

Omicron Persei 8


Interesting start. Feels pretty similar to Michael Grant's GONE novels with a darker tone, or a blend of the Leftovers and The 100 only not quite as good as either show yet (although that said, its pilot was better than The 100's pilot - the show got a lot better in season 2, though). It's got potential to be pretty good though and the approach to release it on a weekly basis rather than all at once for Netflix is certainly interesting. Will follow this as there's not much new shows out now. Cool concept though.

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Public Morals

An interesting start. Like the period setting, soundtrack and atmosphere. Will be fun to see where this one goes.

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I'm hooked. Very captivating first two episodes and has a lot of potential. Could well end up being Netflix's best original series yet. Will be watching more when I can.

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Dominion: 2x10 House of Sacrifice

Really solid episode. Season 2 has been excellent so far.

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The Walking Dead: 6x01 First Time Again

Good premiere. Glad I caught up on this show over the Summer.

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The Departed

Just rewatched this movie. An excellent film, one of Scorsese's best. Damn good ending.

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Arrow: 4x05 Haunted

This episode was awesome. Loved Constantine's appearance but he should have had more screentime though.

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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Watched this last night, excellent movie with an excellent performance from both Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt. One of my favourite modern westerns.

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Manhattan: 2x10 Jupiter

Excellent finale to a terrific season. Really hope this show gets a third go. One of my favourites of the year.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Excellent movie. Easily one of the year's best and a great return to form for the franchise.

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Shadowhunters: 1x01 The Mortal Cup

This was okay. Has potential but the cast needs to improve. Too much exposition.

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The Man Who Fell to Earth

RIP David Bowie. Legend. Great film, this.

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Vikings: 4x01 A Good Treason

Fantastic to have this show back.

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Probably one of the weirdest & most surreal films that I've seen, but still one of the best.

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Supernatural: 11x22 We Happy Few

Well, the stakes just got raised. Excellent episode.

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Hell on Wheels: 5x08 Two Soldiers

Finally back and well worth the wait!

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Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0

An amazing end to a brilliant series. One of the greatest series finales ever.

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Elvis & Nixon

A really solid comedy that has excellent performances from Spacey and Shannon.

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The Good, the Bad, the Weird

An excellent film that is an absolute blast to watch.

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Arrow: 5x01 Legacy

Better than Season 4 so far but that doesn't take much and it's usually after the midseason break this show goes downhill.

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One More Time with Feeling

One of the best documentaries ever. So damn good.

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Pete's Dragon

An excellent, family-friendly underseen gem of 2016. A movie with heart and a great soundtrack.

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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast does admittedly benefit from a great cast who give it their all, and this does lead to some good moments here and there, but it is ultimately unnecessary and almost completely forgettable.

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Unfortunately not quite as good as the first film, but has plenty of fun action. Some characters deserved better, though.

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Blade Runner 2049

Absolutely incredible. As it stands, the best movie of the year.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x06 Legacy

Probably the weakest episode of the season yet. It's always cool to see more Tasha Yar-related stuff - and exploring Ishara as a character and the differences/similarities between her and her sister helped; why Tasha went to Starfleet and she didn't etc, but as the time went by it felt a bit flat-footed with an all-too generic Coalition vs Alliance fight that I couldn't care about. But it just felt very Season 1-2-y and that's not a good sign. Riker and Data's scenes were the strongest of the episode here.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x08 Future Imperfect

A holodeck within a holdeck concept was a fun idea, I liked seeing Riker's dynamic with the kid and his eventual acceptance of him as his own son - and then for the second time when he realised who he really was. It was fun seeing Tomalak again too after The Defector, and seeing the older versions of the crew - including a promoted Picard and Riker in charge of the Enterprise - was rewarding - it turns out I'm a fan of most Riker-centric episodes at this point.

Nothing special in terms of Trek episodes - although I'm always a sucker for these sort of episodes - but the highlight was easily the confrontation between Riker and the "Romulans" on board the ship when he realised that the whole thing was just a simulation and him telling Picard to shut up which is unironically one of the best moments of the season so far.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x12 The Wounded

That was a good, strong philosophical episode that Trek does really well. Colm Meaney was as great as ever as Miles O'Brien, and another O'Brien heavy-episode in a row? I could get used to this. Feels like a very heavy stage-setter for Deep Space Nine and it's easy to see why O'Brien out of all people made the jump to that show. Hard to believe that only Captain Maxwell was held responsible for this - wouldn't his senior officers be indicted too? Feels like a rather weak response on Starfleet's part and Maxwell deserved far greater punishment. It felt more like a casual, dismissive shrug - also, wouldn't it have been more effective if we'd known Maxwell before this? We've only really seen one side of him here. But aside from that it was a good episode, although the conflict could have been resolved better.

Love to see how well developed the Cardassians are so early on and the whole scenes with them working in the background allowed for an incredibly tense final standoff between Picard and Maxwell.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x13 Devil's Due

This episode felt so out of place with Season 4. Would have been more at home in the earlier seasons - it's one of the weakest of the season so far. Entirely devoted to a bland plot about a fraudster posing as a Devil come to collect her due whose tricks are found out by La Forge at the last minute after an extended and rather lengthy courtroom sequence, this feels like a classic Scooby Doo episode where the villain is revealed to not be a supernatural threat all along. Maybe it would have been more interesting if Ardra had been Q after all...

To be fair, you can tell Marta DuBois is having fun as Ardra even if there isn't much depth to her character and she's very one-dimensional. But everything feels really lazily done here - which is a shame after the excellent episode that preceded it. Very much TNG on autopilot.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x15 First Contact

A strong episode, overall - and a good, optimistic look at the risks that can go when Starfleet's practise of First Contact goes wrong - encountering an xenophobic society who maybe aren't quite ready to reach for the stars just yet. It was good to see the decision to switch from the space race to education being made, with the outlook of preparing the planet for first contact rather than forcing them to make it when they're not ready for it yet.

It does feel like the Enterprise jumped the gun a bit too early - they should have known that they arrived at the world too early. But it's a very nice contrast to Discovery's New Eden, my favourite episode of that series so far, and the decision to take the Minister with them rather than leave her behind echoed Pike's approach in that episode. No surprise to see that Jonathan Frakes was heavily involved in both episodes.

This episode kept me hooked from start to finish - its plot was gripping and the stuff with Riker kept things unpredictable if there were a few things that didn't quite have the intended effect.

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