


Monday Mornings

Oh well, I guess they were right with cancelling this? SINCE THERE IS NOT FRIGGIN SHOUT HERE BESIDE MY OWN? Where are the fans of this fantastic show?!
Beside Emily Owens M.D. this was a great, fresh and entertaining new medical show with a FANTASTIC cast and it was just axed by TNT without ever getting a real chance... too bad, it will sorely be missed by me and others who highly enjoyed it.

10 Episodes, wow, what a shame...

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You know, this movie holds up pretty well.
I've seen it in the cinema 5 years ago and just again now. Still highly entertaining, fantastic and imaginative action sequences and just lots of fun from start to end.
Those butt-hurt by the "bad comic adaptation" can kiss my ass, just enjoy it for what it is - a nice action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Still looking forward to the sequel. :]

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Bob's Burgers: 14x03 The Pickleorette

14 Seasons in and they still deliver hilarious episodes!

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Welcome to Wrexham: 1x18 Do or Die

I unfortuantely spoiled myself and checked on Wikipedia in which league the club plays so the finale was kinda.... set in stone for me. But how we got here and that final game was quite a ride. What a great first season with lots of character and heart and I look forward to season two!

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The Problem With Jon Stewart: 1x04 Guns

Oof, tough but important episode - well done.
Massive TW: Domestic violence

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The Bold Type

Love the girls, love the topics and most of all LOVE the music. Whoever is in charge of picking the songs for the episodes need a friggin raise because they are KILLING IT!

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Corporate: 1x02 The Powerpoint of Death

Haha what a riot. If that episode was any indication of the quality and laugh-ration of future episodes, I will be highly enjoying them!

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Maaaan what a well done movie. It may be no Gravity and it might be an over-dramatisation of what happened to Salyut 7 but still! Production wise this is right up there and if anything it at least might make you read up on the Salyut and Soyuz (esp. Soyuz 11) programs. Good stuff!

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The Pirates of Somalia

That, was actually pretty good.
Certainly a well done adaptation of an interesting book.
Extra kudos for having (almost?) the entire Somali cast consist of ACTUAL Somalis, most of them refugees.

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The Villainess

While the story was a bit of a mess (I think?!) the camera work and the action sequences were absolutely insane. How?! Certainly a ride and one of the best action movies of the year tbh.

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The King's Choice

Very well acted movie with a look into history not often or at all brought to film. I do especially appreciate the casting of German/Austrian actors for the German's in the movie, made it all the more authentic. I also wouldn't mind a "sequel" telling what happened in the months and years to come since it isn't any less interesting or important.

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This vimeo video made me appreciate the movie even more, you might wanna watch it.

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Top Gear: 23x03 Episode 3

The lesser Chris Evans there is, the better the episode. This one only had like 1 or 2 actual segments with him so it was actually quite bearable. At least a lot better than the first episode... we'll see how I feel about this after the end of the season, can still ditch it then but at least it's improving.

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Highly enjoying this, all the Gilmore Girl feels~

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Deep Sea

Absolutely stunning visual masterpiece that is looking for an equal, not only in the chinese animated movie space.
The story and themes were also deeper than expected, just like the sea I guess!
If you can experience this in a cinema, preferably in 3D even, it should be experienced that way!

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Abbott Elementary: 2x01 Development Day

What a wholesome start into a new season. :)

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The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure

One of the best Pirate themed movies in a while and one of the better adventure movies in general! But it REALLY could've done without the penguins. o_O

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The Silent Sea

The show needs a whole lot of "suspension of disbelief" and certainly has it's flaws but overall I enjoyed the characters and story. Worth a watch esp since it's something "different" for a K-Drama with a setting not seen before.

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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist: 1x01 Pilot

You know, "Mad World" in all it's renditions in trailers, movies and what not has been a bit overused in the last year's that it almost became sort of joke but... it was pretty damn effective here if I may say so.
Certainly one of the best pilots I have seen recently and a refreshing and creative show, love it so far - Jane Levy is as fantastic as she is so often!!
But who the heck spaced out the pilot from the next episode in FEBRUARY so much... that almost certainly kills the show before it even started for fucks sake...

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Corporate: 2x05 The Expense Report

This brings us to... the butler graveyard.

Jesus fucking christ, this episode. :D

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 5x05 Mike Pence

Brilliant. The German Amazon unfortunately does not have a paper version of the book but I bought the eBook and the Audiobook right away. Glad Oliver's version is highlighted as "Bestseller" by amazon and the other one is... not.

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A Futile and Stupid Gesture

What a cast! And what a tragically funny story. Highly enjoyed that and to think who's careers all got kick-started by that paper... pretty amazing.

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Her Love Boils Bathwater


But yeah... can't remember the last time a movie made me this sad... and happy? I don't know. I just know I cried a lot and that this movie certainly is something special.

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The Jim Jefferies Show

Absolute fantastic. Right after Last Week Tonight probably one of the best (weekly and overall, sorry Sam!) comedy/news shows on TV right now. Jim's humour might be controversial but fuck is he spot on most of the time, absolutely recommended!

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Confidential Assignment

Didn't know Yoona was in this so that was a surprising bonus. :D
Besides that, well crafted action sequences; decent plot and character development and it didn't really paint any of the koreas black or white... I kinda want a sequel now and considering it did pretty good at the box office this might actually be a possibility!

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New Girl: 6x22 Five Stars for Beezus

I really do hope this is the series finale as well. The show has really ran it's course by now and with this it would at least go out on a very high note. I don't see any reason to go on with this and I probably won't even watch any additional seasons and just pretend it was over with this.

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Game Change

It's quite sobering to watch this on the eve of the 2016 election... they thought they had one of the most vicious and dirty campaigns in 2008 and look how far we've come. All the parallels between this, Palin and Trump this year... kinda amazing.

Oh America, you'll never learn.

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Even for someone like me, who has no real clue about manga or does not read any at all, this is a wonderfully entertaining celebration of the art and artists. A fine movie with some terrific and imaginative sequences, a neat cast and story and a completely amazeballs soundtrack by sakanaction which should be worth to watch this alone. Also Nana Komatsu is always a wonderful sight to behold.

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Halt and Catch Fire

Good news everyone:
"AMC has ordered a second season of Halt and Catch Fire."

I certainly am looking forward to that.

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