

Omicron Persei 8

Battle Creek

A fun police procedural. Even though it's nowhere near the level of Gilligan's Breaking Bad, there have been worse procedurals than this and it's a decent CBS show. Some nice comedic moments here and there as well and a cool guest appearance from Patton Oswalt make this worth checking out for procedural fans, and there are certainly worse things than Battle Creek on TV.

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Interesting start. Feels pretty similar to Michael Grant's GONE novels with a darker tone, or a blend of the Leftovers and The 100 only not quite as good as either show yet (although that said, its pilot was better than The 100's pilot - the show got a lot better in season 2, though). It's got potential to be pretty good though and the approach to release it on a weekly basis rather than all at once for Netflix is certainly interesting. Will follow this as there's not much new shows out now. Cool concept though.

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Shadowhunters: 1x01 The Mortal Cup

This was okay. Has potential but the cast needs to improve. Too much exposition.

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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast does admittedly benefit from a great cast who give it their all, and this does lead to some good moments here and there, but it is ultimately unnecessary and almost completely forgettable.

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Unfortunately not quite as good as the first film, but has plenty of fun action. Some characters deserved better, though.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x08 Future Imperfect

A holodeck within a holdeck concept was a fun idea, I liked seeing Riker's dynamic with the kid and his eventual acceptance of him as his own son - and then for the second time when he realised who he really was. It was fun seeing Tomalak again too after The Defector, and seeing the older versions of the crew - including a promoted Picard and Riker in charge of the Enterprise - was rewarding - it turns out I'm a fan of most Riker-centric episodes at this point.

Nothing special in terms of Trek episodes - although I'm always a sucker for these sort of episodes - but the highlight was easily the confrontation between Riker and the "Romulans" on board the ship when he realised that the whole thing was just a simulation and him telling Picard to shut up which is unironically one of the best moments of the season so far.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x12 The Wounded

That was a good, strong philosophical episode that Trek does really well. Colm Meaney was as great as ever as Miles O'Brien, and another O'Brien heavy-episode in a row? I could get used to this. Feels like a very heavy stage-setter for Deep Space Nine and it's easy to see why O'Brien out of all people made the jump to that show. Hard to believe that only Captain Maxwell was held responsible for this - wouldn't his senior officers be indicted too? Feels like a rather weak response on Starfleet's part and Maxwell deserved far greater punishment. It felt more like a casual, dismissive shrug - also, wouldn't it have been more effective if we'd known Maxwell before this? We've only really seen one side of him here. But aside from that it was a good episode, although the conflict could have been resolved better.

Love to see how well developed the Cardassians are so early on and the whole scenes with them working in the background allowed for an incredibly tense final standoff between Picard and Maxwell.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x05 Disaster

Loved just how fun this episode was with some good role reversal for the characters. Picard working with children after they got trapped in a lift together was hilarious no matter how poor the child actors were, and Worf delivering a baby is a classic Star Trek moment. Troi getting the chance to command the bridge too was excellent, and a real welcome change of gears for the show.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Star Wars is turning into the MCU, relying on inter-connectivity and cameos, some work better than others - it makes a big universe feel smaller than ever. Some work better than others but at this point this time period has been done to death and I just wish the franchise would try something new. It still can't figure out what it wants its audience to be.

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Overcomes a shaky, shock-heavy start and frequently confusing time-jumps that force the show to explain everything that's happening over and over again leading to a lot of repeated exposition, only to plunge you deep into the thick of Roman political intrigue once the early episodes are out of the way. Game of Thrones this isn't, but there's a lot of promise especially for fans of historical period dramas of the more talky side.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x08 Episode 8

There are more New Order songs out there than True Faith!

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The Beast Must Die

Jared Harris continues his hot streak of appearing in very good things and being very good in them. The on-location shooting on the Isle of Wight is the true star, but Cush Jumbo gives you a character to root for and the Knives Out of it all is suitably compelling. Not bad for Britbox's first original show.

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A decent network TV show that's made watchable thanks to the chemistry between the two leads!

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Castle: 8x20 Much Ado About Murder

Yay for the Firefly reunion!

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Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

A decent film. If you want an example of a good thriller go and watch the first three Bourne films. This is entertaining and you'll end up enjoying it while you're watching it, but it's bland and forgetful.

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Dark Matter

Interesting new start. Stargate fans should like this.

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Oh hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Matt Ryan is the perfect Constantine and the pilot was a million times better than the movie. Not perfect, but still it was pretty good. Will be interesting to see where it goes and maybe it could beat The Flash for my favourite comic book show on TV at the moment.

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Marco Polo

I've seen only the first episode and whilst it's not quite at the level of Game of Thrones, which is the most obvious comparison, it was pretty strong regardless and I'm certainly going to stay for the first season. Very high quality production values too.

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Marvel's Daredevil


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Limitless: 1x01 Pilot

My favourite of all the new fall TV pilots so far that I've seen. Pretty fun, despite never having seen the movie.

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Supergirl: 1x01 Pilot

A fun, exciting pilot even if it's cheesy in places.

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The Walk

Pretty awesome even if Gordon-Levitt's French accent may get on people's nerves.

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Elementary: 4x24 A Difference in Kind

Great season finale! And now the wait begins for Season 5...

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Marco Polo: 2x01 Hunter and the Sable Weaver

After a problematic first season, this one looks like it's hit the ground running.

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Vice Principals: 1x01 The Principal

Excellent cast and a brilliant start to the show.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

An underrated film that's incredibly stylish and cool.

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Westworld: 1x01 The Original

Off to an excellent start.

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A solid, dependable if by-the-numbers biopic with a good performance from Tom Hanks.

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Sun Records: 1x06 Who They Were Meant to Be

This show is so good. Great Elvis-centric episode.

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A great adaption of the book and perfect for horror fans. Go see it!

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