



Shout by Alex
BlockedParent2016-02-23T20:55:06Z— updated 2021-12-03T12:20:44Z

Let me hijack my own comment to update it after all is said and done.
This has been one fantastic show that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone that can "stomach" an american sitcom. Over those 6 seasons you will learn to love the characters on this show and miss them dearly when it's all over! But fear not, it has a bitter-sweet end and the show is not ripped out of existence like many other shows. 9/10, would shop there again!

Oh god, seems the show won the renewal bingo....
"NBC has renewed @AmericaFerrera's #Superstore for Season 2" :D

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Top Gear

"BBC TV and radio presenter Chris Evans is stepping down from Top Gear, he announces on Twitter" - HAH. Thank the car gods.

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Not Dead Yet

Shout by Alex
BlockedParent2023-02-15T13:38:47Z— updated 2023-10-22T07:37:07Z

2 episodes in and I don't hate it!
Looking at the trailer it looked more than questionable and I just started watching because of Gina Rodriguez AND Hannah Simone but yeah.... those 2 episodes so far were not terrible. It's a really old-school format but the humor is ok and the characters are better than what the trailer might make them look like at first. I doubt that this will go past a single season but that might be fine actually.

First season done and who would've thought this silly little show could be so good. :)
So yeah, don't be turned off by the trailer or anything, if you're in the mood for a new short and entertaining, funny show, give a few episodes of this a go, you might quite enjoy it! I know I did!

The show apparently has been picked up for a 2nd season! Wonder how that will pan out but now that the writer strike is also over it might even make it for a comeback next spring? We'll see.

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Final Space

Show has been renewed for a 2nd seeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn!
Hell yeah!

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Pretty happy that they picked this up for a second season, some of the episodes in the later ark of the first season have been pretty stellar.

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Life Sentence

Almost glad they cancelled this. While the premise sounded intriguing and fresh to begin with it turned into the same mess as pretty much any CW show these days and that stupid will they/won't they nonsense got on my nerves quickly. Lucy Hale will find something new soon anyway, good luck girl!

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Monday Mornings

Oh well, I guess they were right with cancelling this? SINCE THERE IS NOT FRIGGIN SHOUT HERE BESIDE MY OWN? Where are the fans of this fantastic show?!
Beside Emily Owens M.D. this was a great, fresh and entertaining new medical show with a FANTASTIC cast and it was just axed by TNT without ever getting a real chance... too bad, it will sorely be missed by me and others who highly enjoyed it.

10 Episodes, wow, what a shame...

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The Bold Type

Love the girls, love the topics and most of all LOVE the music. Whoever is in charge of picking the songs for the episodes need a friggin raise because they are KILLING IT!

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Highly enjoying this, all the Gilmore Girl feels~

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The Silent Sea

The show needs a whole lot of "suspension of disbelief" and certainly has it's flaws but overall I enjoyed the characters and story. Worth a watch esp since it's something "different" for a K-Drama with a setting not seen before.

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The Jim Jefferies Show

Absolute fantastic. Right after Last Week Tonight probably one of the best (weekly and overall, sorry Sam!) comedy/news shows on TV right now. Jim's humour might be controversial but fuck is he spot on most of the time, absolutely recommended!

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Halt and Catch Fire

Good news everyone:
"AMC has ordered a second season of Halt and Catch Fire."

I certainly am looking forward to that.

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Rocko's Modern Life

Need to rewatch this! :D

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Unpopular opinion: It actually got much better at the end of season 1 and season 2 is not that bad either so far. The show is really not as bad as many want to make it seem. :D

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Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

That is pretty darn impressive for a web show.

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Had a really good time with the first two three episodes, looking forward to where they'll go!
Love the cast of this and the show kinda reminds me of "Episodes" which I highly enjoyed so... fingers crossed this keeps on delivering!

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Son of Zorn

And another canned FOX show, who would've thought. Wasn't doing terrible in the ratings and actually pretty well done and funny. Too bad, will kinda miss it.

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Too excruciatingly awkward and depressing for my taste.

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You're the Worst

Will be back on September 9th! Hope they can keep up what they were constantly delivering in the first season, hilarious show! :D

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Orphan Black

Go fuck yourself, person(s) in charge of Emmy nominations.


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Sean Saves the World

And here I was just celebrating this fun show and there goes NBC canceling it... welp, that sucks. :/

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"This is a show where you are able to feel so many emotions. You feel happy, sad, angry..."
Yeah, I mostly felt angry at how bad it was. ;)

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Emily Owens, M.D.

It's true, it felt a bit like Scrubs.
And I liked that.
I'd take this show anytime over all the Greys Anatomys and stuff, it was a solid and entertaining show with nice characters, some heartfelt moments and it might have gone places... but alas, it shouldn't be. :/
I'm gonna miss it...

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Final Space

Shout by Alex

Hooooooooooow is this show not more popular? Why did I have to find out about it by chance? So far, 3 episodes in, it's fantastic fun and pretty well animated. The fact that the plot spans over the whole first season or even whole show makes it all the more interesting, love those Babylon 5 esque space operas! ;)
No, but really, good stuff and I sincerely hope that enough ppl watch it so that we get more than one season at least.

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Scavengers Reign

Shout by Alex

Absolutely mental. Visually this is shockingly good and the creativity & creature design is beyond anything I've seen recently. Who came up with all that must be on some powerful drugs or insanely creative. This feels like a weird alien baby between the movie "Mind Game" and Adventure Time.
3 episodes in and I think I love it!

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Shout by Alex

Gets better after the pilot but best thing about the show so far: the soundtrack.

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Go On

Shout by Alex

Funny and enjoyable pilot, did like the preview months ago and the full episode didn't disappoint. Like this a lot more than Anger Management if we can compare... let's see where this will go. :)

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Faking It

Shout by Alex

Best show on MTV right now which is not saying MUCH, but at least something!

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Shout by Alex

Holy crap, Netflix has picked up Longmire for a 4th season! :D
That is veeeeeeeeeeery unexpected but very welcome!

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Shout by Alex

How awesome it would've been if she had taken over the daily show instead... now can we have this daily as compensation as well? Thanks!

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