

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Hailee Steinfeld's performance is by far the best, Oscar Isaac's Miguel O' Hara was pretty good too.
The animation was beautiful, like true eye candy. It had just the right balance between good action, good characters, and emotional scenes. I've never had this much fun watching an animated movie before. I had seen the first one but this second one is far better in my opinion but the first one set things up pretty well.

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Don Jon
Emily the Criminal

The plot makes no sense.

The police chase her after her partner's brother snitches on her, but somehow she still manages to escape to another country? They really expect us to believe that she wouldn't just get caught at the airport? Even Catch Me If You Can makes more sense than this. Also, how does she manage to get credit card numbers without any hacking abilities? And it's not like she knows any hackers either. And, how does she end up being so powerful with only a taser and a box cutter? It makes no sense that nobody uses guns in this movie. Hell, even the Armenians that she steals from in the beginning should have had guns, they were way nicer than they would have been if it was realistic.

The movie is slightly entertaining nonetheless, enough to feel like I didn't completely waste my time, especially since I watched most of it on a plane (downloaded from Netflix beforehand). But there are much better movies out there that tap into that same crime thriller genre.

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It was great because the songs were very well done and the story was interesting but of course, because it's a romcom, they had to ruin it all with a stupid ending. Also, Ed Sheeran is extremely overrated but his scenes were funny nonetheless.

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Black Adam

It was very similar to The Suicide Squad but better in my opinion, mainly because of The Rock and because the CGI in this movie was very impressive. It's not a masterpiece but it's a classic action movie, kind of like the type that The Rock is usually in but in the DC superhero kind. The story isn't very good but I still enjoyed it because of the action scenes, the effects, the characters and the acting.

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Bullet Train

This is an excellent movie that has completely surpassed my expectations. It has lots of amazing action and great comedy and wonderful performances from all the actors involved. The movie reminds me of Kill Bill.

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Jojo Rabbit
Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Good movie, it exceeded my expectations, from the reviews I had read I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did. The effects were pretty good and the action was mind blowing, there were many great emotional scenes and the ending was very well done.

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Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters

From the very beginning, the beautiful visuals were stunning but the slow pace of the story and the endless technical jargon ruins any potential this movie had. It was a bit enjoyable after all but the slow pace made the movie very boring at times.

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Sword Art Online: The Movie – Ordinal Scale

It was fine, but not as amazing as they could have made it and this is coming from a true fan who loved the series. The last 30 minutes were much more enjoyable than the rest which was boring at times. 6/10.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

An amazing movie with an amazing lead actor. At first I thought 3 hours would be too long and too boring but this movie was great and the ending matched the story exactly. There are many great values you can learn from this movie.

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Point Break

Bad storytelling and failed remake but great stuntwork and great landscapes. The characters weren't very interesting and the story was bad but the scenes looked beautiful, the scenes in nature were total eye candy. 6/10.

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Before I Fall
Taxi Driver

This movie was very special. For the first time in months, I felt like I was really focused on the movie I was watching. Prior to watching this movie I hadn't read the plot which was a good thing because I didn't know what was going to happen or what the movie was about and I was surprised at every twist and turn. The music was very good. I am normally not a fan of crime dramas but this one was so different from the others that it was much more interesting. The filmmaking and the acting were incredible from beginning to end. It's so hard nowadays to find a movie that is as good as this one in all those aspects especially a crime movie, they don't make them as good as they used to.

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This movie was not only terrible but very boring from beginning to end, and I like M Night Shyamalan normally (I liked the Sixth Sense) but this movie, I don't get what anyone sees in it, the characters are a bunch of idiots, the children they're children ok, but the two adults are barely adults, they're so scared throughout the whole movie even though there's nothing to be scared of. And the ending, that just makes no sense. I really don't get why they call this a thriller, there was no thrill and the mystery was only there for a couple of minutes and was not the type of mystery you really want to solve, it also wasn't scary to me at all. I really regret wasting nearly 2 hours of my time on this crap of a movie.

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Amazing acting, great action scenes, good movie, but I didn't like the protagonist, he was no antihero, only a villain. This movie was fun to watch but definitely not a masterpiece despite it being a classic in the film industry. I found the character Tony Montana to be a complete idiot, yes, he has courage but his decisions make no sense. I know this movie isn't trying to be realistic but an idiot like Tony Montana would never get as up in the world in real life. He has none of the characteristics that make a great leader except for scaring the hell out of everyone around him. In the end I can only give this a 7/10.

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The story is terrible, Colombus is the typical nice guy and both him and Tallahassee are complete idiots in this movie, letting themselves be led by two little girls. And, the chemistry between Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone is nonexistant, it just doesn't work at all. And the concept of running zombies just made no sense at all. I didn't completely hate this movie though, there were funny scenes, and some good nostalgia from having watched it with an old friend around 1 year after it's release.

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John Wick

I feel like the movie was visually stunning in the effects and the filming but the story itself and its main character are weak, I mean she's supposed to be an FBI agent for christ's sake, and she can't do anything to defend herself. She was acting like a fucking civilian. Makes no sense whatsoever. And letting the villain win for no reason was a terrible idea. I give this a 4/10. I really don't get what the critics see in this piece of crap of a movie to give it a total rating of 94%. At least to me, a good movie is a movie that has good strong realistic characters and an interesting story, and amazing movie for me is something that does all that and has stunning visuals and gives me chills. All this movie had was stunning visuals, but the ending was terrible. Worst movie ending ever.

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It's a Wonderful Life

It was the most beautiful and emotional movie I have ever seen, I recommend it to everyone. This movie was there when I needed it the most, it shows how much one man can make a difference in the world, no matter what he does, and how we sometimes don't even realize what impact our very own existence can have on other people's lives.

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Best Boxing Movie I have ever seen. 10/10

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Before Sunrise
The Longest Ride

One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen in my life and one of my favorites. Everything was perfect, from the characters, to the story, to the ending, it was just amazing. I find that nowadays it is hard to find these kind of beautiful movies that make you cry of joy. I really wish they would start making more of these.

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When Marnie Was There

This movie was perfect and amazingly beautiful in all sections, from the story to the visuals and the characters. At many times it was sad but in a good way. The ending was unexpected and the story distinguishes itself from anything else that I have seen in my life. It is my favorite movie of all time. It was the first anime feature film I had ever seen and it makes me want to start watching more anime.

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Shaun of the Dead

Terrible Movie, Weak Sauce :( the ending was unrealistic and impossible, and the main characters a bunch of idiots, it's as if the writers were afraid of making a movie with too much gore, seriously, at one time they were like 6 against one zombie and they couldn't do shit. And it's not like they don't have the budget, the movie was based on about the same budget that AMC uses for one episode of the walking dead. I seriously don't get what's wrong with the idiots at Rotten Tomatoes who gave it such good reviews giving it a final rating of 93%. I guess I am very disappointed because I watched the Cornetto Trilogy in reverse, I loved The World's End and gave it a 10, and I also loved Hot Fuzz and also gave it a 10.

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The Girl Next Door

This movie was amazingly perfect from the beginning to the end. It is my favorite romantic comedy of all time and probably my favorite movie of all time.

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