


Black Sails: 2x02 X.

there's so much to talk about this episode. it's perfect in its entirety but that ending! flint you brilliant motherfucker

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Greek: 1x01 Pilot

once again i pick up a show almost certain i'm gonna hate it or find it mid, but i end up loving it. i wasn't expecting it to be so funny?? and it does have a good amount of drama. the characters seem great too

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: Season 2

i loved to binge watch this show. the comedy and relationship between these girls is definitely the best part about it, but i think the show suffers a bit from having only 10 episodes per season. things happen too fast and maybe 12 or 13 eps per season would make the constant turns of events more plausible

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: 2x09 Sex & Basketball

well what did i say? tatum is who leighton was in the first season, and i'm glad leight realized it soon

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: 2x08 Pre-Frosh Weekend

it's so fucking obvious what path the path they took with leighton's arc this season and it's baffling that so many people ignored it bc for some reason, they love this boring couple a lot. yeah i get it tatum is the sweetest with her but c'mon. they're clones. even their dads are the same. but leighton is growing as a person and tatum is a plot device for that. it's right on your face.

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: 2x05 Taking Shots

Shout by malu

this was a great episode! loved to see more from leighton, behind the mean girl persona she's actually very sweet and of course, a nerd lol

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: Season 1

started this show certain that it was gonna be mid and i ended up loving it

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Wild Cards: 1x01 The Infinity Thief

this was very fun to watch! the editing was a bit weird though

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Black Sails: 1x08 VIII.

flint's luck is impressive, those men hate his ass and still he keeps getting away with his bs. i love him tho

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The Walking Dead: 2x02 Bloodletting

the drama is really REALLY good on this show, and the acting is fantastic

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Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0

i'm gonna pretend i'm not affected at all by the fact that i finished this show. i thought it was gonna take forever, i was comfortable with it... can i go back in time?

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Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

i knew this was gonna happen, i knew about it even before i started the show. i could see the character's journey leading to this path. the good old trope of having a chance to do better in life, to be saved by others, to love and be loved, to finally experience joy, and then it's the end. but i don't know if i'm a big fan of the execution of it. a lot of things in this season feels off and rushed and messy, and i think the sudden cancellation of the series is to blame. still there some great moments in the season and excellent episodes like 6,741 and the previous one. i just wish they did this in a better, maybe more sensible way.

anyways, i loved every second of root in this show and she's a spectacular character. truly an all time favorite to me. and thank you, amy acker.

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Person of Interest: 5x09 Sotto Voce

Shout by malu

this was one hell of an ep. the badass shaw scene in the beginning made me nostalgic about the earlier episode of the show (around season 2 and 3). the case of the week was good, i loved elias' role in it, and fusco had his moment as he deserved (5 fucking seasons and they're only telling him now... c'mon). now the highlight to me was obviously root and shaw's reunion... relieving and heartbreaking at the same time. i want shaw to figure this shit out so bad, FUCK SAMARITAN!!!!

that said, the very last scene when they're all together and shaw shows up was weird. apart from root, why were they all so serious?? she's been missing for half of s4 and s5 and this is your reaction, guys?? lmao

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Person of Interest: 5x07 QSO

root focused eps always deliver, this wasn't different. the joyyyy i felt when shaw got the message, i can't even describe! and finch needs to unclench a little ngl it's season 5 and you're still holding the machine back...

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Person of Interest: 5x06 A More Perfect Union

apart from the creepy shaw simulation scenes, this was a pretty fun episode!

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Person of Interest: 5x04 6,741


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Person of Interest: 5x02 SNAFU

the facial recognition bug in the beginning was hilarious!

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x07 Retreat

i was expecting it to be the child since the camera didn't show anybody at bill's door. but i thought andy was the mind behind it not the fucking AI lmao. i'm not mad at it, i liked the show but it could've been way better. aaaand they gave me more darby and lee scenes <3

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Person of Interest: 5x01 B.S.O.D.

loveeeed this ep although i felt like they were overdoing it a little bit (but it's person of interest, they do this a lot). i love root so much. and WHERE. IS. SHAW

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Person of Interest: 4x22 YHWH

every single season finale from this show has been amazing so far. how did they do this??

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Person of Interest: Season 4

this season wasn't as good as the 3rd but it's right behind it for sure

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Person of Interest: 4x21 Asylum


idek what to say. i have to watch the last ep now, i can't just go to sleep after that.o

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Person of Interest: 4x20 Terra Incognita

this felt like a filler episode, but the last half got me. to be honest, reese was never my favorite character and i felt like the writers forgot to develop him further even though he's the main one. he was always the badass broody guy with issues who saves the day, but he never changed much. this ep genuinely made me feel bad for him and i hope this moment is some kind of shift for his character

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Person of Interest: 4x19 Search and Destroy

as always, root's scenes are the best

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Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip

finch being finch... got on my nerves a little bit

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Person of Interest: 4x17 Karma

another thought provoking case of the week ep, at the beginning i thought it would be a snooze but i liked it! it's always good to see finch's flashbacks. btw, shaw's absence is FELT since she got kidnapped, and it doesn't help that root doesn't show often either. the two were great addictions to the show and it's almost boring when they're not on screen

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Green Night

i found it really confusing in some parts but the main characters carried the movie with ease. the connection they shared in such a short period of time, linked by both passion and the struggle of womanhood, the resistance of jin xia until fully giving in to the other woman's advances, the vulnerability, the tenderness they had with each other... just wow. i loved it, even though almost everything outside the two of them wasn't very well made. the visuals are great too, i loved what they did with the lighting

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x06 Crime Seen

ok so i guess this is it for the flashbacks now and as i was suspecting, the purpose of the serial killer plot was just for character development. i'm fine with that, and loved to finally see how things went down between darby and bill. still don't care about the case tho...
now, i wanna say i really love the connection between darby and lee and i wish the show had explored more of that. too bad the focus was little, but it's the most interesting thing about the show to me, alongside with the whodunit of it all.

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Person of Interest: 4x12 Control-Alt-Delete

i swear this show just gets better and better

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Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else

wow. what the hell. what did i just watch? i don't know what to say

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