Jitse Lemmens



Star Trek: Discovery: 1x04 The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Upon watching this I find it more and more likely that a theory I have read about is possible.
I'm not quite over the Klingon revamp but placing the show in the Mirror Universe would nullify the problems and explain how "un-star trek" the Starfleet people are acting. Even the amount of lighting in the ships, tech and the general feel of it all (including the ominous shadowy figures of Starfleet Command) make sense in the Mirror Universe..
Even if the theory isn't correct: big fan of this show.

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My Pet Dinosaur

This is one of those movies that is full with potential but falls flat over almost everything. The story is interesting and would be great if it were made with more budget, better director, better writers, actors and camerawork. There are a few weird editing choices and it lacked a couple of scenes clarifying main storyparts... It's a bummer and it's not good but it's fun and good for what it could have been.

Remake this!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x13 This Land is Your Land

Wait... this wasn't the season finale? :O

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Suits: 7x10 Donna

Another episode down of "Drama; the dramashow" and the thought of quitting it after this season has become prevalent. Scene after scene the same tension and buildup of obnoxious fighting, argueing and drama with no fun except for the occassional "Lewis" moment that gets completely destroyed in later scenes/episodes. Donna, once one of my favorite characters has become an arrogant (insert curseword)... I just can't stand any of it anymore.

Writing this makes me wanna punch and headbutt the people (not the actors) in the show.
Less drama, more this ffs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgf_dpXizDE

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The Strain: 4x09 The Traitor

Could someone please make a sketch where Zach and Carl duke it out, both accidentally killing their annoying moms before some undetermined cool guy runs them over as he and/or she rides towards a beautiful sunset with "fun and laughter on a summer holiday" blaring out of the car's speakers.

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Blood Drive: 1x13 Finish Line

Such a shame they cancelled it... It was a great show and come on... Blood Prison Camp?!!!!

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The Mist: 1x10 The Tenth Meal

Oh... it's over?


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TURN: Washington's Spies: 4x10 Washington's Spies

What a beautiful ending to a show that often felt it could have reached greatness but never really did. Thanks to the ending however it will remain to be a fond memory and a sad farewel.

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The Wonder Years

This is a magnificent series, maybe even a must-see for everyone. It encapsulates the times it was made and the decade before it about childhood and life in that age (and maybe others). It's a beautifully made and profound series on love and life and everything around it.

I enjoyed it as a 10-year old kid for all the moments you could dream happen to you, for the girls and the kid-stuff. And I enjoy it 27 years later for the lessons in life, the memories and the melancholy of a lost childhood and the things we might have lost in the decades gone by (both personal as well as a society).

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Blood Drive

This is great. The camp, the kitch, the aesthetics, even the cinematography so to speak. If you're expecting The Wire you're clearly not watching the right show but what do you expect with the premise and ads?

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The Blacklist: Redemption

So who thought itwas a good idea to put Tom Keen as the main actor, is it cause he's such a great character and totally not a bore in the real series? Famke Janssen though...

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MacGyver: 1x01 The Rising
Z Nation: 3x01 No Mercy

Having seen episode 2 this is very confusing... at least until you read that episode 1 is a flashback. Guess they had to shoehorn in the big bad but it could have been edited a bit better. Still... great start to a new season... and they really should do a Z-Nation/Walking Dead cameo cross-over somewhere down the line.

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Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

The episode for me lacked the emotional payoff I would have expected with the loss of a lovable character like Root. Her death, or some sort of it, was done much better in some earlier episode I think and much better with Shaw's.
Also, I'm ok with shootouts, even long ones... but... the amount of bullets that rained on the car would have utterly destroyed it. And then they bring out a gattling gun on top of that, which also shoots at those same cars. But al of a suddon Root takes out her puppy and pops that car with two or three shots to the grill. That ruined it all a bit for me as it became more of a comedy then anything else.
Still an enjoyable episode though.

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Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

The episode for me lacked the emotional payoff I would have expected with the loss of a lovable character like Root. Her death, or some sort of it, was done much better in some earlier episode I think and much better with Shaw's.
Also, I'm ok with shootouts, even long ones... but... the amount of bullets that rained on the car would have utterly destroyed it. And then they bring out a gattling gun on top of that, which also shoots at those same cars. But al of a suddon Root takes out her puppy and pops that car with two or three shots to the grill. That ruined it all a bit for me as it became more of a comedy then anything else.
Still an enjoyable episode though.

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Person of Interest

I stopped the pilot two times due to the generic nature of it and the, quite frankly, stilted acting of Caviezel. For some reason I returned and watched more episodes and since then it's been one of my favorite shows, the writing is clever, it's exciting and far from the usual cop-procedural dribble you get a lot of. It's sad to see it end but it had a good run.

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Luther: Season 4

That was it? Why bother with only two episodes :/

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Haven: 5x25 Now

This was a good show but goddamn, how longwinded can you make a conclusion to a series?

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Gotham: 2x02 Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock

Pretty cool and pretty badass.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 1x03 The Dog

I like this, the riot scenes sent a shill down my spine. Sure they do dumb things but... it's gripping if they keep this up.

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Mr. Robot

It sucks having this show spoiled by a mere tag on a blogsite but still a great show.

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Game of Thrones: 5x08 Hardhome

Amazing, chilling episode! GoT is back after 5 "weirdly off" episodes

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Wayward Pines: 1x03 Our Town, Our Law

So they're in an alien spaceship somewhere in space right? Right?

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The Messengers

Pretty mediocre and some b-acting

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Dexter: Season 8

One of the worst endings of a beloved show. Often still think about it... so it has left a SCAR

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