C. S. C.



100 Days with Mr. Arrogant

This is a very gross movie. Really, really gross. Just remembering makes me shudder.

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3 Ninjas Knuckle Up

That dancing scene is so embarrassing! But it was fun to watch for nostalgia's sake.

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Definetely the most vulgar adaptation of the three. The cast is actually not bad; but they did change the way characters were played. Carrie is way darker here, and her original sweetness is never shown at all. Sue is bolder, and she seems to have a righteous goal rather a mindset split between guilt and kindness. Even Chris, while still super mean, is more bitter than the book and the other adaptations made her out. I think these changes were fitting considering high school culture of the early 2000's, but the boys were a complete disappointment. Tommy Ross, who is supposed to be so nice and likable, came out as Sue's toy and nothing more. Billy Nolan, such a questionable character in the book, appears totally uninteresting as well.
What made the movie vulgar was just how strong they made every "strange" aspect about Carrie. Everything felt forced about her life, it was all even bigger and louder than the book, even her early displays of power. Even without two other movies for comparison, this would still be a questionable piece... specially if you add the soundtrack for consideration.

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Daddy's Home

I felt some scenes were excessively humiliating - the motorcycle scene, and then the drunk rant at the game, for example - and therefore kinda hard to watch (I hate seeing people being humiliated). But after all the idiotic manly competition, the story did have a nice conclusion during the dance, and that moment made the movie worth it. I appreciate the more sensitive side of this comedy a lot.

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Talk to Me

The plot is driven by sheer dumbness. Nothing that happens is initially out of the dumb people's control, they are just initially dumb. It's annoying,

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Totally Killer

Wow, what's with the low ratings? It was fun! I was thoroughly entertained.

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I started out skeptic, but then I found it fun. It really reminded me of how I felt about my classmates back in high school. when I couldn't stand them (and it was mutual), but we always came together due to a strange sense of loyalty that just develops on its own, after years and years of seeing the same people every day.

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Before getting in the car, why didn't Jackson call an ambulance? Or after they were in the car, Angela could have called...

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Jack and Jill

Incredibly stupid, and sometimes stupid is just what you need.

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I was a bit disappointed only because Disney cut off a lot of background plot from the R&H musical. Otherwise, I love the cast and the scenarios were just as pretty and charming as the stage musical. Whitney was an amazing fairy godmother, and even though Whoopi's part was small, she made it great. Real pity about the plot, though..

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Magic in the Moonlight

Super cute and light hearted.

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I Feel Pretty

For once, Amy Schumer wasn't obnoxiously crass, so there is that. The initial story is cute, and actually quite entertaining - Renee is a likable character, and you absolutely want her to succeed! The problem comes when the plot finds its conflict: it's a classic story of girl exchanging her unpopular friends for popular ones while losing sight of who she really is, but this was done in such a cringy and embarrassing manner, the last third of movie is nearly unwatchable. All the empathy and engagement of the character is lost, and suddenly, I was not only not rooting for Renee anymore, but wishing she'd be done ASAP. It was quite disappointing, it had such a chance to bring freshness to this trope, but it was thrown out of the window.

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Fun to watch so many HB characters interacting.

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Orphan: First Kill

I wasn't really into the story, but the cast was great and the pace was just right! I wasn't bored for a single minute.

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Shotgun Wedding

A movie meant to be fun and silly. It achieves the goal perfectly, an excellent option for when you just want to enjoy something without thinking.

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The movie is fun, the songs are good - some old ones, some new ones, which keeps it interactive enough - and the plot is not very different from the classic. Why the low rating, I can't understand. If anyone was actually bothered by any possible modern ideas inserted here, might not be fit to live on a world that has evolved beyond the Victorian age.

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Goodnight Mommy

I had no knowledge of the previous movie, but found this enjoyable enough. The problem is that it's predictable. It's too easy to guess what is happening with the twins, Mother's anger gives it a away - what was supposed to be a reason for fear is actually a big hint.

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Catherine Called Birdy

It's an adorable coming of age story. I was actually quite surprised because I'm not a big of Lena Dunham, but this was done in such an earnest and light-hearted way, any girl of any culture will be able to relate, even if the thing they must conform to isn't marriage. Because it doesn't matter where or when you are born, there's always something. Bella was brilliant, and it was a delight seeing Billie Piper playing the doting mother. Also, the photography was quite pretty, the dialogue was cheeky, the soundtrack decent, making this an overall delightful experience.

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I didn't really understand much of it, but I did have fun trying to?

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My Best Friend's Exorcism

It's a cute movie about friendship, with a fun 80's setting and a horror background. Honestly, quite amusing for a girl's night!

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Brittany Runs a Marathon

What makes it so nice is that it is light-hearted, but also incredibly relatable. And a good reminder that everyone has problems, and it's easy to forget that when you are too focused on your own.

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Peçanha Contra o Animal

I felt like throwing up more than once. It's even crasser than the trailer led me to believe...

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Sing 2

Fine, the story is not as good as the first, but it has great music that will have you singing along and it's just awesome fun! I absolutely loved it!

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Jungle Cruise

The romance line was super corny, but I had fun watching it!

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I think I'm done with Sarah Paulson. Can she try something different?
But Kiera Allen was great and I hope she gets more roles.

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Double Dad

Another excellent feel-good family piece featuring Maisa. The plot reminded me a lot of some afterschool classics of the type Lindsay Lohan or the Olsen twins would star in the early 90's, but done better, and more maturely too. The final message is a sweet one that we can all keep in mind nowadays: family is the people we choose :)

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Ana and Bruno

Creepy and uncomfortable, but still intriguing??

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Alice Júnior

The movie did a great job in portraying Alice as a normal teen girl, with the normal feelings and perceptions of a teen girl. She is a lovely character and carries the movie well.
The part with the adults was a bit awkward though. Alice's dad is a fantastic parent, no discussion, he defends his daughter in ways that I have seen few parents do, but I saw no point in his romance plot. It was just there, it felt too casual to be important enough to be shown like that. Maybe adding more meaningful dialogue would have helped, or it should not have been done at all.
I mean, think about this: he is going through something - he is watching his daughter suffer a hard process of adaptation, and no matter how great his relationship with his daughter, families are never so simple. There was supposed to be something going on in his mind, and he never approaches it, despite finding someone he could confide in. I think it would have enriched the movie to acknowledge that talking about your true feelings is necessary for bonding.

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The Sleepover

I was going to rate this a 5, but the final half an hour made it jump to a 7. The car chase in special was pretty funny.

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An Extremely Nutty Teacher

It's visually cute with adorable characters, but the plot is just weak, and the film gets pretty boring.

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