


Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

In Ghost of Frankenstein Bela Lugosi played Igor, who's brain ended up being transplanted into the monsters body, and in this movie, the follow up, Lugosi plays the monster.

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Bride of Frankenstein

In the scene where the hunters find the monster in the home of the blind man, they yell that it's the monster created by Frankenstein, yet prior to this no one knew that Frankenstein was the one that created the monster.

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Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things

I saw this a couple of years after it first came out on TV and it was actually the very first zombie movie I ever saw so much of what I knew about flesh eating zombies came from this movie.

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Black Widow

The first scene takes place in 1993 and has Natasha as a little girl living in the mid west, Ohio. Her character has multi color hair which would be unusual for a girl of that age today, let alone one in the mid west during that time period, especially one who was supposed to be undercover and thus should not be drawing attention to herself.

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Everyone! An Esper!: Season 1

This series is what happens when you allow otaku writers to create a live action series. A lot of troupes that you normally only see in ecchi anime / manga

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Liar Game: 1x05 The shocking conclusion!! Who will capture the 2.1 billion prize!? LGT's true motive is!? Onward to the next round!!

I know it's a plot device for the female lead to be such an idiot, but it gets to the point that you have no sympathy for anything that happens to her at this point. Every bad thing that has happened to her was a result of bad decisions on her part. She keeps getting involved in a game where you need some brains to win and she's a complete moron.

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Rumiko Takahashi Anthology: 1x01 The Tragedy Of P

This story is full of idiots, the husband is an idiot, he agrees to take care of a client's pet knowing that he could get evicted for it, worse you got a one woman HOA who complains at the drops of a dime. As for the son, let's say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And the biggest idiot is the original owner of the penguin, an exotic pet, you don't just entrust the care of an exotic pet to just anyone, you leave them with professionals.

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La Flor

They overdo it with the blurred backgrounds and scenes in this thing, the blurs often go too long.

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

I hadn't seen this movie since the late 1970's and didn't remember Barbara Eden and Frankie Avalon being in it. I did remember Walter Pidgeon and Peter Lorre being in it. Del Monroe was only actor in both the movie and in the series. Overall a good movie and it might be one of the earliest ones to later become a TV series. If I recall correctly the main plot this movie was also the plot of one of the TV episodes. I noticed that in both the movie and TV series characters would sometimes smoke cigars or cigarettes in the submarine which is not allowed in submarines today and might not have been allowed back when the movie came out.

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Keibuho Yabe Kenzo: 2x08 Episode 8

Naoko Yamada (Yukie Nakama) from the Trick series ( appears in this episode, trying her failed magician tricks and getting insults about her lack of boobage.

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Keibuho Yabe Kenzo: 2x05 Episode 5

Yabe's dumb luck to the extreme, 5 different assassins' trying to kill the person he's pretending to be and dumb luck has them kill each other off.

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City Hunter: 2x02 Ryo's engaged!? Prediction of love at the rendezvous (Part 2)

In this series we sometimes see product placements, usually the "MM" brand labels, but this time we see Nikon cameras. This episode was in 1988 so they slide with this, now we'd see the camera names changed by a letter or two to something like Nikan or Nokon.

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Keibuho Yabe Kenzo: 2x01 Episode 1

Yabe was bad enough in the previous season, taking credit for other people's work, this season he now blackmails his superiors in order to get promotions.

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Keibuho Yabe Kenzo: 1x06 Episode 6

The cult symbol shown in this episode reminds me of the cult symbol shown in the movie 20th Century Boys,

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Keibuho Yabe Kenzo: 1x05 Episode 5

Naoko Yamada (Yukie Nakama) from the Trick series ( has a cameo in this episode.

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Best (Worldwide) Apocalypse, Pandemic, Zombie Movies

"The Night of the Undead" doesn't belong on this list as it doesn't have zombies, a pandemic nor is the apocalypse happening, just aliens. I think the title refers to characters appearing to have gotten killed but then coming back.

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The Night of the Undead

At first glance, the title would make it seem like this is a zombie movie, but there are no zombies, just aliens. The title more likely refers to characters appearing to have been killed but then coming back. I see that someone included that on a list of zombie movies, it really doesn't belong there.

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Hozuki's Coolheadedness: 1x08 The Vulgar Battle / The 36 Views of Hell

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2021-05-07T13:01:09Z— updated 2021-08-06T00:09:18Z

In the scene with the cat editor, his staff makes references comparing him to Puss N Boots, Felix the Cat, and the cat from the Smurf series.

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Fear Newspaper

The plot of this is pretty much the same as the anime series Horror News, , except this one is live action

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Mothra vs. Godzilla

Note to people visiting Infant Island, radiation suits won't do you any good if you neglect to wear the included gloves and head gear. Also it looks like Godzilla gets to destroy the another castle as he did in King Kong Vs Godzilla, this time by tripping on it. the guy just loves to destroy landmarks.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Really, the best fighter in the comics, Cassandra Cain, is reduced to being pretty much a helpless victim type. In the comics Cain could beat any of the other ladies in this group. She even beat her mother, Lady Shiva, a person that Batman was never able to beat. She was pretty much Batman's surrogate daughter for a while.

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Godzilla Singular Point: 1x01 Terzetto

Why do otaki writers think that wearing shorts while representing your college professor at a professional assignment is considered proper? Really you're supposed to be presenting your professor and college and you wear shorts?

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Death Billiards

This short movie was later made into the series "Death Parade".

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The Millionaire Detective – Balance: UNLIMITED: 1x04 Nothing Makes A Man so Adventerous as an Empty Pocket

So it never occurred to Daisuke to use his partners phone to call his own cell and have it bought to him? but I suppose it would have lessened the being out of his element storyline

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鉄人28号: 1x04 Episode 4

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2021-02-15T20:34:10Z— updated 2021-02-26T03:34:05Z

Simple times, Inspector hears that the professors home is being invaded by a large gang and he doesn't call for backup but instead goes to the home with only a kid, Jimmy Sparks. Remember this series is in Japan, with much stricter gun control laws than in the U.S., yet the kid is using a gun, WTF.

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Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross: 1x09 Star Dust

You're objecting to an autopsy being performed on the corpse of an enemy alien solider, to the point that you're about to be put in detention for arguing with your superiors, really? That's the hill you want to die on?

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Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross

This is the middle of the three series known as "Robotech" in the U.S. and in my opinion, the worst. The lead character is an entitled brat who keeps getting into trouble, and is too immature to be in a position of leadership. It's not good when in half the episodes you find yourself wishing they would just lock this bitch up to keep her from f*cking up things. The U.S. version also has an extra episode to link it to the previous Robotech series.

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Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross: 1x08 Metal Fire

"But if you aim for the cockpit you'll kill the pilot", yeah that's pretty much how war works, you kill them or they kill you. Again why is this bratty teenage girl in a command position?

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Pretty much a reboot of Yongary monster from the Deep

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Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories: Season 5

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2021-01-08T15:31:12Z— updated 2021-01-15T01:17:11Z

Considering that these episodes are only 5 minutes each, way too much information is being given here for each episode in the description.

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