



Yes yes, it's Interstellar but from Netflix...
But honestly I kinda liked it? A retro-futuristic Czech spaceflight with Adam Sandler delivering a decent acting job that got me more intersted in the book it's based on - which apparently has a very different ending too? That might be worth a shot!
Hanuš is wonderful tho!

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The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Missed opportunity that they didnt stab Cesar...

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Groundhog Day

Oh hey, it's February the 2nd, let's re-watch this for the umpteenth time. :D

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Monkey Man

That shit went hard, damn.
I don't think I've seen anything like that since The Raid movies? While it's not all on THAT level, nothing really ever came close. And first time (full movie) director Dev Patel? Mad props yo.

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World War Z

Oh hello there Mr. Shakycam - I hate you.

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I mean, for a b-movie that was pretty ok. Could've done with a bit more Mariko Shinoda screentime tho. :3

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The Handmaiden

It's been some time since I've seen a movie that I had the feeling I should/could/would watch again and again and again but this... I definitely will.

A marvel on so many levels... the cinematography alone! And the soundtrack... and the acting. I adore this movie. It has not left my mind since I've seen it and it will be there for quite some time I think.

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It's been exactly 12 years since the Tôhoku earthquake and tsunami and I can hardly imagine how devastating a tragedy that has been. I can also only imagine how it would've been seeing this movie in a Japanese cinema all these years later, maybe even with ppl that were the age of Suzume when all this happened back then...

As someone not from Japan that was not involved in the catastrophe 12 years ago, this is a beautifully moving work that tries to express and process a national trauma in its own way and I think it succeeded at that. One of Shinkai's best work and very well worth a watch.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

You know, I kinda liked the first movie in the reboot series while my friends that saw it in the cinema back then with me absolutely hated it. We were similar Star Trek fans and enjoyed the franchise up to that point equally as much I'd say. Yes, I liked the first one even tho it was a farcry from the older material and left the feeling that the writers and Abrams didn't really "get" the Star Trek universe and just kinda created yet another "new" action franchise.

But this? I'm almost disgusted by the pandering and ridiculous try at "fan-service" in this movie. The references, the "role-reversal", the whole copying of material and characters from older movies with "a twist" and what not. A shame. How about something original and not another silly revenge story THAT WE ALREADY KINDA HAD?
WHY create a alternate universe if we are going to re-tread old ground and that even badly?
The movie was a mess, I don't know what the writers were thinking, not even gonna mention Abrams, can we just not give him movies or tv shows in the future please? (and that ship crashing into Alcatraz... what was he trying to tell us there?! good lord...)

As a Star Trek fan I feel insulted after watching this and if they are not going to come up with something new and original for the next movie this certainly was the last one I watched in this alternate timeline and will just start to pretend that it never existed.

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STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie

This documentary may not have been treading new ground regarding Michael J. Fox's history BUT the way it was edited and presented was outstanding. Wholeheartedly recommended.

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Battle of the Sexes

Never get between a woman and her hairdresser!!!!

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Good Time

"Why do you have to be such a fucking little prick all the time man?"

That pretty much sums up the movie for me. Not entirely sure why everyone seems to enjoy this movie, I fucking hated the guts of pretty much every character in it, esp. Connie. What a piece of shit. It was completely over when he started creeping on the 16 yo girl and tried to statutory rape her... no redeeming quality's in this, at all.
Nothing particularly good about the movie, story or anything else, either - soundtrack was kinda ok I guess.
Can't say I had a particularly "good time" with this.

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Man I really don't know what to say about this. Had some strong ideas but was bogged down by some weird editing and some things I just can't put my finger on. As HarboeJacob said, this as a series? Sign me up. Flesh that shit out some more and get it rolling. Maybe that was just Netflix testing the waters? If the movie is successful enough there might be a show in this, I'd be watching that, doesn't even need to have Smith in it tbh.

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Searching for Sugar Man

Thanks for keeping me alive!


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Beauty and the Beast

Really, REALLY pretty indeed. I can hardly recall a recent movie that had such brilliant set-, costume- and art-design in general. Very well worth a watch even if only for that.

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In This Corner of the World

To say this was heartbreaking would be quite the understatement...

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Well that escalated slowly... but hot damn, what an interesting movie. And a whole soundtrack consisting of M83 songs? Yes please!

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Operation Red Sea

Look. If you can ignore some of the Chinese propaganda (honestly, we've seen this for 50 years from the Americans now, why are the Chinese not allowed to do the same?) and some of Chinas ulterior motives in the south china sea, then you are getting a fucking insane non-stop 2 hour+ action galore here. Operation Mekong was pretty crazy already but THIS is next level. Considering some of the garbage from china I've seen in the last year, this is WAY above all of that. Fantastic production values, a good FX budget and some crazy on-location shot's in Morocco that you simply have not seen in anything from China yet. Also the gore and mutilation in this was something I absolutely did not expect.

So yeah, watch if for the non-stop action and have a good time!

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The Siege of Jadotville

That might actually be the best Netflix movie to date. Realistic work which shows a chapter of largely forgotten Irish military and UN history, kudos.

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So I've just seen the english trailer for this and they are selling it as if it's such a comedic laughfest?? That is such a shame since many ppl will watch this with totally wrong expectations and will be "disappointed". Something the movie has absolutely not deserved since it's such an incredible human drama... too bad, really. I enjoyed it wholeheartedly, esp. with that ending.

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You know, this movie holds up pretty well.
I've seen it in the cinema 5 years ago and just again now. Still highly entertaining, fantastic and imaginative action sequences and just lots of fun from start to end.
Those butt-hurt by the "bad comic adaptation" can kiss my ass, just enjoy it for what it is - a nice action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Still looking forward to the sequel. :]

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Maaaan what a well done movie. It may be no Gravity and it might be an over-dramatisation of what happened to Salyut 7 but still! Production wise this is right up there and if anything it at least might make you read up on the Salyut and Soyuz (esp. Soyuz 11) programs. Good stuff!

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The Pirates of Somalia

That, was actually pretty good.
Certainly a well done adaptation of an interesting book.
Extra kudos for having (almost?) the entire Somali cast consist of ACTUAL Somalis, most of them refugees.

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The Villainess

While the story was a bit of a mess (I think?!) the camera work and the action sequences were absolutely insane. How?! Certainly a ride and one of the best action movies of the year tbh.

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The King's Choice

Very well acted movie with a look into history not often or at all brought to film. I do especially appreciate the casting of German/Austrian actors for the German's in the movie, made it all the more authentic. I also wouldn't mind a "sequel" telling what happened in the months and years to come since it isn't any less interesting or important.

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Deep Sea

Absolutely stunning visual masterpiece that is looking for an equal, not only in the chinese animated movie space.
The story and themes were also deeper than expected, just like the sea I guess!
If you can experience this in a cinema, preferably in 3D even, it should be experienced that way!

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The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure

One of the best Pirate themed movies in a while and one of the better adventure movies in general! But it REALLY could've done without the penguins. o_O

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A Futile and Stupid Gesture

What a cast! And what a tragically funny story. Highly enjoyed that and to think who's careers all got kick-started by that paper... pretty amazing.

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Her Love Boils Bathwater


But yeah... can't remember the last time a movie made me this sad... and happy? I don't know. I just know I cried a lot and that this movie certainly is something special.

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