Miguel A. Reina



30 Coins

I watched the trailer for this and was intrigued, even though I could not understand the language! Thank you, subtitles - that counts as reading, right? I binged this over 2 days and enjoyed it. The story plot was somewhat familiar - evil looking for object to complete a set to gain ultimate power, what was different was the origin of the object. I don't recall another film having this particular sub-plot, but to me, this one works. The writer did a great job of explaining the significance of it and blending it in throughout the film. The scenes were well-acted for the most part. Although it was easy to see a budding romance, I will say it did not end as I expected. Segunda parte, ¿alguien? ¡Yo espero que sí!

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@ltjoy1241 Yes, three seasons are planned.

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The Offer

I would like to know how much of this actually happened.

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@kingy72 Peter Bert, who bought the rights of the book for Paramount, wrote an article in Deadline about how Albert S. Ruddy's version isn't really true:

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The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Based on a book that did not do the necessary historical verification with many errors and falsehoods, this series announced as a great production falls into all the excesses and clichés of Nazi representation, with embarrassing sequences of violence (German officers laughing evilly while hitting children). The script introduces Heather Morris (Melanie Lynskey) and how her conversations with Lali Sokolov (Harvey Keitel) affect her emotionally, but continually indicates that he is an old man who has nightmares and hallucinations, a not-so-subtle way of disassociating itself from the criticism to the veracity of the story.

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@mmccannon Possibly yes, but the problem is the way of representing it. Cruelty can be reflected without becoming caricature. The book was considered in a fact-checking report by the Auschwitz Memorial Research Center in 2018 as "not recommended as a valuable title for people who want to explore and understand the history of KL Auschwitz."

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Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2021-02-28T12:16:55Z— updated 2021-10-12T11:20:02Z

Horror movie that seems to be related to demonic possession, the story unfolds in even darker and less conventional way. As a mixture of subgenres, between sects, sexual abuse and possessions, it ends up being fascinating thanks to the director's ability to create an unbreathable atmosphere. Some sequences feel implausible and the ending is not entirely convincing, but it is an outstanding terror/drama proposal.

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@erebos It is true that one of the intentions of the film is that the audience doubts the sanity of the protagonist. This ambiguity about whether what we are watching is real or the product of psychological trauma is one of the interesting things about the film. But I think the story makes it clear whether or not it is a product of Laura's psychosis. Especially in the final scene. The director has also suggested it in an interview: "I wanted to keep the audience guessing all the way through wondering if Andi Matichak character was really insane or if was what she was seeing all true (...). The whole idea with the whole cult and following and stuff like that was to try to and fool the audience ". It is interesting what you say about the variegate porphyria, I didn't know that disease. I don't know if that inspired the director. Anyway, the good thing about this film is that the audience can draw their own conclusions.

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The Secret Garden

The use of the lightning at least was good, the rest was all horrible, horrible acting, horrible adaptation, one of the worst movies I´ve watched this year.
The dog was real or made with CGI?

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@david0542 The dog is real. Its name is Fozzie and he is eight years old. Unlike other films, only Fozzie participated in the shooting.

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The Last Duel

A story about two men and a woman written by two men and a woman in which the feminine gaze prevails, the "truth" is assumed from the beginning, so the other "versions" seem somewhat unnecessary. But there is a perfection in the representation of a medieval society so masculinized that it's difficult to argue, and it has an extraordinary contribution in the very intelligent soundtrack by Harry Gregson-Williams.

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@the_argentinian I do not judge the point of view. But in this case I think that by offering one of the three versions as "the truth", then it does not make much sense to use the "Rashomon effect" to tell the story.

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[Disney+] Recycling of classic adventure stories that leans on Tolkien to use numerous literary references, from "Gulliver's Travels" to biblical chronicles. An adventure film directed by Ron Howard, who is directed by George Lucas, which has lost now some of its original strength but none of his charm, with a charismatic Warwick Davis, Val Kilmer carrying the clone of Han Solo to ground closer to Errol Flynn and a thrillingly beautiful score by James Horner that sounds closer to Prokofiev than ever before.

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@j_dub89 Thank you for your comment. The novel "The Hobbit" was published in 1937 and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy was published in 1954. George Lucas wanted to buy the rights of both publications for many years, and the similarities are evident though, as I also commented, there are numerous other literary references, just as there were in "Star Wars". Did you delete the "dumbass, idiot lol" part?

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A surprisingly watchable movie. Maybe not something to watch on the big screen with your family or friends, but on your computer with the option to fast forward it's pretty entertaining.

The scenes are also surprisingly well written and acted. Some seem to be improvised, with people misspeaking and it's still all in the movie. Add to the realism.

No, the big porn stars are not male. They're female. You have to be brainwashed not not realize men are just replaceable object in this industry. The only man ppl even remember might be Rocco Sifredi. Women are the stars. It's all about them. And if you think they're mistreated in some genres, you havent been paying attention to the movie. Some ppl (m & f) do that because they love it, or because it pays well. Does the existence of femdom mean the industry is misandrist? Use your head.

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In my comment I do not say that the main porn stars are men, but that it is an industry in which men have a privileged position. And although actresses earn more than actors, it's clear that they are the objects for a mainly male audience. The interesting thing about the film is that the protagonist wants to be a porn star, but her path is unpleasant and hard for her. Some of the scenes that she has to star in are directly rapes.

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Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

[Netflix] A sensationalist documentary about the riots in Maiden's Square that forgets about the important participation of the Azov Battalion, a group of neo-Nazi sympathizers that later became part of the National Guard of Ukraine. Despite its good technical quality, it is a manipulative film that offers a one-way point of view, very much in keeping with the official Western narrative about Ukraine.

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@the_argentinian I think other films like "Maidan" (Sergei Loznitsa, 2014) are more interesting..

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The Nevers: 1x06 True

[HBO] A messy script that's constantly running ahead of events, as if it's so eager to explain itself that it leaves constant narrative gaps. Episode six, a kind of short film anthology, is intended to be explanatory but leaves more questions than answers. The new showrunner Philippa Goslett has the mission to fix the mess (if it is possible) and, on the way, eliminate the sexist tone of the show.

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@player8472 I don't think it exactly reflects a Victorian England, even if it takes place in a specific year. I think it is more a steampunk style which is actually a fantasy era that plays with anachronisms.

In fact, Joss Whedon has never exactly been a very feminist screenwriter. The empowerment of his female characters has always been more apparent than real, if not sexist (like the "Wonder woman" unreleased script). His concept of empowerment consists of showing vulnerable girls kicking asses, which The Washington Post critic Robyn Bahr defined as "a hetero male fantasy of muscular, hot-girl matriarchy." There is something of this fantasy in the character of Hugo Swann, but also in the fact that this is the Joss Whedon show in which there are more nudes (of women). There is also in the women main characters a certain emotional dependence on men, which defines them as not as independent as we are led to believe. But that is only my opinion.

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Hillbilly Elegy

[Netflix] Without knowing the book on which it's based, this doesn't seem the most successful portrait of white America that, like Amy Adams' character, falls over and over again in the same mistakes. Ron Howard builds a loud, histrionic movie based on a flimsy script, banal dialogue and messy construction. While Amy Adams is contagious of the histrionics of the film, Glenn Close manages to walk in the limit.

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@emjay2d Well, the book "Hillbilly Elegies" has as subtitle "A memoir of family and culture in crisis", referring to the values of Appalachian culture, which have their origin in European colonization. The writer Nancy Isenberg referred to them in her book "White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America" (2017), in which she speaks of the "evacuation of Britain's human 'waste' from the country's slums as part of the English nobility's efforts to 'fertilize' the New World ". In a New York Magazine article, titled "No sympathy for Hillbilly," Franck Rich wrote that "maybe, they’ll keep voting against their own interests until the industrial poisons left unregulated by their favored politicians finish them off altogether."

In my opinion, the film fails in that description of this part of the United States (it would have been more interesting if it had gone beyond the simple family story of a drug addicted mother), and therefore I think that "this doesn't seem the most successful portrait of white America ".

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