The Open House

Seriously disappointed in this film, it was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, where they left every single question unanswered, and ruined the whole film. No mention of who the person in the open house was, or of their motives! Absolute rubbish.

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Does anyone know what accent the main female character in this film is meant to have? Her accent was so muddled, I'd say it was a cross between Irish and American, and possibly something else too! I found it very distracting though, as it was quite a dull film anyway and so I struggled to keep watching till the end.

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Berlin Syndrome

Shout by Donna
BlockedParent2018-01-10T23:48:42Z— updated 2018-01-17T23:24:19Z

I enjoyed this, in that it kept me in suspense and I was desperate to know what happened next. However, by the end I was a bit disappointed, as there were a couple of glaring plot holes and questions that weren't answered. The ending felt kind of rushed, and for the sake of about 10 extra minutes, maybe even 5, they could have tied it all up a bit better, without leaving us wondering X, Y and Z.

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I thought it was alright, nothing too exciting, but kept me occupied for a couple of hours. One glaring error in this film though: where are all these kids' parents?! Only the first girl seemed to have parents, there was not one mention of any of the others, and you would think that with everything that's going on in their town, parents would want to keep an extra eye on their kids! Other than that, I could kind of suspend my disbelief.

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Three Girls

Three words. Heartbreaking. As. Fuck. When I first saw this in the TV guide and thought it sounded good, I had NO idea how much of an impact this programme would have on me. I actually cried at some of it, and I never cry, I can't even remember the last time I cried at something on tv or in a film. But I had to see it through to the end, and I'm so glad I did. The actress playing Holly was brilliant, I remember seeing her in The Unloved several years back, and that had a similar storyline, and the way she does that "dead behind the eyes" look, just like she did in The Unloved, is amazing. It's like you can see into her soul.

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The Catch

Gutted that this has been cancelled!

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Dartmoor Killing

Anyone got any thoughts on what the ending means?

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Mom: 4x16 Martinis and a Sponge Bath

Anyone know why they keep skipping weeks on Mom? It seems to be two or three weeks between episodes airing sometimes, makes me panic that it's been cancelled or something!

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