

Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x07 Reunion

Shout by Milo123

The Worf/Alexander stuff was good with Worf coming to terms about who his son is and his role in his son's life despite Klingon traditions, it's almost a shame that K'Ehleyr was killed off in this episode - it would have been interesting to see more of another half human/half Klingon and their role as an outsider from their own species and how they're different from Worf.
I do appreciate how the show is continuing to return to Sins of the Father and use that as a touchstone for many of the Klingon-centric arcs that I've seen so far. Worf's secret and status as a traitor is providing plenty of drama. Michael Dorn is great in these episodes. A Riker/Worf fight would have certainly been interesting.
And Duras' death is among the most satisfying in the whole series so far, and the resulting Worf/Picard scene was as effective as they come.

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Outer Banks: 1x08 The Runway
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x06 The Game

Shout by Milo123

Star Trek: Black Mirror with the return of Wesley Crusher. I liked the send-off for Wesley the last time and it's cool to see him back, Wil Wheaton improved a lot the older he gets as an actor and the straightforward Wesley saving the day allowed for an almost horror-fied Trek. The game itself was a disappointment though, even by Trek standards. And was not expecting Ashley Judd to show up here.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x07 Unification (1)

Shout by Milo123

Surprisingly low-key for such a major crossover as this with Spock involved; he's barely in the first part at all. Seeing Picard & Spock pose as Vulkans was a fun diversion in Romulus but the best scenes of the episode were easily the moments between Sarek and Picard, they're amazing every time and both Patrick Stewart & Mark Lenard have great chemistry. Lenard is terrific - I'll miss seeing him on the show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 6

A mostly consistent season; even if that works both ways - aside from maybe the finale itself there are no bad storylines here; but there aren't really any episodes that I'd call top-tier TNG apart from maybe Tapestry either, so it's a step-down from Season 5 in that regard (Darmok, The First Duty, Cause & Effect & I, Borg - all episodes that I'd put in my Top 10 TNG episode ranking).

The double header of Rascals & A Fistful of Datas are both TNG at its most fun and entertaining; whilst Chain of Command is a two-parter that is elevated mainly thanks to Patrick Stewart's impeccable performance more than anything else. There's a few good episodes in here like Relics (Scotty!) Timescape, The Chase, Face of the Enemy & Birthright in addition to this but the main novelty here in Birthright is seeing it be the crossover episode with Deep Space Nine: Julian Bashir showing up was a welcome surprise.

I'd put this below Seasons 5 and 4, but above Seasons 1-3.

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Lovecraft Country

Completely fearless, brave, unique and breathtakingly weird. By far the most original show to come out of 2020, Lovecraft Country is a trip that has to be experienced fully to be believed: I loved it! Its anthology-esque structure is refreshing with largely different storylines each episode with a core group of characters. It throws everything at the wall and most of it sticks, the genre-shifting is handled really well and you will almost certainly be surprised. For a great double-act, pair it with the equally insane Lovecraft horror fare Color out of Space.

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Doctor Who: 14x04 The Masque of Mandragora (4)

Season 14 started off on a pretty weak note with this enjoyable but imperfect caper set in San Martino. It really needed a better alien.

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Public Morals

An interesting start. Like the period setting, soundtrack and atmosphere. Will be fun to see where this one goes.

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I'm hooked. Very captivating first two episodes and has a lot of potential. Could well end up being Netflix's best original series yet. Will be watching more when I can.

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Dominion: 2x10 House of Sacrifice

Really solid episode. Season 2 has been excellent so far.

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The Man Who Fell to Earth

RIP David Bowie. Legend. Great film, this.

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Hell on Wheels: 5x08 Two Soldiers

Finally back and well worth the wait!

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Elvis & Nixon

A really solid comedy that has excellent performances from Spacey and Shannon.

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Pete's Dragon

An excellent, family-friendly underseen gem of 2016. A movie with heart and a great soundtrack.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x09 Final Mission
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x11 Data's Day
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x15 First Contact

A strong episode, overall - and a good, optimistic look at the risks that can go when Starfleet's practise of First Contact goes wrong - encountering an xenophobic society who maybe aren't quite ready to reach for the stars just yet. It was good to see the decision to switch from the space race to education being made, with the outlook of preparing the planet for first contact rather than forcing them to make it when they're not ready for it yet.

It does feel like the Enterprise jumped the gun a bit too early - they should have known that they arrived at the world too early. But it's a very nice contrast to Discovery's New Eden, my favourite episode of that series so far, and the decision to take the Minister with them rather than leave her behind echoed Pike's approach in that episode. No surprise to see that Jonathan Frakes was heavily involved in both episodes.

This episode kept me hooked from start to finish - its plot was gripping and the stuff with Riker kept things unpredictable if there were a few things that didn't quite have the intended effect.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x20 Qpid

I'm a sucker for a good Robin Hood story and it was great to see a Q-inspired take on the legend. The concept of seeing the crew of the Enterprise as the Merry Men was hilarious and played for laughs to brilliant effect, and they were brilliantly chosen to match up with the characters. It's another fun opportunity for Patrick Stewart to play Picard playing someone else in a fun, light-hearted affair that is one of the better Q episodes and involving Vash made for a nice continuation of her arc.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x09 A Matter of Time

A really fun episode with a nice twist on the time traveller being from the past rather than the future. Matt Frewer hams it up a bit too much but the final reveal was, as ever, classic Trek.

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Talk about a show that has unfairly swept under the radar of many: a spiritual sequel to Crystal Moselle's terrific Skate Kitchen utilising the same cast for a series of 30 minute episodes. It's over too quickly but captures the same indie tone effortlessly and is a joy to watch unfold, the performances are mostly natural and the group has brilliant chemistry across the board. One of my favourites of the year.

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Doctor Who: 3x03 Gridlock

A mostly really solid episode that follows the present day-past-future formula of the first three episodes of any given season that RTD stuck to quite frequently during his era. The dystopia set-up of an endless motorway of caravans is established with ease, the return of the Macra is handled really well, and I love the establishment of the "You Are Not Alone" mystery with the return of the Face of Boe. Maintains its suspense throughout and Tennant is able to sell even the cheesiest of scenes with the emotional beats handled really well. Novice Hame is handled much better here than in New Earth, and it acts as a great sequel.

"I've Invented a Sport!"

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Doctor Who: 3x04 Daleks in Manhattan (1)

Really fun mood setter featuring an early performance from Andrew Garfield doing an American accent. Infinitely better than Evolution of the Daleks that holds up so much better on a rewatch, the Murray Gold score is firing on all cylinders. It's one of those stories that captures its time setting perfectly.

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We Are Lady Parts

A genuine delight, soars like a firecracker on all cylinders - matches the same chaotic energy that films like We Are the Best! (no doubt an inspiration) had - grippingly authentic and a genuine breath of fresh air on the British comedy scene.

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Gangs of London

Hard-edged, sometimes self-serious modern-day Peaky Blinders. Gets a bit too far fetched at times (there's no way half of this would be possible in modern-day London) and some of the characters are very thinly drawn, but Gareth Evans delivers some of the best possible action on television that not even the likes of Daredevil match. Could have used shorter episodes, especially in its first, though - I don't think it earns its length, or its ending.

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Doctor Who: 13x01 The Halloween Apocalypse
Doctor Who: 13x02 War of the Sontarans

Excellent. Fantastic portrayal of the Sontarans - arguably the best of the current era - and the Crimean War is a perfect backdrop for them - great visuals with the work of director Jamie Magnus Stone, and the humour that the Sontarans have always had comes through. Chibnall's fantastic at writing classic monsters + historicals so classic monsters + historicals is a match made in heaven, and although his storyline was rather short this week almost echoing The Lie of the Land with the suburban fighting of the Sontarans straight out of The Stolen Earth (and the parents/companion dynamic too!), Dan is already becoming a favourite. The set-up with Swarm and Azure is brilliant - just hope it sticks the landing with both of them. Jodie Whittaker is at her best in the confrontational scenes with the Sontaran/British General - and playing to the Sontarans weaknesses is classic Doctor Who.

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The Whispers

Nothing particularly groundbreaking but still, The Whispers is a decent watchable thriller that although doesn't go into as darker places as shows like Hannibal, due to it being on ABC, it's still fairly, chilling and with some solid acting (again, nothing too brilliant, but decent enough) both from adults and child actors alike (getting the child actors to put in good performances is crucial in a show like this) and the concept is intriguing enough to keep me around for the season. Four episodes in and I'm warming up to this show a lot more than I was at first.

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An excellent comedy. With the end of Parks and Rec, this and Brooklyn Nine-Nine are my favourite comedies on TV right now.

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The Bastard Executioner

Interesting start. Moves fairly slowly though and there's a fair amount of exposition.

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Gotham: 2x02 Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock

Wow! Season 2 is loads better. Massive improvement.

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