Kelvin Mathew


Texas, USA

Loot: 1x10 The Silver Moon Summit

Do you not see the irony of a multi trillion dollar company lecturing us on how bad wealth is, while they charge north of 1000 for almost every thing they sell. And then they have the balls to place their products in the series.

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And the CEO itself being a billionaire :joy:. His pay was even questioned by the SEC so HE willingly asked the shareholders for a 40% pay cut.

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Loki: 2x06 Glorious Purpose

What's up with the renslayer scene though? Seems in a TVA-disused far future, and purple light was previously associated with he who remains. Back-up-back-up plan of his?
Nice come back to nordic mythology with yggdrasil, literally holding worlds/timelines together.

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Renslayer is in the void cause she was pruned (pyramids] and the purple was Alioth the smoke monster. The TVA has gotten destroyed multiple times, like He who remains said as well, the loom was supposed to protect the sacred timeline so every time the threshold surpasses the loom killed those timelines and destroyed TVA was rebuilt with everyone’s memories wiped

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Loki: 2x06 Glorious Purpose

This season was below average according to me.

There was no proper explanation for most of the things. Things happened and powers were gained because Deus Ex Machina.

Main point of Season 2 was branches have people with life's, we shouldn't kill them. Throughout the season, people on the branches were killed and resurrected nonstop.

In the end, Loki's decision, we can't save the Loom from exploding - So let's stop He Who Remains from dying, so that atleast the Sacred Timeline survives, other timelines be damned. Like it's defeating the entire premise of the show.

Loki became God of Stories without the name drop. How he got the power to save multiverse - nobody knows. No explanation. No setup, nothing

Bahut gandha story tha.

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My guy didn’t pay attention, he got the time slipping powers from He who remains, he paved the way until that point. He knew how everything would go and how Loki will eventually have the character development to sacrifice himself to replace he who remains (even in S1 he planned it all to get Loki there as a replacement). Basically Charlie and the chocolate factory. He who remains has the same power and that’s how he defeated all the other kang variants

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Black Mirror: 3x06 Hated in the Nation

Not sure why they didn't move the Chancellor out of country? Also, who thought building automated nano machines with a backdoor to the government was a good idea anyway? All the more reason to save the bees tbh.

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Just put him in a bulletproof box with tiny holes for ventilation

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Mr. Robot: 4x05 405 Method Not Allowed

Fucking diabolical.
He's in a good shape for a nerd though.

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He was talking drugs to not addicted to drugs, so he must care about his health. He was seen to have abs in the first season as well. Don’t know how he workouts

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