


Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

Nooooo no no no no no! Then I rather have the previous ending... NO! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: for real... I've been a Dexter fan for so long... This ending hurts so much... It really feels like I lost someone dear to me right now... Damn this is painful! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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@sopherian terrible, right? I feel like I need a grief group now, or something, really ripped my heart out :broken_heart:

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You: 3x10 What Is Love?

idk how I feel about this finale, it was chaotic and all over the place

I predicted that Love will die in this season so it wasn't a big surprise for me

Also I'm really happy that the Conrad's survived LOL, they grew up on me and I started to like them after the cage

Marienne got reality check from Love before she went away so I'm curios if and how Joe will fix this situation especially that now he's in Paris cuz Marienne already told him that she wants to take her daughter and both go to France so Joe now is looking for her but the question is how did he travel, if he used his real passport that would ruin his plan to stay dead so I'm assume he used a fake passport

overall this season was very enjoyable but felt repetitive in some situations and Joe feels like he was dumbed down from previous seasons

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@reveriecode considering he's the legal spouse - he's probably entitled to it, but the parents wouldn't like it. Maybe we'll se it in the next season :)

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Young Sheldon: 4x14 Mitch's Son and the Unconditional Approval of a Government Agency

What did George whisper to Missy?

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@the_argentinian a bad word, motherfucker. They censored it on TV and made him say "Mister Falcon" instead for making it daytime approved, I guess.
Missy liked the idea and started replacing other bad words.

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A Discovery of Witches: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by Kaylicious

I'm new here just signed up. How do i watch shows? I click on the show and it doesn't show me a 'play' option. Anyone know?

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@kaylicious this site isn't for watching, it's for tracking what you've watched and ranking it (like Goodreads if you read or My Anime List for Anime and Manga).

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Sex/Life: 1x04 New New York

The milk spilling was really realistic here. But what's up with the drinking so much alcohol while breastfeeding, is that acceptable out there?!

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@sophiaso haha, you might be right, that's the downside of binging, the episodes probably got mixed in my head :see_no_evil:

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You: 3x10 What Is Love?

idk how I feel about this finale, it was chaotic and all over the place

I predicted that Love will die in this season so it wasn't a big surprise for me

Also I'm really happy that the Conrad's survived LOL, they grew up on me and I started to like them after the cage

Marienne got reality check from Love before she went away so I'm curios if and how Joe will fix this situation especially that now he's in Paris cuz Marienne already told him that she wants to take her daughter and both go to France so Joe now is looking for her but the question is how did he travel, if he used his real passport that would ruin his plan to stay dead so I'm assume he used a fake passport

overall this season was very enjoyable but felt repetitive in some situations and Joe feels like he was dumbed down from previous seasons

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@nasserfeed The barista called him "Nick", so it's probably not so difficult for him to get new identity. Where's the money coming from - that's the burning question for me.

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Young Sheldon: 4x02 A Docent, A Little Lady and a Bouncer Named Dalton

So shouldn’t it be the 90’s now since Georgie mentioned Die Hard 2 (1990) ?

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@jim222001 Just checked, Sheldon supposedly born in 1980, so he's 11 y.o at 1991 and "Die Hard 2" released in 1990, so it's all good.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 1x05 Faithful

I'm finding all of the flashback scenes concerning June and Moira to feel very fake. I don't know if the fault lies with the writing or the acting, but they just don't seem to behave or talk like people would.

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@lefthandedguitarist I agree. Generally it feels like the interracial relationships are really forced here.

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The Morning Show: 3x07 Strict Scrutiny

Reply by Evelyn

So, Roe vs Wade gets overturned... and Chris loses it. Cory takes Bradley to see his mother - in what capacity I'm not quite sure of. And Alex and Marks' relationship is published. And Stella tells Cory about Marks' job offer.

Not sure about this episode. There were a few cringeworthy moments, like with Cory's mother. Also, that Alex' relationship would be news, especially at this point of the narrative can't be... well... news to her. And I understand where Chris is coming from. But on the other hand, she doesn't really come across as a 3-dimensional character, but the postergirl for racial/gender/and now abortion issues. I think I'd be more invested in this if I were more invested in her.

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@nicky2910 Great point about Alex, that's exactly my problem with all of this. The issues are supposed to matter, but her take is presented in such a shallow matter so we just. don't. care. Also, it would've been more reasonable if Bradley would flip over it, due to the fact she actually had abortion and it hits close to home and after the story she was chasing at the beginning of the season. It's not the first time I'm noticing a terrible inconsistency in this season, like every episode was written by different people, and they didn't share notes. I guess something has gone really wrong in the writers' department, maybe due to the strike.

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Young Sheldon: 7x12 A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture

Reply by Evelyn

why did they kill the best character :sleepy: :pensive: :confused:

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@zielen Because that was the narrative in the "parent" series, repeated numerous times, they already bent the story a few times (like the fact that Sheldon was sure his dad cheated on his mom, which eventually didn't happen, Sheldon just witnessed their role-play), but this one was really fundamental to Sheldon's life. I loved the vanity card Chuck wrote at the end about this. Was really touching and moving.

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Sex Education: 4x07 Episode 7

Reply by Evelyn

Anyone else now baffled why there had to be a contest? Couldn't O and Otis make a 2 person clinic work?

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@velvetthunder yes, totally stupid, It is obvious that one therapist can't possibly take the load of the whole school, and they are different enough to appeal to different demographics, especially with the revelation that O is asexual (makes them be even more different in their approach).

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Station 19: 3x14 The Ghosts That Haunt Me

Reply by Evelyn

Did Maya really just verbally humiliate a probie for having PTSD?

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Yeah, she did. It was a demonstration of how the abused becomes an abuser, first by not seeing it as an abuse (the altercation with her mother), next by copying it. That was very subtle and well done, and the actress did a great job :clap::clap::clap:

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Defending Jacob: 1x03 Poker Faces

Reply by Evelyn

MURDER GENE??? Come on this is literally out of a Riverdale’s episode!

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@aars26 haha, that's actually accurate! The atmosphere is like Riverdale trying to be mature :)

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The Witcher: 1x06 Rare Species

Reply by Evelyn

@angelcosta The exact words are unclear but it was understood in the books that Geralt could not save them both with just one wish, he must've wished that they remain together forever, or something close to that. It was believed that was the only way a single wish could've saved them both, from the djinn battle.

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@david-the-dev That explains a lot, and very clever, too bad it wasn't that obvious in the series, because we understood he wanted HER to fall for him, but that wouldn't grant anyone to stay alive, while being actually TOGETHER do. Great twist, I hope they'll address it properly in the remaining 2 episodes.

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Dirty John: 2x04 More to It Than Fun

Reply by Evelyn

Shout by cutecruel
BlockedParent2020-06-18T09:04:41Z— updated 2020-06-23T22:20:09Z

I’m not saying what Betty did was right but I understand why she did it.

Dan Broderick was really, really gaslighting her. Her whole identity was being a wife and mother. She built him up and he completely destroyed her, and when there was nothing left, he traded her in for a younger version of herself.
Betty was right with her feelings and his refusal to acknowledge that drove her insane. Dan should have been honest with her, instead he made her feel crazy and unimportant. So condescending and cruel.

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@cutecruel Agree, and it was partly due to his friends from the firm, toxic masculinity at its finest, and probably very realistic for the 80s.

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Younger: 5x12 Lizability

Reply by Evelyn

Can someone explain their expressions at the end? What happened?

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@aneemelia they're secretly both unhappy with the outcome and now they are basically "stuck together" whether they like this or not.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

Reply by Evelyn

In the first seconds I was "arg that will be a dating coach thing, boring". It goes a little better than that.
First date is ok, quite classic but the actors are pretty good, you see the chemistry between them, and the awkwardness too. But first hint: aren't they a little old for this to be their first ? Obviously they will meet again.

The second relationship is quite something. Amy's guy is hot, they have great sex, they seem to have fun together at parties and she just can't take the way he sighs ? Well, she'd evidently have a lot of trouble staying with someone without the system. And there's no way she would have been happy staying longer with Frank. Then she goes through 36 hours one, seems the system does learn, she probably wouldn't be able to stand other people for a longer time. Meanwhile Frank is in a living hell where they both hate everything about each other since the first second.

Then they're together again. You just know the "let's not look at the date" is coming, and just as well that one of them will cheat and look. The end date going down was a great twist.

However it's seemed almost obvious that the system was a simulation. When they refuse to look at the date, you wonder how could that possibly work ? You must follow the system so you can't go away or plan any vacation. Unless they're completely blocked inside the walls for years and have no work, no family, nothing. That's when you realize they never ever interact with anybody but their date. Too weird. So when he finally mentions it, I was hoping this would be a distraction and it would be something else. There would be fun stuff to explore on a society that works like this. But then Have you ever had more or less than four ? and that's the definitive tell. Too bad.

That all of it is finally inside a dating app is, like in the previous episode, not really a twist, but just a final joke. Also, it works on rebellion percentage ? They don't even think to try and wait to see if they are each other ultimate one as they're supposed to be paired on the same day ?

I don't really have complaints on the episode in itself, but it just could have been bigger.

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@fly_ one of them asked the coach of the pairing is someone they know and it said "no" so that's when they decided to run away.

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Fargo: 3x10 Somebody to Love

Reply by Evelyn


Shout by Deleted

Sad to see Nikki die, she was my favorite character this season.

Aaaand we'll never know why Varga forced himself to vomit, few episodes back.

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@todestrieb I think he was trying to immunize himself against the toxin he gave to Feltz. That's the theory I got the same episode when he poisoned him. Maybe we'll see Varga in the next seasons, like Mr. Wrench.

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