

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Star Trek: 2x04 Mirror, Mirror

Nice to finally see the original Mirror Universe episode that kicked off a story arc reappearing throughout the franchise. I find the original Trek at its best when it's either super adventurous/dramatic or having crazy fun like this. Mirror, Mirror succeeds mostly, but I felt like it could have explored a bit more. The required scene in which Kirk has a female fawning all over him was so unnecessary, but at least evolved to an interesting conclusion.

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Rick and Morty: 2x04 Total Rickall

The word 'genius' is thrown about too casually these days. But, this episode is absolute genius.

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Westworld: 1x01 The Original

I pretty much loved this. It's taken the general setup of the movie but is completely doing its own thing with it and going in a very different direction. A lot of unexpected things being turned on their head. The actors playing the hosts are fantastic (notably, Delores and her father). I loved the way their accents changed. The scene with Hopkins and the father speaking creeped me out, and meanwhile Ed Harris is terrifying.

The music was also wonderful throughout and added a lot. Wonderful use of Black Hole Sun and Paint It, Black. My only disappointments were the English administrator and his boss, they were poorly written and frankly poorly acted scenes that didn't flow well with the rest of the episode.

At this point, I also don't have much idea where things are going. That's not a problem, as the episode sucked me in and I really want to continue. The final shot was excellent and the whole thing looks incredible.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2
Star Trek: 2x02 Who Mourns for Adonais?

Mostly a fun episode, gleefully over the top. But it also has an unforgivably sexist slant with Carolyn's character, maybe the most offensive in the show so far. Chekhov is fun and the ending actually was sad.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x13 One Last Ride (2)

The last great comedy show. I'm really going to miss this, many great memories of watching over the years.

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Star Trek: 2x01 Amok Time

Fantastic. The mystery for the first half, visiting Vulcan, the ridiculous ceremony and battle with THAT music. Welcome, Mr. Chekov. These characters have really come to life by this point, and Spock's reaction to finding out Kirk was alive was gold.

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Disappointed with this series overall, it was very limited in scope and kept revisiting the same people and genres. I felt like it had a narrow field of view. Some great stuff hidden in there, definitely, but it never really delved deep into anything and seemed content to just jump from one thing to the next.

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Star Trek: 1x29 Operation: Annihilate!

Laughable alien creatures aside, this had some good moments in it. The Kirk/Spock/McCoy dynamic shines in the last third of the episode. Other than that, it struggled to engage me too much. Kirk had brushed aside the loss of his family by the end.

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Star Trek: 1x28 The City on the Edge of Forever

Not quite the classic episode I'd been led to believe, still I really enjoyed it. The slightly sloppy storytelling and campy performances detracted from what should have been an emotional ending, but Kirk's final line was great.

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Star Trek: 1x26 Errand of Mercy

The introduction of the Klingons is great, if a far cry from what they famously become later. Kirk is super judgemental here.

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Star Trek: 1x25 The Devil in the Dark

That was pretty spectacular. Gripping from start to finish, a good morality tale, great lines and some fun science.

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Star Trek: 1x24 This Side of Paradise

Started off slow (ANOTHER planet that looks like 1960s Earth), but developed into an interesting and fun story, with a great OTT performance from Shatner and heartfelt performance from Nimoy.

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Star Trek: 1x23 A Taste of Armageddon

This was great. A fantastic sci-fi story that I haven't encountered before, but the real star here was Kirk and his brilliant strategy (and fantastically cocky attitude).

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Star Trek: 1x22 Space Seed

Having never before seen the episode which sets up one of the greatest Trek films, this was intriguing. Khan is a bit different here, maybe more intimidating and confrontational. Hugely misogynistic, too. I liked the history lessons about the 1990s.

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Star Trek: 1x21 The Return of the Archons

I have no idea what the hell happened in this episode, but I certainly didn't enjoy it.

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Star Trek: 1x20 Court Martial

Great episode, pretty gripping and tightly focused. I liked the solution of listening to heartbeats across the ship and the fact that the story didn't go exactly where I was expecting it to.

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Star Trek: 1x19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday

I enjoyed this. It's lighthearted but still tells a good sci-fi adventure story (much like Star Trek IV). Spock and McCoy had some great stuff, Kirk was extremely cool under pressure. Laughed at the sexy computer. The ending didn't make the most sense, but ho hum.

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Star Trek: 1x18 Arena

Very dated from a production point of view, and the script is absolutely terrible. BUT, the story itself is exciting and it certainly did some ambitious stuff not seen on the show before.

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Star Trek: 1x17 The Squire of Gothos

Very silly episode, with a being that we could now identify as a Q. Didn't like much about this at all, and the guest actor got on my nerves very quickly. The funny ending reveal made up for things a bit.

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Star Trek: 1x16 The Galileo Seven

Pretty good stuff, Spock's first command is something of a disaster and makes for entertaining viewing. I'm a bit stunned at how insubordinate and bigoted the lower-rank crew all are on this show, hardly a progressive view of humanity. I really hate the endings with the entire bridge crew laughing.

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Star Trek: 1x15 Shore Leave

That was very silly, but it was at least good fun. The cast seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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Star Trek: 1x14 Balance of Terror

That's more like it! Suspenseful and well executed, dramatic story. Spock and McCoy are really settling into their characters. A shame the bigotry subplot was so heavy handed.

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Star Trek: 1x13 The Conscience of the King

What the hell was this?

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Star Trek: 1x12 The Menagerie (2)

This show works best for me when the focus is completely on the main cast; anytime guest actors are given the spotlight, I lose interest. So this was not all that fun to sit through, but I applaud the creative way it was all put together.

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Star Trek: 1x11 The Menagerie (1)

I was really enjoying this, a great mystery was building up and I was intrigued as to what Spock was up to. Then the extended flashback/episode viewing began and barely held my attention.

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Star Trek: 1x10 The Corbomite Maneuver

Might be the episode I've enjoyed most so far, but I tend to prefer small stories that are just set on board the ship. There's some great character interaction here, notably between Kirk and McCoy. Bailey's emotional journey was simplistic, to say the least, but worked for the episode.

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Star Trek: 1x09 Dagger of the Mind

I don't know how I made it through this one. Terrible acting and writing spread throughout, and another female character there just to accompany the captain. The first appearance of the Vulcan mind meld was sort of interesting.

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Star Trek: 1x08 Miri

Kind of a stupid episode for my tastes. The gang of kids were really annoying, and the duplicate Earth was never explained or even questioned.

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Star Trek: 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?

A cool proper little sci-fi tale with androids and mystery. It isn't particularly deep and falls apart when really deconstructed (Corby is okay with removing love/kindness to create a better civilisation? Becoming an android doesn't transfer your consciousness, it just creates a copy so the original you is still going to live an die). Great guest stars, and the Kirk double was fun.

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