C. S. C.



Shotgun Wedding

A movie meant to be fun and silly. It achieves the goal perfectly, an excellent option for when you just want to enjoy something without thinking.

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While I did not enjoy the movie (the song and dance numbers were particularly terrible), I found myself fond of the characters... it's a nice concept, I agree, just not very well executed.

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Eyes Without a Face

It is impossible to watch this movie and not realize that we have either seen or read something (or many things!) before, that were clearly inspired by this. And still, this piece shines above them, almost 60 years later. What a great fun it was to experience it!

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The most frustrating, boring and tiresome movie ever. Completely unrelated to the book as well, and not just a few chances here and there, but really, truly, completely unrelated. It felt like an endless nightmare and I couldn't stop checking the time. I'm not sure what happened here, the first movie was so good!

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Barely Lethal

Fun movie, with great acting from a superb cast. So what if the plot is a little lame? It's a teenage secret agent movie, there's only so much one should expect from it. The characters were ok and the story was cute enough. The references to classic teen movies got me quite nostalgic, and the overall movie reminded me of those after-school hours movies that used to be on TV in the 90's. Overall, I found it quite pleasant.

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No Strings Attached

I'm surprised at how enjoyable this was. Very decent rom-com for a Sunday night!

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Daddy's Home

I felt some scenes were excessively humiliating - the motorcycle scene, and then the drunk rant at the game, for example - and therefore kinda hard to watch (I hate seeing people being humiliated). But after all the idiotic manly competition, the story did have a nice conclusion during the dance, and that moment made the movie worth it. I appreciate the more sensitive side of this comedy a lot.

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Catherine Called Birdy

It's an adorable coming of age story. I was actually quite surprised because I'm not a big of Lena Dunham, but this was done in such an earnest and light-hearted way, any girl of any culture will be able to relate, even if the thing they must conform to isn't marriage. Because it doesn't matter where or when you are born, there's always something. Bella was brilliant, and it was a delight seeing Billie Piper playing the doting mother. Also, the photography was quite pretty, the dialogue was cheeky, the soundtrack decent, making this an overall delightful experience.

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The cast is impressive, but the movie is ultimately very bland. The CGI is basically the only thing it's got going for it, and still we can't say it's that amazing either. As a prequel, I guess it's an interesting twist in the characters, but not a very convincing one, and I'm not even talking about how it doesn't match the original mythology (flying without fairy dust? His parents actually wanting him when his personality is later on so strongly based off how rejected he felt by them? Romantic tension between Hook and Tiger Lily?), just commenting on how very weak this new mythology is.
Also, what's up with that native tribe? They look like they evolved from some old school ravers that stumbled into Neverland from a desert party in California! I mean, don't get me wrong, Rooney Mara was actually a very nice - if very white - Tiger Lily, I'm just not approving the costume choice.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

I've just watched this in the original English audio for the first time. It might be nostalgia speaking, but I must say I enjoyed the Brazilian dub much more, specially the singing parts! :)

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Murder on the Orient Express

I felt bad enough for paying to see a movie that featured Depp, and surely my wickedness in supporting a women abuser was punished - I hated this. This OCD, strangely emotional version of Poirot looked great but tasted bitter. Strange details from the original story were changed, and I just cannot understand why, as the original was extremely concise and clever as it was, even if it did not feature action scenes where people got shot and chased. A lot of the character's background was cut, which took away from that great "assembling the puzzle" feel readers get from Agatha Christie. It just felt so... superficial. I did not get into any of the characters as I did in the novel. The interviews were short, and gave me no emotional connection to them and their past. The only positive thing is that everything was very pretty. Unfortunately, pretty was not I wanted.

Also, I am very upset that they made Helena to join in the stabbing. There was meaning in her abstinence from it.

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In the Heart of the Sea

This is going to be a strange comment, but there goes. I loved the story, and I thought the acting pretty great too. I didn't feel like there were lower keys from any of the cast, and it's really nice when everyone is even and giving great performances. But I did have a problem with the visuals of the movie. It was so perfect, so pretty, the light was just so artistic, that I found it took from the drama they were trying to display. It was just really off, how everything looked so beautiful while everyone was suffering, in pain, hungry, thirsty, afraid. In the end, as hard as I tried focusing on the performance, the background kept reminding me of how unreal the whole thing was. It was distracting and ultimately, disappointing. I felt the experience could have been much better if the visuals were just a little more somber.

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American Hustle

I couldn't actually finish it, and that fact alone allows me to rate it so badly. So hard to get into!

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The articles about how scary this movie is were certainly paid for. Very basic movie. Though Sandra Escacena is a far superior actress to your average scream queen.

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The Glass Castle

Shout by C. S. C.
BlockedParent2017-12-13T22:44:15Z— updated 2018-01-01T12:47:25Z

The movie was overall a great experience - the cast was amazing (Ella Anderson has set some standard for her future career!), the narrative style, the aesthetics, everything worked very well, and told a story that kept me interested. But because it is based on a true story, I had many mixed feelings - I am glad Jeannette Walls made peace with her history, and I admire her for it, but I felt very sad while watching the whole thing, specially with the ending, even if it was supposed to be a happy one.

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The Crying Game

It's hard to talk about it without spoiling anything, but this movie has a really interesting take on gender roles. Jaye Davidson was wonderful (and should totally have been on the cover?)!

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

It starts as a mess. The character is a confused middle aged woman in a personal crisis who has no idea of what she's doing and therefore, until she figures it out, we just get to watch her stumbling along. Eventually though, Kim snaps out of it, and finds her place and passion. From then on, the movie improves, and becomes totally worth watching. As stated by others, this isn't a comedy, but it isn't a typical war drama either. I'm not entirely sure I like the light-hearted tone given to the story, but there were some excellent sensitive moments. and the ending was quite satisfying.

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Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins

I love the adaptation of the characters, but not so much of the plot. It became slow and boring and as previously mentioned in another comment, kind of disconnected. You keep watching because the characters are very entertaining, and it was amazing how well they converted the fighting techniques from the anime and manga to live action. Very impressive!

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My Best Friend's Exorcism

It's a cute movie about friendship, with a fun 80's setting and a horror background. Honestly, quite amusing for a girl's night!

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Isn't It Romantic

This movie has a great combination of a fun story, funny main character and a good message. I can't find a flaw with it, and I think it's not so much a rom-com parody, but a twisty rom-com, where romance happens not between two people, but between one person and herself. And yes, everyone has been saying this forever, but it has not really translated into movies, until these recent Netflix films (Nappily Ever After, Dumplin' and Isn't It Romantic). I like what they are doing, and I want more.

If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you're gonna love somebody else, right?

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Of course people will immediately think of other sci-fi titles for comparison and reference, but what I enjoyed about Annilation is that it is basically Alice in Wonderland, except where Alice is a biologist, and Wonderland is an area of genetic corruption. I was intrigued, and entertained, and I enjoyed the visuals, which were curious and beautiful, but not over-done. One flaw is that out of four characters we only really get to know one.

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Leprechaun: Origins

Camera-wise, I just have no clue of what was this movie trying to accomplish. Some angles are shot in a way that looks similar to found footage, but the rest of the shots are perfectly standard. It is a very weird and distracting mix, specially when you add the heat vision-style shots that represent the point of view of the beast.
Then there is the bizarre take on Celtic mithology, in which Tuatha Dé Danann comes to mean leprechaun, as found in a mysteriously ancient book with very modern print.
I can deal with bad and cliche characters inhorror, you know. But those two things were just so wrong, I had to feel bothered!

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

I am not familiar with the source material, but I thought it was very fun. The plot is not very original, but well executed, and entertaining nonetheless. I actually thought the cast was nice - I think Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevigne worked well together, and their characters were just very likable. The supporting cast also did a great job, and I was happy to see Kris Wu, even in such a small role. I enjoyed how the story allowed the exploration of very different settings, and I do hope there is a sequel, so that I will get to see more of Alpha.

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So they tried to throw an expensive, antique, collector coveted item in the trash...? Having someone dying with it really would not decrease its value if it remained in a perfect state, and her dress was not even stained.
The doll could be haunting the unaware new happy owner who would buy it, if they were thinking straight. And maybe Annabelle would have been an entirely different and much better movie...

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The Three Caballeros

Quite delightful! The music is beautiful, and sequences vary from funny, to interesting, to crazy weird but still funny. The featured singers are amazing and worth the watch. One of my favorite Disney oldies!

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The Great Wall

Poor Matt Damon looked like he was dying inside whenever he delivered a line. All dialogue was so bad, it made me feel sorry for everyone involved. The one positive point is that the production is pretty, but still not as enchanting as in other Yimou movies. The plot was bland and some details were just ridiculous, like how they end up in the wall during the first battle because the guard could not find keys to a cell, really?
It was one big eyeroll after the other. I was more entertained by my knitting than the movie, and would not have been able to finish it at all were I not doing something else.

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The movie really isn't so much about the kaiju as it is about a young woman with a very manipulative suitor, and I always find that to be a little upsetting. Still, the part about the kaiju, and how Gloria's personal life spills over to affect the world, was really amusing. People keep using the word "strange" to describe this movie, but I think "original" is a far better word. There's something off about the execution, even if I can't put my finger on it... but despite that, Anne Hathaway did a great job, as did the rest of the cast. Overall, nice flick.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

As someone who had hated the novel, I'm very surprised to say the movie turned out very, very enjoyable! The premise translated way better into a movie than it did for a novel, the fighting scenes were nicely done, and the cast was also quite brilliant. For the first time ever, I could tolerate Douglas Booth on screen for more than 5 seconds, and that's a record. There's nothing particularly remarkable about it, but still, it was pleasant and entertaining.

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The movie is fun, the songs are good - some old ones, some new ones, which keeps it interactive enough - and the plot is not very different from the classic. Why the low rating, I can't understand. If anyone was actually bothered by any possible modern ideas inserted here, might not be fit to live on a world that has evolved beyond the Victorian age.

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Double Dad

Another excellent feel-good family piece featuring Maisa. The plot reminded me a lot of some afterschool classics of the type Lindsay Lohan or the Olsen twins would star in the early 90's, but done better, and more maturely too. The final message is a sweet one that we can all keep in mind nowadays: family is the people we choose :)

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