


10.5: Apocalypse: Season 1

"Don't let it get to you."

The science-y stuffs did a fine job of making my brain bleed. But the emotional bits were quite engaging.

I loved the family dramas unfolding in the midst of wide scale catastrophe. Bonds rekindled, ties strengthened, sacrifices made, lives lost and new hopes found as the world collapses right under their feet.

I also really loved how it ended. How it didn't hold back and pull a miracle out of thin air. Mother Nature may be up for a couple of compromises. But we can't really have them all.

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Vikings: Season 1
Chambers: Season 1

This show is about dealing with the demons inside of you and how the battle is never ever won alone. I love Sasha and I love the people who love and never gave up on her. I love Eliot and his mom and maybe even Ben and Becky, too. They would've been a perfect family, if only they hadn't fell in with the wrong crowd.

Becky was right all along. But she was also wrong on one important thing: Sasha IS strong, as she has so masterfully shown in the final scene of this season (those eyes gave me genuine goosebumps!).

With grace and gratitude and a second season soon, please? ^^

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Trial & Error: Season 1

I have never been a fan of courtroom drama or courtroom anything. The only reason why I even thought of checking this series out was Nicholas D'Agosto on whom I have the biggest crush ever since "Final Destination 5."

But then everything and everyone just started out being so interesting and weird and insanely funny that I very quickly got invested and so so hooked that I wanted to just do it over again when I got to the final episode of this season. I fell in love with all of them, their laugh-out-loud antics and dynamics, and East Peck itself with its odd histories and traditions that I wished Larry Henderson would commit (allegedly) yet another crime, in this same small town, for season 2.

I literally LOL'd and very nearly ROFL'd over this show. And I'm not even exaggerating. XD

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Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 2

Irreverently campier, nastier, and gorier at its very, very, very finest. Can't wait to see the gang again for the third! Even Evil Ruby. :)

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Sense8: Season 1

When the narrative's so compelling that you hardly have time to question the trivial stuffs, you know you have watched a good show. I can't wait to see this ragtag cluster again in the upcoming season. ♥

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Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 1

My first encounter with the chainsaw-wielding Ash Williams was on the "Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness" short film and he rocked! I have never watched any of the "Evil Dead" movies, but I think this series served as a good launching point to binge on them until the second season rolls around. ♥

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

Just simply blown away!

Jon Bernthal is the perfect Punisher.
And Punisher is the perfect Daredevil anti-hero.

If any one series deserves another season, this is definitely IT.
I wouldn't say no to an Elektra-Daredevil death match, either. :)

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Preacher: Season 1

Slow burn. Big bang finish. I am still picking up the bloody little pieces of my shattered little faith (and heart).

I didn't expect to love this series as much as I do now, considering how it took me three days to finish the pilot episode. xD

But all of its wacky irreverence, solemn complexities, and 'wait, what the shite just happened?!' moments really do grow on you overtime (along with Jesse's scruffy mug, Cassidy's sassy accent, and Tulip's kickass charms).

I am so looking forward to what's coming next for this hapless trio.

And what's with all these TV shows and their "God is missing" angles?Maybe Jesse should hook up with Lucifer and the Winchester brothers sometime. That would be hella fun! xD

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Afterworld: Season 1
The Amazing Race: Season 16

I absolutely love The Cowboys and this has got to be one of my favorite TAR seasons. Jet and Cord are no doubt a very skillful team, and whatever they lack in skill they more than made up for with diligence and a positive attitude.

The other teams were also very memorable in their own quirky ways. ♥

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