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Yona of the Dawn: 1x24 From Now On

Shout by ManiacB

I want moooooooooooore! Give us season 2 now!

Thanks @deanzel for recommending this series. It wasn't really on my radar and I'd probably have missed it otherwise, but I'm so glad I didn't. I'm also very glad I wasn't forced to wait a week per episode!

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Black Lagoon: 1x15 Swan Song at Dawn

A value lesson from all this - do NOT fuck with Hotel Moscow.

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Is the Order a Rabbit?

Shout by ManiacB

As @sp1ti says, another "cute girls being cute" series. Nothing massively remarkable, although this one is pretty damn cute, high risk of diabetes abound.

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Durarara!!: 2x12 Adversity Makes a Man Wise

Welp, here we are at the halfway point (of chapter 2 anyway). I must admit to being somewhat worried at the start. I especially wasn't pleased (and still am not) that this series decided to take the "Nisemonogatari" route and introduce some incest-sisters. C'mon, DRRR, you were better than that.

But at least they have been absent from the last few episodes (although I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them again soon... hurray...) and we've spent time with old favorites and some of the more interesting new cast.

Let's just hope things don't fall apart in the second half this Summer. It's unfortunate that this one ended up quite low on my watching priority this list thanks to the aforementioned annoying additions, especially after how enjoyable I found season 1.

Oh well.

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Aldnoah.Zero: 1x24 Inherit the Stars

Well, at least it's over now.

The series was never massively remarkable imo, but while S1 felt solid enough (despite the whole MC-can-do-anything-even-though-he's-a-highschool-kid-compared-to-trained-military-professionals-who-just-die-like-lemmings thing), S2 just felt wholly unremarkable. The end of S1 set up what could have been a quite interesting sequel but in my opinion they went for the most obvious (and boring) route.

I enjoyed the orbital battles but aside from that, well, "meh" describes it best I think.

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Shirobako: 1x24 The Delivery That Was Too Far Off

Shout by ManiacB

A perfect final episode and a great end to a very enjoyable series. With a few exceptions I liked pretty much all the characters in the series and it was great to see everything ended up going so well for our 5 heroines.

I'm going to miss this one!

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Your lie in April: 1x22 Spring Wind

The last 2 episodes have definitely made up for a sometimes lackluster second half. A sad and poignant ending - part of me wished she would survive but I had the feeling she wouldn't. I applaud the show for having the balls to go through with it and not pulling a last-minute Deus ex machina (I'm looking at you, Dusk Maiden).

Overall the series didn't go in the direction I necessarily expected. When it was on top form, it was amazing, other times not so much. Definitely a worthwhile watch though and probably A-1 Pictures' best show in recent memory.

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Shirobako: 1x23 Table Flip Continued

Shout by ManiacB

Hurray! I was starting to worry that Zuka-chan-senpai was going to go the whole series never getting a break. Really loved the final scene with Miyamori watching and getting all emotional.

Last episode next week. I'm gonna miss this show :(

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The Fruit of Grisaia

If you enjoyed the series, the following Kickstarter link may interest you:

Grisaia, as with quite a few other VNs recently, will be getting an official English release. If you liked the anime series and want to see more, you can either pledge to the KS now, or wait for the steam release. It should probably go without saying that the Visual Novels cover the material shown in the anime in a far more detailed way.

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Fans of Clannad may be interested to know there is currently a Kickstarter running to get the Clannad Visual Novel officially released in English. The project is already funded (and then some!) and they are closing in on the last stretch goal. See here for more details:

If you were a fan of the anime you will love the VN. The anime did a great job of adapting the VN (it's probably one of the best when you compare it to most other VN adaptations) but it should go without saying that no matter how good it is, it had to sacrifice or skip some bits of the story to fit within a sensible episode count.

Anyway, at this point the Clannad release is probably a dead cert, so look forward to seeing it on Steam soon :)

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Angel Beats!

Fans of the anime may be interested to know that Key have finally set a release date for the first volume of the upcoming Angel Beats Visual Novel:

Of course, this will be released in Japanese only at first, but with the success of the recent Clannad English release kickstarter (, I am hopeful of an English release someday too :)

There will also be another "Special episode" OVA released around the same time.

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【 Anime Winter Season 2014/2015 】

Shout by ManiacB

@sp1ti Is Milky Holmes worth watching then? So retarded it's fun? All I see is bad ratings so I haven't bothered so far.

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【 Anime Winter Season 2014/2015 】

Shout by ManiacB

@sp1ti Death Billiards was okay. I didn't think it was amazing. Will probably give the series a go though.

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【 Anime Winter Season 2014/2015 】

Shout by ManiacB

Oh boy, next season looks pretty week. I think the only thing I'm really looking forward to is season 2 of Durarara!!

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Hori-san and Miyamura-kun

This was a really sweet couple of OVAs. I picked it up on a whim with zero expectations and found it a very pleasant and enjoyable watch.

The animation quality isn't that amazing, but I didn't mind that because I found the atmosphere relaxing and the characters endearing, Hori and Miyamuri in particular. There's more character development and meaningful moments in the first OVA than you find in whole series.

The story isn't anything groundbreaking but I found it to be sweet and light hearted watch. I'd definitely like to give the Manga a read now.

Oh and there's a third OVA out in 2015. Wish they'd make a full series of it though!

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Shout by ManiacB

A pretty decent watch. This series didn't feel particularly original, in fact it felt like a grab bag of tropes and elements from several other shows over the past decade (in particular I got quite a "Code Geass" vibe), but it was entertaining and for the most part, well executed. Some interesting, if somewhat one-dimensional characters, pretty decent action scenes and an awesome soundtrack by Sawano Hiroyuki (See also Guilty Crown, Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill).

The series seemed to play a lot of things safe but there was the occasional curveball to surprise you (in particular the final episode). Definitely worth a watch if you're a fan of the genre, but if it feels like you've seen a lot of it before, you probably have.

And on the subject of Geass, is it just me or is Slaine essentially this guy?

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Blue Spring Ride

I wish I could say I enjoyed this series more, but sadly I ended up underwhelmed. Perhaps I was expecting too much from it. With Production I.G. doing another Shoujo and a very similar art style to Kimi ni Todoke, I was hoping for something close to that, but this fell far short.

Most of the cast were okay but I thought it was very clunky and somewhat unconvincing how their friendships were established. Very little was done to flesh some of them out either, although I suppose that can be difficult with only 12 episodes.

My main problem was with the main couple though. Whilst I didn't mind Futaba after she eventually grew a spine and started realising that she didn't have to live a "fake" lifestyle, for the vast majority of the series I absolutely couldn't stand Kou. I understand that the intention was to show that he had changed in the years they had been apart and had become a distant and aloof person, but they went way too far in my few and a lot of the time he was just being a total asshole, at times being outright abuse to Futaba. Of course later on it's revealed as to why he ended up this way but I still don't think it justified even half of his dickish behaviour. He got better towards the end but for a lot of the series he was just a total prick and it made it very hard for me to enjoy the series.

Quite a let down overall.

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Terror in Resonance

I loved this series. It took a few episodes for me to really get into it, but this and Nozaki-kun ended up being my favourite series this season. Well done slice of life with enjoyable characters and some decent comedy.

I really liked Naru. It would have been very easy for her to have been the "really annoying kid character" you very often get, but I found her genuinely charming and endearing. For the most part, she spoke and acted like an actual child would, where a lot of series would mess up by having her act too much like a wiseass, or worse, some precocious loli. Thankfully, neither was the case here.

Handa himself came across as a flawed but quite sympathetic character. Watching his (usually startled) reactions to the things happening around him never got old!

The supporting cast were great too. They were all pretty upbeat and seemed fun to be around. I'd love to go hang out with them all on that island!

Overall a wonderful watch.

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Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun

I really liked this series. Considering that this was a random pick up and I had zero expectations, I was very pleasantly surprised. As a 4-koma series, comedy is the name of the game and what you get is a never ending stream of gags and silly situations and the vast majority worked for me. This is probably the funniest series I've seen since Daily Lives of High School Boys, another unexpectedly great and amusing series.

If you want a fun series with likeable characters that is relentlessly funny and makes some playful jabs at the Shoujo genre, I'd definitely recommend this one.

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I rather enjoyed this series and the characters although the overall plot felt rather directionless and it ultimately didn't amount to much. The relaxing atmosphere and likeable characters saw me through the series but it's probably not one that's worth a re-watch. Reminded me of Tari Tari.

Whilst I do like P.A. Works and their series do tend to look really nice, I am noticing a trend where a lot of them look and feel the same.

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The Fruit of Grisaia

Coming this Autumn then!

Please don't be shit!

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Princess Jellyfish

Re-watching this recent reminded me of what a little gem this series is. It's charming, funny and moving. Tsukimi is lovely and I like that she actually does look "plain" rather than us just being told she is (because generic anime art style makes it hard to tell who's supposed to be attractive and who's supposed to be ugly).

I believe this series falls under the "Josei" (older girls/ladies) category and I'm sure a lot of women can probably relate to some of the issues Tsukimi has to deal with. But speaking as a Male who was probably not the primary target audience, I still really enjoyed this show and most of the characters.

It's just a shame it's only 11 episodes long, because as has been said before, it ends a little abruptly and could have easily continued for another cour.

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Love Lab

Nothing groundbreaking here, but I found it a generally enjoyable watch. I didn't like the supporting characters that much, but Riko and Miho carried it for me. Especially Riko.

Very middle of the road "cute girls etc" slice of life, but quite watchable.

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Soul Eater Not!
Ping Pong the Animation

Turned out to be an awesome series, to nobody's surprise. Even if you have no real interest in Table Tennis (like me), this series is still worth watching. As mentioned in my other shout, it has some great staff behind it and it shows.

The characters are interesting and watching them grow throughout the series in a believable way is very enjoyable. Although the series often resorts to a kind of comic-panel-not-quite-still-frame style for some of it's action pieces, the fully animated parts are very fluid and exciting to watch. Overall just a damn good show. And don't be a snob about the art style, for the love of god. Some people might not like it (I didn't mind it at all), but don't let that put you off watching it - the story and characters more than make up for it.

I'm hovering between giving this one an 8 or a 9. I've rated it 8 for now but it's something I might revisit at some point.

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Non Non Biyori

Shout by ManiacB

A really enjoyable "cute girls doing cute things" slice of life series. I dunno what it is about this one that rates it so highly for me. They just get it all right. The girls are all very likeable, especially Ren-chon, she's just adorable. The series does a very good job at just mellowing you out. Some beautiful scenic shots and a relaxing pace to the whole thing. And the comedy moments are funny and charming.

Definitely recommended for fans of the genre. And a second season has been confirmed! Oh yes.

This sums up the chill factor pretty well. The first episode opens with this beautiful piece:

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X-Men: Days of Future Past

Shout by ManiacB

I found this rather enjoyable, despite having to suspend my disbelief quite a few times (I mean, even for a superhero movie)...

Some pretty awesome action sequences and it was great to see so many of the cast from the "old" and "young" in the same movie.

I also really like how the ending basically ret-conned the god-awful third film, "The Last Stand".

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Flowers of Evil

As @sp1ti says, this is another "cute girls doing cute things" show, but this one is really cute so unless you absolutely despise this "genre" as a whole, you'll probably enjoy it. Not an essential watch by any means, but great for putting a smile on your face after a long stressful day.

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