

Oslo, Oslo County

Uncle Frank

Fuck. I was out for watching a “light hearted film” something to make me feel good.
Well that wasn’t it, but I’m glad I did anyway. Despite the shitshow of triggers toward the end and me feeling rather ... anything but good.
The “I have no family” - “You have me” about gave me the rest. Lighthearted film my ass.
It did do a marvellous job at punching me in the guts, and a marvellous job at leading me through it, too. :purple_heart:

“I thought I should be what I want to be, not what other people want me to be, that was just bullshit? You know, that conversation changed my life. Now I find out you can’t be who you are unless nobody around you disagrees with it”
Hats off.

Rather beautiful and strong portrayal of love and identity, and how parents fuck shit up for their kids.

Totally caught me off guard, so I can do little but marvel at its beauty and give it a full rating, my words have all but left me.

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Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis

She’s being way too real, it almost makes me uncomfortably sad in between the laughs.

So many good lines.
Don’t feel bad for Doug, he’s terrible. Every time he tells a story, a child somewhere loses a balloon” :sob:

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I Lost My Body

Such a bittersweet story. Dance around fate. Or maybe the dance and leap was always in accordance to fate, all along?

Bravest hand in history. Strange to see a story from a hand’s perspective, and then remember that when I was a child I sometimes saw my hands as something that was separate from the rest of my body, like different entities altogether.

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Horse Girl

I'm not entirely sure how to rate it. As a film, in its artfulness, it was nice, but that is visually speaking. I would give a shout out for people with similar issues as me, whatever those might be, but I don't do too well with films in which the main characters are utterly disbelieved and declared insane by their surroundings as it happens here rather soon.

And whatever universe she's living in, it is terrible. How can she only be surrounded by so many uncaring, heartless characters? The only good person was evidently her co-worker, everyone else was actually just really overwhelmed/scared/cold-hearted. Which hurt to see. And they are being so while being utterly passive. It's like they're villains toward the main character, but not written as villains. Which makes it harder to dislike them, or harder to argue why they are bad people. So even the viewer gets this sense of manipulation or that you're the one not right in the head, as the majority seems to have such clear and different views from you.

I realise my comment this time around lacks eloquence, but I hope it gets across what I meant to express.

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A good movie about a topic that's been made movies off a lot lately, what with dysfunctional families/millenials, drugs and America, and all that. American Honey did it quite well, too.
The camera-work in the beginning almost nauseated me, but it was interesting camerawork nonetheless. I liked how the director used lights and colours in this. Very dramatic and neo-noiresque, I appreciated that.

I also enjoyed the different angles and takes. I had not expected the main focus and main character to shift – a pleasant surprise.

A lot of tragedy packed into one film, and many moments I was moved to tears.
So sad how hard it seems for people to just love another (and stop capslocking about important issues).
When we realise how all things have causes and effects and everything influences each other, it gets tougher to assign blame too.
But holy damn was I bothered by how they ruled a homicide by accident as "second degree murder" and "lifelong prison". What the actual fuck, that justice system is seriously fucked. Also wondering what it would have been ruled if he'd been a white guy. Yikes.

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Green Book

“The world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.”

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Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2021-11-13T01:47:40Z— updated 2021-11-17T15:12:57Z

“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process that cannot be understood by stopping it. We must move with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it.”

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A Ghost Story

Beautiful work of art and poetry. It truly is a ghost story, with incredibly artful and aesthetic still shots especially in the first 2/3 of the movie. Each and every one was a piece of art. Thoroughly enjoyable.

We really hadn’t expected for it to hit so hard toward the end though. Sad and nihilistic was fine. Somehow they topped that.

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Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning

Watching their quiet love unfold made me so anxious. This is where true tragedy happens. Not sure my heart can take this.

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Mortal Engines

A lovely, poetic film. About the fragility of art, and love.

"It's okay. They're just words" That made me almost sadder than what happened in the first place.
I did really like the scene with the Japanese poet, in some way, although I don't like when Paterson is being untruthful or hides away.

"Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with [a] raincoat."

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Pale Blue Eye

Loved the way the scenes were set with colours and atmosphere, as well as there were a few Poe-motives snuck into it here and there.
And what a fun fellow Poe was! Enjoyed every minute of his and Landon’s exchanges.

I liked how the mystery keeps deepening, how you start suspecting about everyone until you get set on a path, question everything and in the end still get a completely new story.
I did suspect that everything was connected, would just have been too many loose threads in a good story, but it wasn’t obvious for me how until the end. I did also suspect that maybe the main character we are being introduced to and put ourself into his shoes might not be as innocent and maybe have something to do with it, but the plot quickly distracted me from that thought.

Enjoyed this greatly

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Motherless Brooklyn

I love me a film noir flick. This was perfect. The music, the setting, the story… a typical detective flick, except with a twist. Or a tick, rather. Edward Norton shines again. Does his talent know no bound?

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The Suicide Squad

Well the first 15 minutes are entirely pointless other than to show us humanity is despicable.
Sending out people to suicide is one thing, making bets and being happy over them dying is another.

Gets better after that, but I’m getting annoyed at little things. Like why do we see the only woman in the camp doing the dishes? Unnecessary.

Other than that, pretty enjoyable humour. Like the cavalry coming riding when Harley had it all under control. Her training acrobatics paid off. Could totally see her having fun, just killing people to the soundtrack in her head.
Not sure why I enjoyed that little moment where Bloodsport crashes against the wall and his helmet broke.

And rats are cool and powerful in numbers and all, but why would people just instantly die as soon as they have a few rats walk over them. Like they don’t seem to be biting or anything, simply running. But ok. The way the squad dealt with the mf kaiju was pretty neat. Everyone had a role to play. Except the weasel and peacemaker. They were both useless.

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The Green Knight

What a life… what a woman.
So happy she managed to put it into art. As we are all… alone and afraid.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Thought I’d give a film a try, sat there in anticipation, when I reached “wanna help me gut it?” I kind of lost it, paused to let myself catch some breath, get more snacks, and settle for the evening. Wonderful.

Then that scene at the hut, where he’s talking about being made things and playing with himself I golden.

And the crispiest flakes, oh my gods. And probably one of the best car chase scenes I’ve ever seen. Great film.

(But am I alone with this phenomenon of whenever I see Sam Neil&”jungle”, I expect the hoot of a bronto? Good old times. whistles intro)

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Omg when she swallowed… I was like what kind of Disney/Pixar movie is this :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Frozen II

So badass. When Elsa heard herself from the first movie sing and is like “bah follies of the youth”
This is quite dark and serious. Love that.rising from the floor when it’s not you I’m rising for … that hit.

And “I’m here, what do you need” is the best thing I’ve heard in a Disney movie in a while.

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The Double

Oh I might have found the weirdest film currently on HBO.
I both love and hate it already.
This could be a masterpiece. It’s just frustrating to watch.
There are no special people. Only people.
And I guess sometimes they steal faces and sometimes they don’t exist. Because they’re not in the system.

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Knock at the Cabin

The four apocalyptic riders was kind of in your nose, but the way they presented themselves, or how the first 45 minutes were acted out, wasn’t.
Kept us thinking and on our toes for a long time.
It’s done very realistically. No matter which side you’re on. Are they just delusional or is it real? In a situation like that, of course you wouldn’t just straight out believe some apocalypse is happening. It stands more to reason there’s some mass delusion. But is it? Eric having a concussion and seeing things was neat. Keeps you guessing as well.

And then it’s like… how would their sacrifice change anything? If it was meant to happen or already has happened, how would their sacrifice stop the “apocalypse”? At least with logical non-supernatural thinking it makes little sense. But with the supernatural one… yeah, ok.

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drew michael: red blue green

Wow, he’s saying some real shit. Glad I’m not watching live; I had several moments I needed to pause and rewind to hear that again. Pretty genius. Sad and dark, but genius.

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We Have a Ghost

The cutest ghost in the history of ghosts in movies. Not even Caspar was this cute.

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Marc Maron: From Bleak to Dark

Not the kind of comedy show you watch when you want to die laughing.

His level of self irony is something else. Packing trauma into a format that fits onto a stage, and telling it over and over. Respect.

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The Humans

A realistic portrait of a family. They do tend to drive each other nuts, don't they?
What I liked is how certain small details didn't make much sense in the moment, but then later had much more meaning.
For example the entire episode with the "faceless woman", and how the mom just started laughing a bit too hysterically. When we hear his story, or confession later, it would make sense that his wife would react to dreams of faceless women. She was just a faceless woman to her. There were other things, too... like ash. Ash was a topic.
Weird little film, weird family, glad I'm not part of this one, but not sure mine is that much healthier.

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