C. S. C.



Catherine Called Birdy

It's an adorable coming of age story. I was actually quite surprised because I'm not a big of Lena Dunham, but this was done in such an earnest and light-hearted way, any girl of any culture will be able to relate, even if the thing they must conform to isn't marriage. Because it doesn't matter where or when you are born, there's always something. Bella was brilliant, and it was a delight seeing Billie Piper playing the doting mother. Also, the photography was quite pretty, the dialogue was cheeky, the soundtrack decent, making this an overall delightful experience.

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Isn't It Romantic

This movie has a great combination of a fun story, funny main character and a good message. I can't find a flaw with it, and I think it's not so much a rom-com parody, but a twisty rom-com, where romance happens not between two people, but between one person and herself. And yes, everyone has been saying this forever, but it has not really translated into movies, until these recent Netflix films (Nappily Ever After, Dumplin' and Isn't It Romantic). I like what they are doing, and I want more.

If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you're gonna love somebody else, right?

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Sing 2

Fine, the story is not as good as the first, but it has great music that will have you singing along and it's just awesome fun! I absolutely loved it!

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Unicorn Store

Above all things, it's just very relatable.

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The Three Caballeros

Quite delightful! The music is beautiful, and sequences vary from funny, to interesting, to crazy weird but still funny. The featured singers are amazing and worth the watch. One of my favorite Disney oldies!

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The Thing

All the praise this movie gets is extremely well deserved. What impressed me most though is how well done the effects were - so well done I had to check if what I had been watching was really the 80's movie and not the remake, because the effects were far more convincing than most of this year's releases! I was sure it could not be from a 30+ year old movie, but yes, it was! What a great production! And the plot, the acting, and the music were all on level with it. A truly superb movie.

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Beauty and the Beast

A really, really pretty adaptation of the original story.

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The movie was light-hearted, funny, and crazy, and I loved every minute of it. I got into the main characters as I had not in a while. It also made very humorous use of the rising ultra-right conservative movements, which is particularly relatable to Brazilians (just put Neymar in place of Diamantino!).

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Brittany Runs a Marathon

What makes it so nice is that it is light-hearted, but also incredibly relatable. And a good reminder that everyone has problems, and it's easy to forget that when you are too focused on your own.

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It goes from cute to brutal in a most brilliant way.

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What an interesting movie. Initially, I had rated it a 6, as I felt slightly annoyed watching it. But after I found myself unable to stop talking about it during the day, I raised my rating to an 8. Finally, I tried to go to bed, and I was still thinking about the movie. So i have come to rate it a 9. It is a sign of a great piece indeed if you cannot get it out of your mind!

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Eyes Without a Face

It is impossible to watch this movie and not realize that we have either seen or read something (or many things!) before, that were clearly inspired by this. And still, this piece shines above them, almost 60 years later. What a great fun it was to experience it!

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

I've just watched this in the original English audio for the first time. It might be nostalgia speaking, but I must say I enjoyed the Brazilian dub much more, specially the singing parts! :)

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

It starts as a mess. The character is a confused middle aged woman in a personal crisis who has no idea of what she's doing and therefore, until she figures it out, we just get to watch her stumbling along. Eventually though, Kim snaps out of it, and finds her place and passion. From then on, the movie improves, and becomes totally worth watching. As stated by others, this isn't a comedy, but it isn't a typical war drama either. I'm not entirely sure I like the light-hearted tone given to the story, but there were some excellent sensitive moments. and the ending was quite satisfying.

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My Best Friend's Exorcism

It's a cute movie about friendship, with a fun 80's setting and a horror background. Honestly, quite amusing for a girl's night!

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

I am not familiar with the source material, but I thought it was very fun. The plot is not very original, but well executed, and entertaining nonetheless. I actually thought the cast was nice - I think Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevigne worked well together, and their characters were just very likable. The supporting cast also did a great job, and I was happy to see Kris Wu, even in such a small role. I enjoyed how the story allowed the exploration of very different settings, and I do hope there is a sequel, so that I will get to see more of Alpha.

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Double Dad

Another excellent feel-good family piece featuring Maisa. The plot reminded me a lot of some afterschool classics of the type Lindsay Lohan or the Olsen twins would star in the early 90's, but done better, and more maturely too. The final message is a sweet one that we can all keep in mind nowadays: family is the people we choose :)

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Pet Sematary

Despite not being very stylish, this is an incredibly fun movie, and I am really happy to have taken the time to watch it. It is a short feature that showcases some of the most beloved horror trends of the 80's, and it has a rather funny script as well! Some elements were just strange and amusing (that weird painting in the Goldman house?), which made it remarkable and gave me and my friend endless reasons to talk about the movie for hours after.
Thanks, IMS Paulista for choosing this film as their cinema contribution to the 2019 Virada Cultural!

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I did not see many reasons to cry watching Wonder, but I definitely smiled many times. It is just adorable. I found it a bit more touching than the book, even. And the Passion Pit song at the end caught me totally off-guard, it was a perfect conclusion.

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It's unfair to compare it to Antichrist. There are similarities, yes - a psychiatrist and his girlfriend go to a cabin in the woods - but the development couldn't be more different.

Personally, I did enjoy the movie. I liked the twist at the end and I hadn't seen it coming at all. The acting is really good and feels incredibly natural, like they are not acting at all. In fact, combined with the directing and peculiar camera work, it felt strangely immersing - like a reality show that is actually showing the truth. Since it's so strangely natural, someone who isn't sucked in might think the movie goes a bit slow. Personally though, I thought it was brilliant. I was very pleased and very impressed with Brazil's ability to produce good thrillers!

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Friends with Benefits

Pretty cute movie! Definetely entering my rom-com faovorites list.

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Alice Júnior

The movie did a great job in portraying Alice as a normal teen girl, with the normal feelings and perceptions of a teen girl. She is a lovely character and carries the movie well.
The part with the adults was a bit awkward though. Alice's dad is a fantastic parent, no discussion, he defends his daughter in ways that I have seen few parents do, but I saw no point in his romance plot. It was just there, it felt too casual to be important enough to be shown like that. Maybe adding more meaningful dialogue would have helped, or it should not have been done at all.
I mean, think about this: he is going through something - he is watching his daughter suffer a hard process of adaptation, and no matter how great his relationship with his daughter, families are never so simple. There was supposed to be something going on in his mind, and he never approaches it, despite finding someone he could confide in. I think it would have enriched the movie to acknowledge that talking about your true feelings is necessary for bonding.

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The Silent Mountain

I'm commenting only because the described synopsis isn't all that fair. This is a movie not about the war, not is it about romance - it's just a story about courage and family, and a very nice one at that.
On the very same day an Austrian and an Italian family are joined in matrimony in a village in the Alps, Italy declares war on Austria, and the men are then forced to serve their nations and fight against each other. The plot is based on how they sacrifice themselves for family, even when they are supposed to be opposite sides. Francesca's relationship with Ander is romantic as much as fraternal, and his attempt to protect her later develops into nothing but the need to do what's right. It's just hardly a center piece, specially when compared to Elisabeth and Angelo and their struggle. I just hope the off synopsis doesn't put anyone off of it, as I did found this a beautiful, sensitive and very enjoyable movie and would definitely recommend it.

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Though not really as creepy as the books or the original series, it was a nice homage to several books and the author himself, and that was great. Stine's appearance as "Mr. Black" by the end was great, and I'm surprised to find that I enjoyed Black playing Stine a lot, even if I feel like he could have been more creepy and less goofy.

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Totally Killer

Wow, what's with the low ratings? It was fun! I was thoroughly entertained.

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Magic in the Moonlight

Super cute and light hearted.

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Jungle Cruise

The romance line was super corny, but I had fun watching it!

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Till Luck Do Us Part

Lighthearted and even rather sweet, this is a great comedy to watch with family. The characters are relatable even they do behave over the top, but I particularly enjoyed Daniele Winits performance, who is always great at comedy, but brought a nice amount of sadness and reality to her character. Very enjoyable overall.

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Toy Story That Time Forgot

This was so extremely cute! I enjoyed it more than the movies.

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Jasper Jones

I will disagree with the previous comment, I did not think the acting was bad, as much as it was intentionally awkward for most everyone. Of course I might be wrong, but I think it was done so to best display insecurities, as it is precisely from personal feelings of insecurity that originate lies, violence, prejudice and abuse.
I truly enjoyed the very casual way horrible things are displayed in the film, and I am already looking for the novel that inspired it!

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