

United Kingdom

ERASED: 1x03 Birthmark

Damn. That was a powerful episode. Kayo's mother is just awful. I had some "rage" moments during this one with the abuse scenes that had me at "Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin" levels. While I initially felt that Satoru wasn't doing enough for Kayo, that ending scene swayed me. Can't wait for the next one and more twists to be unveiled.

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Hateful creature. That was a nasty scene indeed :(

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ReLIFE: Special 4 Life

So rushed. And that ending... ReLIFE? More like ReYourName.

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@deanzel Rushed, but still nice to see a conclusion. I was shipping them hard.

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Log Horizon: 3x01 Rayneshia's Marriage

Is it just me, or is this season really boring?

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@guenguer I mean, it's been one episode?

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Redo of Healer: 1x02 The Healer Ruins Princess Flare!

Shout by sp1ti

Oh, now here comes the edge... up to 999% of what Japanese TV allows huuh. While I'm not opposed to fucked up shit I didn't really care for how sleazy they presented some of the -well- hentai scenes (eg. her fingering herself was decidedly fetishized with a see through shot). Also, was the best plan you could come up with really to let yourself be drugged up and abused until you've come to your senses again? Still, this seems like I ride to take just to be "in" with the drama - already canceled in Germany o/.
And if anyone wonders; uncensored is indeed quite raunchy but also the only way if you don't want to watch an audio drama (is a shot of crooked fingers with a black tint really too much?)...

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@sp1ti Go big or go home wth shows like this. Can't understand why anyone would watch something like this censored if they had any choice. You know what you're getting yourself into!

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Made in Abyss

Reply by ManiacB

It does not happen often these days that an anime, or any tv show for that matter manages to get such a tight grip on me. But Made in Abyss manages to do it with flying colors.

For me Made in Abyss is the complete package. The story is captivating, the characters are very likeable, the music is perfect for setting the overall feeling you are supposed to get, and above all, that feeling for wanting to experience the unknown, to venture out into the debts of the abyss (no pun intended) and that feeling you get when watching this anime in your underbelly of yearning for something more, and to press on, no matter the consequences or the dangers is in my opinion one of the absolute cornerstones of this anime that makes this a masterpiece!

The story starts off very innocent and cute. And from the first few episodes you might think that this anime might be just a light anime because of how young the children are, with some comic relief. But if you keep watching that you will see that with every episode as Rico and Reg go deeper into the Abyss the story gets more darker and more disturbing.

To be frank, i did not fully understand when Rico and Reg said goodbye to their friends in episode 3 that goodbye really meant farewell forever. But as you can see in the later episodes (at the very least for Rico) there is no coming back alive once you go down the Abyss deep enough. In my opinion that makes Rico her fortitude and resolve to venture into the unknown, and leave everything and everyone she loves and knows behind even more daring and captivating.

I really REALLY hope that this anime gets a second season. Because this anime is the very reason i watch anime in the first place. I can wholeheartedly recommend this anime to anyone. Trust me, you will not regret it.

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@dunpealhunter You're in luck! Second season has been confirmed :D

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Your Name.

Reply by ManiacB

Possibly Shinkai's best work so far, and as a massive fan of both 5cm and Garden of Words I do not say that lightly. The animation is breathtaking as always but some scenes go beyond mere visual splendor and are just mesmerizing. The characters are so fun to be around and you'll find yourself rooting for them and hoping it all works out. I was slightly concerned when I saw the "boob fondling" scene in the trailer but even that becomes a genuinely charming gag throughout the movie, believe it or not!

As to be expected of Shinkai, the film also takes you on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows and keeps you guessing how it will end until pretty much the last minute.

I cannot recommend this enough.

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@deanzel Glad you enjoyed it. Objectively I may lower it to a 9 on a rewatch. I think seeing it in the cinema with other people played a part in me enjoying it as much as I did too. I'll probably find a few things that weren't quite as good as I remember next time around, but I think I'll still rate it very highly and I definitely think it's Shinkai's best too.

I'm glad you found a decent rip to watch as well. I saw the DVD screener and I think it would be tragic if anyone only saw it in that poor quality. The movie just looks amazing and deserves to be seen properly.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: Special 2 Surely, Girls Are Made of Sugar and Spice, and Something Nice

Reply by ManiacB

Oh. My. Lord. I don't know if my heart could have taken anymore Iroha after this OVA... The Iroha-overload was just glorious. Best girl among a sea of Best girls.

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@deanzel I mean, like, god damn, right?

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x08 Rayfalke Spiriterest

Reply by ManiacB

Great introduction for Edna.
Loved the fight with the dragon. A very enjoyable episode. Excited for next week :D

Also, isn't this supposed to be Episode 7 and not 8? The first episode was supposed to be a special.

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@narendran0065 I think it's episode 8 even counting the special isn't it?

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x06 Velvet Crowe

Reply by ManiacB

Shout by Abood
BlockedParent2016-08-14T16:04:37Z— updated 2016-08-18T18:21:45Z

is it just me or the show seems somehow random and all over the place
and i don't think 12 episodes are enough to cover the entire story.

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@epicabood It is going to be split-cour, so 25 episodes eventually. The last 2 episodes covered what looks like the start of Tales of Berseria which is the new game coming out very soon in Japan (and early next year in US/EU) and it's expected that at some point, somehow, that story will intersect (or cross, hence "The X") with Zestiria's.

Next week's episode will be back to the main Zestiria story.

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Reply by ManiacB

Apparently the anime community is not very confident about this show, but as someone who loved Attack on Titan, Claymore and other dark/fantasy stuff, I really hope this doesn't devolve into a shit show, because I really like the premise and design.

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@narendran0065 Agree with you there. Introducing him was a mistake. It would have been far more interesting if their only enemy was the Kabane. Instead we end up with some weird Final Fantasy reject with daddy issues.

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She and Her Cat -Everything Flows-: 1x04 She and Her Story

Reply by ManiacB

Shout by sp1ti

Ehhh.. really, killing of the cat like that? Seems like a jerk move placed at an unbelievable moment.

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Is it really that surprising though? The narration previously kept saying he was sleeping longer and longer. It was very clear to me pretty much straight away the series would end when he died of old age.

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Gintama: 4x45 Not Losing to the Rain

Reply by ManiacB

Gedomaru, You da real MVP. That intercom scene was epic to say the least. I could watch watch that over, and over, and over again. True dedication to the con ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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She is criminally underused too.

There's like one episode in season 5 or 6 where she comes back, and it's glorious.

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ERASED: 1x05 Getaway

Not sure I fully bought the second half of this episode. I have no problem with him skipping forward again (judging by who's in the opening It was only a matter of time), but for the whole second half things felt a bit awkward and oddly paced to me.

Hopefully just a minor blip in the series. Maybe I just need to get used to the "future" characters again? It just felt a bit jarring after several episodes in the past that seemed a lot better paced and directed.

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I thought it was odd that Airi who is apparently so happy-go-lucky would flip out in such an over the top way with the manager. I mean yeah, he lied and was going to call the cops (as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world), but she smashes his phone and punches him in the face like some kind of psycho. And that apparently was enough to convince him?! Just a bit of a weird exchange really.

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God Eater: 1x09 Soma Schicksal

Reply by ManiacB

Shout by sp1ti

The Tokyo MX station, Yahoo! TV Japan, and other Japanese television schedules are listing episode 9 of the God Eater anime on September 27 as the final television episode. The end of the television run does not preclude plans for the anime in another format or medium. The new anime Comet Lucifer will take over God Eater's 10:30 p.m. timeslot on October 4.

The God Eater anime premiered in August, and four "Extra" episode have so far pre-empted regular episodes that were previously scheduled.

As if being a mediocre show wasn't enough. I'm certain that unlike Blood Brigade they won't even bother to find a slot to air the remaining episodes.

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Seems like ufotable really dropped the ball. They should have taken a break after UBW.

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Charlotte: 1x04 Moment of Earnest

Obligatory baseball episode GO.
Also, dat pizza sauce. Not quite on the same level as Akiko's Jam, but not far off!

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I love it. Never change, Jun Maeda.


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Charlotte: 1x01 I Think of Others

Not the best of first episodes to be honest. MC so far has been one of the most despicable and unlikable characters I've seen. Glad he got some comeuppance this episode but he has a LONG way to go before I have anything resembling a positive opinion of him. What an arse.

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Sorry, you cross the line when you almost cause a fucking car accident to try and get in a girls pants.

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: 1x02 Student Council President and Dinner at Home

Reply by ManiacB

Shout by sp1ti

Not that I exected much of this (just checked it out because it's short) but the quality has already worsen and it isn't remotly funny. Showing nipples is likely all they set out to do.

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Didn't make it past the first episode.

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Cross Game: 1x50 More Than Anyone in the World...

Reply by ManiacB

Well, that was quite a journey. A perfect end to a fantastic series. The episodes just flew by and it was over all too soon.

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No idea, but I'm very grateful to them :P

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Terror in Resonance

Feels like a gamble whenever I vote for something recently but a "Meh" seems "Fair"...
Let me start by saying that technically the show is good. The cold look goes well with the theme, the animation is good and the music (when it's not overdone) too.
Unfortunately this all means nothing when the script doesn't hold up. For a show with "Terror" in the title... this isn't seen here. Yes, buildings get blown up but that's about it. The already short season spends it's time with solving riddles for clues about the next bomb's location instead of anything meaningful. The master plan the 'terrorists' have come up with is really one of the worst ways to go about it and they're supposed to be exceptionally smart.. Lisa, a girl who gets involved with the group, is one of the worst characters I've ever seen. She hardly has a personality and serves no purpose except to bringing trouble for the protagonists. Seriously, just by removing her they would have had already more time for characterization or backstory. Heck, removing the 80% that is spent on riddles would have allowed a much different direction and actually doing something with the premise.
As much as I was looking forward to it I didn't care for most of the episodes and given it's conclusion I wouldn't recommend it.

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I'm actually relieved to see someone other than me didn't think it was the next coming of anime Jesus.

I was starting to worry it was just me who was underwhelmed here.

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Cross Game

Reply by ManiacB


Review by deanzel
BlockedParent2013-10-14T19:17:59Z— updated 2017-03-09T23:10:46Z

Cross Game is absolutely one of the best anime shows (not just sports anime) that I've seen. Period. It is another masterpiece written by Mitsuru Adachi (of Touch and H2 fame). From the first episode (which is absolutely heartbreaking and a must-watch), the show just captures the viewer's attention and never lets go. The best part of Cross Game is that it is about more than just baseball. So much more. It is a story about dealing with the death of a loved one (it has a very similar feeling to AnoHana), friendship, and how two people grow and nurture each other through hardships and successes. The story may be a little bit predictable at times, but Cross Game is more about the total journey. Don't be intimidated by the length. Time flies and there really are no filler episodes (except for one recap episode) and by the end, I was wishing that the show would never end. The characters are truly what make this show exceptional and Aoba is one of my favorite female protagonists of all time. She is way more than just a tsundere and has so much depth to her character. Do yourself a favor and watch this masterpiece. It'll have you on the edge of seat the whole time.

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This is a series I have considered trying many times. I'm not that into sports anime mind, but if there's enough else there to keep me interested I might still be convinced to try it.

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White Album 2

Reply by ManiacB

I'm enjoying this series but I wonder what kind of "ending" it will have. From what I can see this series is covering the events of the "Introductory Chapter". There is then a "Closing Chapter" set 3 years later that seems a lot longer and introduces a bunch more characters. I wonder if the plan is to have another season to cover this at some point.

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@maniacb Almost a decade later and I finally completed the Visual Novel on which this was based. For anyone interested in where the story goes after the anime series I would highly recommend it, this barely scratches the surface of where our characters all end up and it was a very satisfying read indeed.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x11 Rem

Reply by ManiacB

Really enjoyed this episode, felt like a worthy pay off to all the strife up until this point. Rem was especially lovely at the end. Considering that I groaned slightly in episode 4 when the "twin loli maids" were introduced, and initially couldn't remember which one was Ram and which one was Rem, the series has done a great job of developing both of their characters and showing their individuality and struggles.

Hopefully Subaru will finally get his date with Emilia-tan now! Both him and us have both waited long enough!

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@beedellrokejulianlockhart Thanks. I did know about this, I'm pretty sure this was caused by my Kodi sync plugin a while ago and it has duplicated a lot of my historic episode watches. Since there are literally hundreds of duplicates (and no guarantee they won't dupe again), there's no way I will ever be going through to manually delete them - just something I've learned to live with really.

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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Reply by ManiacB

This is THE anime that we've all been waiting and yearning for. Many of us hardcore Mushoku Tensei fans have been waiting years upon years for an anime adaptation to finally hit, and HIT it has. I was a little skeptical with a brand new studio undertaking this, but all the previews had looked great so I was cautiously optimistic. The source material is my absolute favorite isekai series (which says a lot) and the light/web novel will always hold a special place in my fandom. So how were the first two episodes so far (first has aired officially and the first two were previewed beforehand)?

AMAZING. I really don't know if it's just because the source material is that good, but this has been a SPOT ON adaptation so far. Right when I heard "Gintoki" as the NEET narrator, I knew shit was gonna be good. The sense of humor and pervertedness of Rudy is really well incorporated throughout the first two episodes, and makes this more than just a "another OP isekai". But even with that sense of humor, the anime has taken great depths to give solid (but not overwhelming) background info on the characters and highlighting particularly serious moments. This was especially evident in the second episode where the handling of Rudy's "fall into NEETness" and past trauma was interweaved perfectly into his current situation and setting.

I can't wait for the rest of the anime to air. It seems that a second cour has already been green-lighted so let's hope this can turn into one of those long-running anime series. If they can make it to the school arcs, I'll have lived a complete life...

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@deanzel Fair enough. I'm certainly not opposed to ecchi (from one seasoned anime viewer to another!), just felt a bit at odds with the overall tone of the story at points. It does look really nice though, and I am definitely interested to see how it goes.
Admittedly some of this may be coming from "Isekai Fatigue" - there are so many of them so I only want to spend my time on the ones that rise to the top.

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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Reply by ManiacB

This is THE anime that we've all been waiting and yearning for. Many of us hardcore Mushoku Tensei fans have been waiting years upon years for an anime adaptation to finally hit, and HIT it has. I was a little skeptical with a brand new studio undertaking this, but all the previews had looked great so I was cautiously optimistic. The source material is my absolute favorite isekai series (which says a lot) and the light/web novel will always hold a special place in my fandom. So how were the first two episodes so far (first has aired officially and the first two were previewed beforehand)?

AMAZING. I really don't know if it's just because the source material is that good, but this has been a SPOT ON adaptation so far. Right when I heard "Gintoki" as the NEET narrator, I knew shit was gonna be good. The sense of humor and pervertedness of Rudy is really well incorporated throughout the first two episodes, and makes this more than just a "another OP isekai". But even with that sense of humor, the anime has taken great depths to give solid (but not overwhelming) background info on the characters and highlighting particularly serious moments. This was especially evident in the second episode where the handling of Rudy's "fall into NEETness" and past trauma was interweaved perfectly into his current situation and setting.

I can't wait for the rest of the anime to air. It seems that a second cour has already been green-lighted so let's hope this can turn into one of those long-running anime series. If they can make it to the school arcs, I'll have lived a complete life...

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@deanzel I've seen the first couple of episodes and enjoyed them well enough, although I did think that there are some... "problematic" elements to the show as a whole (not a term I use much, but I think it fits here). Do they continue through the whole thing? A bit of pervyness I'm fine with, but some of the scenes give off the feeling of erm... voyuristc hentai sleaze?

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Clannad: Special 2 Another World: Tomoyo Chapter

Reply by ManiacB


Shout by Noah
BlockedParent2020-08-11T21:23:47Z— updated 2020-08-17T20:17:16Z

It was very unique to see such a different ending where almost every other character but Tomoya and Tomoyo completely disappeared from the picture. It may not have been the official story-line, but I think it was wonderful that they explored it here. (Although the academic and delinquent love story feels a tad cliché these days.)

Now let's talk about 5 Centimeters Per Second (warning: spoilers ahead). This episode felt just like the happy version of that film's ending. Instead of the melancholic concept of moving on from your past lover, they decided to stay together after all. The two stories don't match up entirely, but the resemblance is startling. Right down to the final scene being at the railroad tracks and the theme of cherry trees throughout. At this point, I'm fairly certain that the writer decided to pay homage to Makato Shinkai's film since it released about a year before this episode. I would recommend you watch that film (it was really worthwhile) so you can enjoy this episode to its fullest.

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@noah978 Actually, while the anime episode may have been released after 5cm, it's based on the Visual Novel's Tomoyo route, and Clannad the VN was originally released in 2004.

But I would definitely agree with your 5cm recommendation! :)

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Bloom Into You

Reply by ManiacB

Beautiful Story! but a little short for how the things were going in the end. They could have extended it to 24 Episodes and should have given more of the story from the manga.
Anime is till Chapter 24 (Vol 4) of the manga so i am looking forward for another season of this anime.

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@supriyo8799 Likewise - and since the Manga ends at Volume 8 that perfectly translates to a second series to finish it off. I need more!

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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: 1x01 The Storm Dragon, Veldora

Reply by ManiacB

Found the first ep pretty entertaining. I know Isekai shows have been done to death already but hopefully this one will have enough unique ideas to at least be a fun romp. Seems there are a lot of characters still to meet but I did like the Tsundere dragon intro!

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Update: Sadly, it did not.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x10 God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!

Reply by ManiacB

Aw man, this always ends too soon :(
Another hilarious outing by our lovable idiots. I do hope we get more of this in the future as it's definitely one of the best and funniest of it's type out there. It's the kind of show where it feels like everyone involved in creating it is having a blast. It has also (along with Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) improved my opinion of Studio DEEN massively, to the point where I might not actually assume a series is doomed if it ends up being animated by them (Like S2 of Cool-headed Hoozuki later this year, another comedy anime I really enjoyed).

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@dipperdolphin Historically they've not really been known for producing good quality shows (they produced/still produce? a lot of cheap BL stuff for example). But KonoSuba and Rakugo Shinju were both brilliant (albeit in very different ways) to the point where I have a higher opinion of the studio these days.

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The Wine Tasting

Reply by ManiacB


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@sp1ti Lol I assumed it shouldn't be on here. Annoyingly the trakt plugin tries to scrobbe any YT vid I watch through the Kodi plugin as if it's a movie so it sometimes matches to silly nonsense like this.

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Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online

Reply by ManiacB

In the days of legit shilling even some people who hated SOA would tell you this is better.... it's not. I'd argue it's even more offensive.
LLENN is a Mary Sue and just like the main show this is loaded with ass pulls and non-existent logic in it's world... The action scenes are extremely boring to watch and visually dull. Pito is an even worse villain than "I just wanted friends, LOL" guy as she made me want to scratch my eyes out after every dumb line of hers.

F* this show. Save Sigsawa-san.

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@sp1ti So going back to our earlier conversation, this is not a recommend? :P

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