


Attack on Titan: Season 4

The fight sequence beginning from E4 was epic! The strategies and counterstrategies, while emotions were running high, was thrilling to watch.

Also E25 was a nicely crafted episode with the Eldians on both sides finally coming together (which seemed to me at least to be the most obvious alliance). The dialogue as they sit around the campfire was brilliant.

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Attack on Titan: Season 3

S3P2 has got to be one of my favourite action sequences, period. I was completely engrossed and my heart was thumping the entire time. The strategies, the emotions, the storylines and the action all meld together to create a one-of-a-kind experience.

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A deep movie that really resonated with me. It brings up a lot of questions on loneliness and intimacy. Some brilliant, insightful dialogues in there too.

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Who knew you could feel so much for two robots? Pixar and Disney did an amazing job of humanizing WALL-E and Eve. And as a guy who tries too hard, you can't help but love WALL-E's determination and pure soul. The animation and direction on some scenes make you laugh out loud.

And that dance outside the rocketship! One of the most beautiful scenes I've watched my entire life.

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Modern Love: 2x03 Strangers on a (Dublin) Train

It's one of those episodes that you dream about all your life and hope it happens at least once in your lifetime. Props to John Carney for making a dream come to life in film.

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Young Actors' Retreat: Season 1

What an amazing experience! It was so much fun just to see my favourite actors play games and converse. Bo-gum and Na-ra are such kind souls. Hope to see more such variety shows.

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Hospital Playlist: Season 2

If kdramas are the best at feel-good, rom-com shows, Hosplay is the best among kdramas. The wonderful friendship and heartwarming love stories make you hope that this drama never ends.

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Running Man: Season 2022

Overall, it was a fun season but there were quite a few boring episodes. Even though its been a while since LKS left, I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing. RM is incomplete without him. After his departure, I've started appreciating Haha and JSM a lot more. Hope to see more guests in the future to fill the void.

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