


Past Lives

To me, you are someone who leaves.
To him, you are someone who stays.

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12th Fail

A deep movie that really resonated with me. It brings up a lot of questions on loneliness and intimacy. Some brilliant, insightful dialogues in there too.

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We Made a Beautiful Bouquet

That diner scene after the wedding was super emotional, as they watch the young romantic couple across the table.

What makes people stay in love?

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The Last Samurai

A cinematographic masterpiece. Beautiful, haunting music all throughout that keeps you on a perpetual emotional high. The storyline is a bit dramatized, but delivers on all the big moments.

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Land of Mine

The German people did not cause WWII, a minority in the Nazi party did.
This is true for almost all wars, the majority want to live in peace not go killing other people.

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Feels quite repetitive now.
Also, can we come up with a more sophisticated description of the main plot (here, Entity) that appeals to people with a normal IQ instead of just using fancy words that would only impress a ten year old? Thanks.

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The Help

This is a bit of a difficult one to watch cause of the cognitive dissonance I had since we have our own maid at home. Brought up a lot of questions.

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Nolan at his best.
Can anyone craft a tale like him? A masterful storyteller.

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Shutter Island

A mind-bending one.
Really blurs the line between reality and illusion.
How much of our perception of the world depends on baseless assumption?

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All Quiet on the Western Front

Shout by maverick
BlockedParent2023-09-30T06:42:34Z— updated 2023-10-02T13:10:40Z

War is humanity at its worst.

Normal, decent men are turned into murderers. And for what? The pride, ego and greed of the powerful. Family's torn apart, a lifetime of trauma, unimaginable suffering, mass torture and death, all for the stupid intangible feelings of a few.

Is there no other way for an intelligent society to settle it's disputes? Will we always race to hold the biggest stick, and eventually wield it? Will we always be under the tyranny of ambitious, power hungry, selfish men who treat people like pawns in their own little senseless games?

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One Fine Spring Day

I've been going through a phase where I've been struggling with unrequited love.
This movie really spoke to that, especially the last scene. I will remember that whenever I'm having unreciprocated feelings.

Sometimes, you need to let go of their arm, give the plant back and walk away.
Just give the plant back, it's time to move on.

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The Last 10 Years

An amazing soundtrack, emotions so deeply and authentically portrayed. This story is going to stick with me for a long time.

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What If

Ah yes, the age-old question of whether you can be friends with someone you're in love with. Which kind of suffering would you rather pick, being friends and having the most amazing time together all the while knowing that you will never be the one for them or to never see them again or feel the joy of their company ever again?

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Shout by maverick
BlockedParent2023-06-07T18:51:35Z— updated 2024-02-20T14:54:58Z

A perfect little movie! Just a sweet, predictable romcom to make you believe in love and friendship again.

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Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey

A movie with some of the most misogynistic and two-faced characters that I have ever seen. It was repulsive the way Jaya was treated by her family, spouse and in-laws. Unfortunately, this behaviour and mindset is not uncommon in Indian society. The only part that I actually felt good about was when Jaya took the decision not to go back to her parent's or spouse's house and decided to live independently.

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Shout by maverick

Wah, you just can't trust anyone. To think rationally on personal issues is very hard.
That was the biggest twist I've seen in a Tamil movie.

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The Wolverine

Boys and girls, pay attention! Choose Yukio over Mariko. Choose the one who would give up her life for you, instead of the one you have to repeatedly give up your life for.
Also, I saw the final reveal from a mile away.

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The Invisible Guest

It's been a while since I've seen a movie that had my heart pounding the whole time! What a brilliantly done movie. Amazing BGM as well.

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Tamako Love Story

Such a beautiful animation style. Its a visual treat.
Midori's hairstyle is just . Love Kana and Anko as well.
And of course the ending is just perfect!

"The bitterness of regret is proof that you've at least tried something.
Every action has its own flavour."

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The phrase I came up with for the first half is "an orgy of visual extravagance".
Also, one of those movies where I said "What the f***!" multiple times and had to rewind by 10 seconds to watch the scene again.

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(500) Days of Summer

Being in love is like wearing rose-tinted glasses. Take it off and look at the evidence.

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Watched this with my mom. We predicted the next scene correctly 6/7 times. Vijay films are so clichéd, it's borderline intolerable at times.

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The Batman

Shout by maverick

Overall, a very nice take on Batman.
Some memorable scenes
1. Batman firing up the batmobile. Oh sweet lord!
2. The fight in darkness at 44 Below, with gunshots illuminating the scenes
3. Batman and Riddler meet at Arkham. Wonderful acting.

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Love Today

One of the best Tamil movies I've watched to date. The cinematography and writing were excellent, especially if you compare it to other Tamil films.

This movie really makes you question trust, privacy and honesty in relationships. It was interesting to watch with my mom, we often were on opposite sides of the debate.

  1. It reminded me not to make any snap judgements about people, things are always gray.
  2. It also reminded me to have clear boundaries in my relationships. Both of you should be very clear on what is considered "cheating".
  3. Should we trust our partners, and live with the uncertainty that they might be hiding things that would change our perception of the relationship? Or should we demand complete disclosure, even it the cost of privacy? What, if anything, should be private in a relationship?

A fun, comedic, thought-provoking movie that I hope to watch and debate with my (future) girlfriend someday.

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Neethaane En Ponvasantham

My favourite Tamil romantic movie. One of the best feel-good movies out there.

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Never Let Me Go

A romance that is filled with sadness throughout. A drama that keeps you hooked to the very end.

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12 Years a Slave

An extremely emotional and breathtaking movie. Wonderful cinematography.

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I've been attracted by this idea of perfection. What is the perfect way to solve this problem? Or the most efficient way to do this task? We humans are, unfortunately, limited in our analytical capacity. Our brains have evolved to make a monkey survive in nature, not play complex strategy games.

The brilliant aspect of algorithms like AlphaGo is that they only understand the rules of the game and are not limited or influenced by humanity's approach thus far (while this is not entirely true of AlphaGo, which did learn from top go players, an improved version called AlphaZero learnt go only through self-play and was superior to AlphaGo). That means they come up with brilliant approaches, that up till then, no human had even imagined. That's why game-playing AIs blow our minds, we are able to see a completely different yet effective approach to the game. We get a little closer to perfection.

AlphaGo is a wonderful documentary that triggered my interest in ML. A gripping, human story of how AI is developed and how it fares when pitted against a human. Was I the only one cheering for AlphaGo the entire time?

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House of Hummingbird

This movie was so powerful, I felt a strong desire to write a movie review after rewatching all my favourite scenes. It's an exceptional, emotional movie of the different ways a teenage girl experiences and navigates love.

One of those gems in the rough, a wonderfully directed and scripted movie that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster and leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. The cinematography was simply superb.

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