing up against oppression were nice additions.
Definitely loved the darkness, signature del toro-eyes and the songs.

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The Door into Summer

What a lovely film. I got so happy when Pete showed up again. The Pete’s are amazing. Love them all

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Winter's Tale

But also what the hell trakt, that’s a shit description in the thumbnail. Way to give away the plot.

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Winter's Tale

“When true love is lost, life can bleed of all meaning. “

What at first seemed like a silly little flick turned into something that hit me quite unexpectedly, and hit hard. Well then! How about that.
All in all a lovely modern fairytale with a lovely message. Quite sad, but also, not.

In the credits it threw Matt Bomer at me. So now I feel like I have to rewatch it all, just to find the “young man” he’s playing lmao.

Spoilers/quotes below.

Is this why we love at all? To save?

What if we are all unique and the universe loves us all equally? So much so that it bends over backwards across the centuries for each and everyone of us. And sometimes we are just lucky enough to see it.

No life is more important than another
And nothing has been without purpose.

And one day, when we have done what we alone are capable of doing, we get to rise up and reunite with those we have loved the most, forever embraced.

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