Lydia Mitchell



The Living and the Dead: 1x03 Episode 3

Not really sure what's going on in this series anymore. Every episode seems to be self-contained in a lot of ways.

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Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed: Special 1 Breaking the Magician's Code 1

Worth it for the phrase magical forklift operator.

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The first three seasons were fresh, entertaining, and timely. Later seasons are lackluster or trying too hard.

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Confessions of a Shopaholic

A fairly formulaic chick flick saved by Isla Fisher's slightly whacky sense of comedy.

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Born in China

Great for younger audiences and beautiful visuals. This film occasionally feels like it lacks the integrity of other nature documentaries, with heavy handed sound effects, editing and narration. Indeed, at times I wondered if scenes were created with CGI or just with captive animals (tbf I can't find anything on the internet that supports this notion). Its a lovely movie with cute stories, but maybe not to everyone's taste, at least no one ran lemmings of a cliff to make this one.

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The Mask of Zorro

Cheesy but lovable adventure flick.

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Wild Wild West

Cheesy, camp and cringe all in one place!

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Strange film, visually beautiful. Daniel Radcliffe's American accent was occasionally grating, however his performance is solid. Was surprised by the Heather Graham cameo, didn't know she was still acting.

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Valentine's Day

This movie continues in the tradition of films focused on particular holidays begun by Love Actually. Featuring a series of vignettes of intertwined relationships on Valentine's Day in Los Angeles. Whilst there are plenty of familiar faces, this movie can't really measure up to the success of its predecessor. Despite this, its still a fun and light-hearted romantic comedy.

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The Vampire Diaries

Fundamentally a teen soap with a paranormal bent. Other writers have far more adequately addressed the flaws of this show already so I won't repeat them here.

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L!fe Happens

A bit predictable and certainly no knockout, but still satisfying.

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Sleepless in Seattle

In which Meg Ryan is a stalker, emotionally cheating on her fiancee. Tom Hanks is a charming widower.

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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The paranormal love triangle is in full swing now. A cash register goes cha-ching for every scene where Jacob is contractually obliged to be shirtless. Every movie Edward becomes more controlling of Bella, which is frustrating. Victoria is played by a different actress, who is less likeable, despite Bryce Dallas Howards' acting prowress. Bella's makeup is better in this movie, she looks less dead though.

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Death Note

Forget what you know about the Japanese thriller manga series, once you do that this movie gets a lot better. Now turn the gore and profanity up a few notches and remember this was made for American audiences and at times plot points are spelled out for you. The theme of rules and in/justice feature throughout. It does irk me that this is not as clever a game of wits between L and Light as the original material. Visually it's good and the soundtrack is probably the best part of the movie. Recommended for fans of Twilight.

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Gods of Egypt

The Good: Lots to look at. Beautiful people, beautiful clothes, beautiful scenery. The design in general. All these actors are good actors shame they didn't have much to work with.
The Bad: This was a pretty mediocre action film. Cinematography wasn't the best. Very superficial plot/ dialogue/ everything.
The Ugly: How much CGI do you think we can fit in a single scene?

It was alright, nothing spectacular. I did find the heavy handed use of CGI a bit much. The butchering of ancient mythology I overlooked by convincing myself this was more sci-fi than fantasy.

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Jurassic World Dominion

Absolutely representative of everything wrong with modern hollywood. I love it. It is a bad movie, the cgi looks like puppets in places the plot is thinly strung together video game cutscenes and all the major beats were included in the trailer. I'll watch it again, recommend keeping your expectations low and having a good time.

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Bride Wars

Women who wed for the event and not the other person.

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Dracula 2000

There are some surprisingly well known names in this movie, not least of all the massive Virgin music promo that it seems to be (although full points for symbolism). So late 90s it hurts in places, it lives up to the tagline of it being set fully in the time it was made. Uses a lot of the cliches of modern vampire fiction, I'm looking at you New Orleans. Pieces of this movie are fantastic and the climax is pretty decent but the overall impression is that this movie is terrible.

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This movie is catatonic. I wanted to like this movie, a comedy parody of a biopic is normally just my cup of tea. The pace is as slow as the narrative of the much beloved pop culture figure its based on but delivers on no punchline until the final 10mins.

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Simply Irresistible

If only to be a fly on the wall when this movie was pitched. A romcom about food and a magical crab? This movie has is entirely of its time, and its not necessarily a good thing, visually its 90s af, but its also forgettable. Not a bad film, its still watchable, if only for the crab.

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Thos whole film can be summarised as peculiar. If it is attempting to replicate slapstick British humour for the American audience then somehow it misses it's mark. A star studded cast can't redeem this bizarre escapade and even stranger characters. It is at times entertainin, but not in a so-bad-its-good way.

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Knights of Badassdom

So bad it's funny. Cliche plot, lots of cameos and a fun/ silly watch if you're into geek subcultures like LARPing or DnD.

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon

This movie has beautiful scenery. It takes all the really dumb, emo bits from Romeo & Juliet and makes a two hour teen movie about poor life decisions about them. I will concede that this film is a winner for all fans of shirtless dudes with rippling abs though.

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Made of Honor

This movie was one of those uncomfortable, generic romantic comedies where the protagonist behaves in a wholly creepy matter to manipulate win the love interest over at the end. The plot is pretty flimsy, the chemistry between the leads almost non-existent. Dempsey does a good job of being charming, but even that isn't enough to save this movie.

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

Really enjoyable, but only because it's so bad it's laugh-out-loud funny. It starts off reasonably well (even if it is a bit paranormal teen days of our lives) and then its a rapid slide downhill from there.

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For a movie about the sins of being shallow, this is a horrifically superficial teen movie with none of the characteristics that make a classic transcend the time in which it was made. The characters are straight up weird and the story is weak.

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Time to Love

I'm not sure if something has been lost in translation with the English subtitles but the pacing seems erratic, like large parts of the plot are missing. An understanding of Chinese history before watching probably helps. The production quality also seems lower than other adaptations of the book or even other Chinese historical dramas. I also found the lead character to be entirely unlikable and a little bit twee.

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Fifty Shades of Grey

Cinematography and soundtrack are the only winners in this film. Performances are wooden and the two leads have no chemistry for a romance. You can tell when the director has given Dakota a particular instruction because it's so obvious and clunky, it makes it impossible to connect to the character. Jamie Dornan comes across as genuinely creepy so he's done well on that score. This could have easily become a horror or a comedy but instead it's just boring in the extreme.

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iZombie: 3x09 Twenty-Sided, Die

As a fan of D&D this episode was heaps of fun to watch.

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I knew this was going to be a cheesy musical just from the casting. The music is fun and it is a silly enjoyable movie as long as you don't have high expectations and are just looking for dumb entertainment.

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