

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Star Trek: 3x09 The Tholian Web

I know this is regarded as a classic episode, but I didn't get that much enjoyment out of it. I found it slow and meandering, with little sense of urgency. Characters were acting strangely, having long and irrelevant arguments in the middle of a crisis; Scotty walked off during the emergency to go and get drunk. The ending also wasn't particularly satisfying and the central mystery not really given any due.

The design of the Tholian web was excellent, though.

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Star Trek: 2x21 Patterns of Force

There's no denying that this is a fun and fantastical episode that manages to discuss the horrors of fascism. But it becomes less engaging and ambitious as it progresses, and slogs its way to a muddled ending.

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Star Trek: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion

A genuine example of "so bad it's good". This is a ridiculous over-the-top episode that I laughed most of the way through, but also found myself really getting into. Shatner is almost doing an impression of himself at times. The three brains are pure Futurama fodder. Really silly, really bad, really enjoyable.

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Star Trek: 2x11 Friday's Child

Quite an ambitious episode, but it felt like an ill-conceived story from the start. Just not interesting enough to keep my attention. It also reminded me more of typical 1990s Trek, but less polished. I was surprised at the fair amount of (relatively) violent deaths for a 1960s family TV show.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x13 One Last Ride (2)

The last great comedy show. I'm really going to miss this, many great memories of watching over the years.

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Disappointed with this series overall, it was very limited in scope and kept revisiting the same people and genres. I felt like it had a narrow field of view. Some great stuff hidden in there, definitely, but it never really delved deep into anything and seemed content to just jump from one thing to the next.

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Star Trek: 1x26 Errand of Mercy

The introduction of the Klingons is great, if a far cry from what they famously become later. Kirk is super judgemental here.

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Star Trek: 1x22 Space Seed

Having never before seen the episode which sets up one of the greatest Trek films, this was intriguing. Khan is a bit different here, maybe more intimidating and confrontational. Hugely misogynistic, too. I liked the history lessons about the 1990s.

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Star Trek: 1x17 The Squire of Gothos

Very silly episode, with a being that we could now identify as a Q. Didn't like much about this at all, and the guest actor got on my nerves very quickly. The funny ending reveal made up for things a bit.

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Star Trek: 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?

A cool proper little sci-fi tale with androids and mystery. It isn't particularly deep and falls apart when really deconstructed (Corby is okay with removing love/kindness to create a better civilisation? Becoming an android doesn't transfer your consciousness, it just creates a copy so the original you is still going to live an die). Great guest stars, and the Kirk double was fun.

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Limitless: 1x09 Headquarters!

Loved this. Brilliant montage with the Abyss joke and the Queen song.

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