C. S. C.



Howards End: 1x01 Episode 1

It took me the exact length of Helen's first letter to decide that I am in love with this adaptation. Or at least with its first episode, which was a high note until the very end. I am looking forward to the next!

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Ghosted: 1x02 Bee-Mo

Still very charming leads. Still very stale script.

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Ghosted: 1x01 Pilot

Scott and Robinson were sufficiently charming and competent, but the writing is failing badly in this pilot. Everything feels rushed and cliche, and not really funny. Still, there is some potential, if they actually try to bend these cliches a little.

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Haters Back Off: 2x08 broadway or buts

That was far darker than I expected. I have trouble with the mockery Miranda makes out of people with mental disabilities, but I appreciate how terrifyingly truthful the whole plot with her father was. It is true that Miranda is difficult to like, but he left when she was a little kid. The act itself is cruel, admitting he did so because of her is cruel, and do we not see this too often when a child with disability is born? How many parents simply cannot take responsibility for their child and leave, sometimes completely abandoning them? It really got me.
Whenever reality crosses Miranda's perception, it is nothing but absolutely harsh and cruel to her. Maybe it is not such a wonder that she would rather live so far away from it.

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Degrassi: Next Class: 1x09 #SinceWeBeinHonest

Are Jonah's tattoos made with sharpie...?

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Degrassi: Next Class: 1x03 #YesMeansYes

Yael is so merciless. She even smiled as she hit. That was the first time I laughed out loud in Degrassi and I pretty much watched the entire franchise before this!

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The Simpsons: 29x04 Treehouse of Horror XXVIII

The Neil Gaiman guest appearance totally made my morning :)

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Will & Grace: 1x03 Emergency Contact

Aah, now we're getting back on track! I am very happy with this episode.

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The Goldbergs: 5x03 Goldberg on the Goldbergs

I had to Google to find out whether scooter ball was a thing or not, and it turns out it is.

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black-ish: 4x01 Juneteenth

"I am my ancestors' wildest dreams."

Seriously? Most people from outside the U.S. are familiar with American holidays, be it Columbus Day or Martin Luther day, or the biggest of all, Thanksgiving. But even though I have studied in an American university and have tons of American friends, I had never before heard of Juneteenth. The underrepresentation of the holiday seems pretty obvious. I think it must be very bold for the show to reivindicate it, and they did it beautifully. If there is one flaw to it, it is that they set an incredibly high bar for the rest of the season, the episode was amazing! And definitely very educational. Also, I loved Aloe Blacc's participation as a guest, he is a fantastic musician!

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Will & Grace: 1x01 11 Years Later

There were some good moments, some meh moments, and the overall episode felt "just ok" to me. But I feel positive it will improve :) There's just a little dusting to be done!

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iZombie: 2x19 Salivation Army

I am too sad for Drake. But I agree with the users who said Rita's ending was not right. I get that she would want to kill her dad, but I do not see why Major could not have pulled her up.
And the bit about the singer Rob Thomas... I have to say I loved it, despite the terrible pun. I just love his music :)

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Big Little Lies: 1x07 You Get What You Need

As a fan of the book, I was only disappointed at how they had erased the killer's background, and consequently, the real reasons behind the murder, which were so much more complex than simply defending Celeste out of instinct. I enjoy the added touch of how the group comes to be close friends after, and that wonderful feeling of sisterhood, a great story of women coming together to fight oppression and win! This was something that did not happen in the novel, but it worked well with the TV series.

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American Gods: 1x04 Git Gone

I was excited to learn Emily Browning was playing Laura in the show, even though the character has few parts in the book. Seeing this episode with sole focus on her backstory just made so happy, and Browning was great in it. She's definitely playing Laura brilliantly and I cannot wait to see more!

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Reign: 4x16 All It Cost Her

I will miss this show so much. The ending sequence with Toby Regbo and highlights of Mary's life was beautiful, and Elizabeth's speech downing armor was awesome! I'm not sure about how things ended for France, it felt like such a cliffhanger. Still, I'm mostly pleased with the finale, despite being upset for not having more seasons.

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Reign: 4x15 Blood in the Water

Rachel Skarsten's performance on the scene in which Elizabeth accuses Jane was so good! The way she moved, was so much like a tiger, her dancing background really showed, it was pure grace. I really hope she gets a new show soon, she has been amazing in Reign, and will be the one of the actors I will miss the most.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 9x12 Category Is

For once, it ended exactly as it should have. Everyone was wonderful!

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 9x10 Makeovers: Crew Better Work

And to think I began this season hating on Trinity, now I really love her! And Peppermint, who was my first favorite is still standing strong too (and I don't think the fabric critique was fair, as I think questionable fabric choices and bad cuts are part of her brand, according to what has been presented in previous runways, hahaha).
Once more I'm left annoyed at the bottom two though. 3rd bottom escaped AGAIN, that's three weeks of underwhelming performances in a role with no a lipsync. I feel she's been favored over queens that had more interesting things to show, and I don't understand why.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked!: 9x09 Your Pilot's On Fire

So. Miss Week's Eliminated was very very aware of how big a risk she was in to lipsync. And yet she lounged around and made a point not to learn the song when everyone else, even the ones who got big praises, did. Girl, you better explain yourself. Yout let a lot of fans down because of this little arrogant act there.

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Reign: 4x12 The Shakedown

Despite not being on the show for long, Darnley has definitely risen up to my number one most hated character in the show. Most of Mary's enemies are hateful, of course, but at least they're clever. Darnley is just petty.

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Reign: 4x11 Dead of Night

Each episode gets better and better, and yet this will be the final season. Ugh!

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black-ish: 3x23 Liberal Arts

I think Zoe's college life will be the first fun and interesting college experience arc ever to appear in family sitcoms. At least this episode was very promising!

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United Shades of America: 2x01 Immigrants and Refugees

I love how the people Kamau interviews are either absolutely awesome and inspiring or absolutely terrifying,

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Reign: 4x10 A Better Man

Ugh, James had been my favorite character, an excellent replacement for Bash. I hope either or both comes back. Now, Henry looks older than Charles. that's a little weird.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x03 Late

I love how they're taking Ofglen and giving her a plot explored separately from Offred's. Everything in The Handmaid's Tale is Offred's own account, and other characters barely exist when out of her sight, so this was a nice way to add further depth to the story. Will they use Nick in the same way, I wonder?

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The Middle: 8x19 The Confirmation

I'm shipping Sue and Sean so hard, I think they'd be very cute. Annoying, but cute.

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Ghost Adventures: 13x08 Twin Bridges Orphanage

I hope Jay was paid extra for that.

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Reign: 4x07 Hanging Swords

I'm just loving this season so much! For once I'm enjoying every plot and sub-plot.

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Modern Family: 8x18 Five Minutes

Is there ever an on-screen Nathan Fillion moment when he isn't great?

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American Horror Story: 6x10 Chapter 10

10 episodes that feel like 10 seasons, 10 very meh seasons.

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