

Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x08 Future Imperfect

A holodeck within a holdeck concept was a fun idea, I liked seeing Riker's dynamic with the kid and his eventual acceptance of him as his own son - and then for the second time when he realised who he really was. It was fun seeing Tomalak again too after The Defector, and seeing the older versions of the crew - including a promoted Picard and Riker in charge of the Enterprise - was rewarding - it turns out I'm a fan of most Riker-centric episodes at this point.

Nothing special in terms of Trek episodes - although I'm always a sucker for these sort of episodes - but the highlight was easily the confrontation between Riker and the "Romulans" on board the ship when he realised that the whole thing was just a simulation and him telling Picard to shut up which is unironically one of the best moments of the season so far.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x12 The Wounded

That was a good, strong philosophical episode that Trek does really well. Colm Meaney was as great as ever as Miles O'Brien, and another O'Brien heavy-episode in a row? I could get used to this. Feels like a very heavy stage-setter for Deep Space Nine and it's easy to see why O'Brien out of all people made the jump to that show. Hard to believe that only Captain Maxwell was held responsible for this - wouldn't his senior officers be indicted too? Feels like a rather weak response on Starfleet's part and Maxwell deserved far greater punishment. It felt more like a casual, dismissive shrug - also, wouldn't it have been more effective if we'd known Maxwell before this? We've only really seen one side of him here. But aside from that it was a good episode, although the conflict could have been resolved better.

Love to see how well developed the Cardassians are so early on and the whole scenes with them working in the background allowed for an incredibly tense final standoff between Picard and Maxwell.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x13 Devil's Due

This episode felt so out of place with Season 4. Would have been more at home in the earlier seasons - it's one of the weakest of the season so far. Entirely devoted to a bland plot about a fraudster posing as a Devil come to collect her due whose tricks are found out by La Forge at the last minute after an extended and rather lengthy courtroom sequence, this feels like a classic Scooby Doo episode where the villain is revealed to not be a supernatural threat all along. Maybe it would have been more interesting if Ardra had been Q after all...

To be fair, you can tell Marta DuBois is having fun as Ardra even if there isn't much depth to her character and she's very one-dimensional. But everything feels really lazily done here - which is a shame after the excellent episode that preceded it. Very much TNG on autopilot.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x15 First Contact

A strong episode, overall - and a good, optimistic look at the risks that can go when Starfleet's practise of First Contact goes wrong - encountering an xenophobic society who maybe aren't quite ready to reach for the stars just yet. It was good to see the decision to switch from the space race to education being made, with the outlook of preparing the planet for first contact rather than forcing them to make it when they're not ready for it yet.

It does feel like the Enterprise jumped the gun a bit too early - they should have known that they arrived at the world too early. But it's a very nice contrast to Discovery's New Eden, my favourite episode of that series so far, and the decision to take the Minister with them rather than leave her behind echoed Pike's approach in that episode. No surprise to see that Jonathan Frakes was heavily involved in both episodes.

This episode kept me hooked from start to finish - its plot was gripping and the stuff with Riker kept things unpredictable if there were a few things that didn't quite have the intended effect.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x20 Qpid

I'm a sucker for a good Robin Hood story and it was great to see a Q-inspired take on the legend. The concept of seeing the crew of the Enterprise as the Merry Men was hilarious and played for laughs to brilliant effect, and they were brilliantly chosen to match up with the characters. It's another fun opportunity for Patrick Stewart to play Picard playing someone else in a fun, light-hearted affair that is one of the better Q episodes and involving Vash made for a nice continuation of her arc.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x01 Redemption (2)

As season premieres go, this was a pretty good one that upped the stakes from the last episode with all the set-up out of the way. Having Denise Crosby return was a welcome surprise in a new role especially learning what happened to her after the events of Yesterday's Enterprise which was something I wasn't expecting the series to touch on again; and seeing Data in command of his own ship was so satisfying.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x02 Darmok

Like with Family, Star Trek: The Next Generation is really good at those Picard-centric second episodes after a big blockbuster series opener. The performance here again by Patrick Stewart was excellent as the episode really got what Starfleet was all about and showed it perfectly down to a T. One of the best episodes of the series so far for me, carefully contained.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x05 Disaster

Loved just how fun this episode was with some good role reversal for the characters. Picard working with children after they got trapped in a lift together was hilarious no matter how poor the child actors were, and Worf delivering a baby is a classic Star Trek moment. Troi getting the chance to command the bridge too was excellent, and a real welcome change of gears for the show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x09 A Matter of Time

A really fun episode with a nice twist on the time traveller being from the past rather than the future. Matt Frewer hams it up a bit too much but the final reveal was, as ever, classic Trek.

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Talk about a show that has unfairly swept under the radar of many: a spiritual sequel to Crystal Moselle's terrific Skate Kitchen utilising the same cast for a series of 30 minute episodes. It's over too quickly but captures the same indie tone effortlessly and is a joy to watch unfold, the performances are mostly natural and the group has brilliant chemistry across the board. One of my favourites of the year.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 3

Star Trek hasn't been this good in a while, fresh, exciting and optimistic more than living up to its bold, inclusive mission statement. As addictive as ever and instantly bingeable, Doug Jones & Sonequa Martin Green are the MVPs of this season with excellent performances from Mary Wiseman, David Ajala & Anthony Rapp. This feels more like an ensemble than ever with great attention given to the entirety of Discovery, it's far more than just the show of the select few.

Would have been happy with how it ended if that had been a final season, but I'm really excited to see where they take Season 4 next.

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Doctor Who: 3x03 Gridlock

A mostly really solid episode that follows the present day-past-future formula of the first three episodes of any given season that RTD stuck to quite frequently during his era. The dystopia set-up of an endless motorway of caravans is established with ease, the return of the Macra is handled really well, and I love the establishment of the "You Are Not Alone" mystery with the return of the Face of Boe. Maintains its suspense throughout and Tennant is able to sell even the cheesiest of scenes with the emotional beats handled really well. Novice Hame is handled much better here than in New Earth, and it acts as a great sequel.

"I've Invented a Sport!"

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Doctor Who: 3x04 Daleks in Manhattan (1)

Really fun mood setter featuring an early performance from Andrew Garfield doing an American accent. Infinitely better than Evolution of the Daleks that holds up so much better on a rewatch, the Murray Gold score is firing on all cylinders. It's one of those stories that captures its time setting perfectly.

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Feel Good

A genuine revelation - Mae Martin is an absolute star. Entirely personal, brilliant comedy that is far too easy to get through in one sitting. Savour this, you'll miss it once it's done.

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I Hate Suzie

A brilliant, darker-edged, hard-hitting Fleabag-esque dark comedy featuring an astounding performance by Billie Piper - bloody hell, how good is the Baftas right now? Gloriously inventive, completely unafraid to go where it wants to go and might just well end up being one of the best shows of last year.

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Overcomes a shaky, shock-heavy start and frequently confusing time-jumps that force the show to explain everything that's happening over and over again leading to a lot of repeated exposition, only to plunge you deep into the thick of Roman political intrigue once the early episodes are out of the way. Game of Thrones this isn't, but there's a lot of promise especially for fans of historical period dramas of the more talky side.

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Doctor Who: 13x02 War of the Sontarans

Excellent. Fantastic portrayal of the Sontarans - arguably the best of the current era - and the Crimean War is a perfect backdrop for them - great visuals with the work of director Jamie Magnus Stone, and the humour that the Sontarans have always had comes through. Chibnall's fantastic at writing classic monsters + historicals so classic monsters + historicals is a match made in heaven, and although his storyline was rather short this week almost echoing The Lie of the Land with the suburban fighting of the Sontarans straight out of The Stolen Earth (and the parents/companion dynamic too!), Dan is already becoming a favourite. The set-up with Swarm and Azure is brilliant - just hope it sticks the landing with both of them. Jodie Whittaker is at her best in the confrontational scenes with the Sontaran/British General - and playing to the Sontarans weaknesses is classic Doctor Who.

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For All Mankind: 2x10 The Grey

A masterclass of a finale to such a terrific season - more than rewarding of the slow start. AppleTV+'s best original series.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x08 Episode 8

There are more New Order songs out there than True Faith!

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The Americans: 3x13 March 8, 1983

Excellent finale to a terrific season.

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Better Call Saul

Excellent show that captures the brilliance of Breaking Bad yet at the same time feels unique, exciting, and you don't need Walter White or Jesse Pinkman to make this good. It's great without them. Not that I wouldn't say no to a cameo, though.

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Game of Thrones: 5x07 The Gift

Probably the best episode of the season so far.

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The Whispers

Nothing particularly groundbreaking but still, The Whispers is a decent watchable thriller that although doesn't go into as darker places as shows like Hannibal, due to it being on ABC, it's still fairly, chilling and with some solid acting (again, nothing too brilliant, but decent enough) both from adults and child actors alike (getting the child actors to put in good performances is crucial in a show like this) and the concept is intriguing enough to keep me around for the season. Four episodes in and I'm warming up to this show a lot more than I was at first.

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Black Sails: 3x03 XXI.

Excellent episode. That could have easily been a season finale in another show.

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Reservoir Dogs

Amazing movie. Awesome dialogue, superb soundtrack and incredibly cool.

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Arrested Development

Having just finished season one I can easily say this is one of my favourite comedies. Love it!

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The 100: 3x13 Join or Die

Ark flashbacks were very cool.

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Timeless: 1x10 The Capture of Benedict Arnold

Good episode. This and Legends of Tomorrow are the best time travel shows around right now.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x11 Ghosts of Geonosis (1)

Excellent return. Welcome back, Rebels!

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Black Sails: 4x04 XXXII

So intense. This show doesn't hold back.

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