


Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x09 Judgement Day


This shapes up to be a pretty epic (sadly) Series Finale!
Those past episode went to eleven Rating-wise, wich makes it even harder it got canceled. :(
On the over hand everything kinda let to this point, so...

Skinning people alive?!
That one hurts only watching it...
Ruby is dead?!
About time! And it was fucking awesome! I'm so mad at her for destroying Ashy Slashy's chainsaw!
The Dark Ones are Here?!
A Cellphone-demon?!
Do they never run out of ideas? And I guess: Like father, like daghter!^^

And for the Finale:
Ash always finds the right words! XD

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@mrblonde The chainsaw! I wept over that scene! Definitely one of the cruelest things I've seen on TV. T.T

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The Mist

Reply by mp

I've never read the novella. I've seen the movie, but felt so bad about how it ended. I kind of liked this series, but felt even worse over that finale. I really wish there were a second season, if only to answer all the questions that the first one left. How dare you make me care and then leave me hanging like that~!!

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@guenguer Thanks for the comment~! It's very interesting to know that King liked the movie ending. I think he's a very generous man who gives creative leeway to different adaptations of his works. I've always admired him for that. :)

When I said I felt bad, I was not making a critique on style, but rather on how the ending impacted me emotionally. I thought the movie ending was pretty cool, too. But still very heartbreaking nonetheless.

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Preacher: Season 1

Reply by mp

Slow burn. Big bang finish. I am still picking up the bloody little pieces of my shattered little faith (and heart).

I didn't expect to love this series as much as I do now, considering how it took me three days to finish the pilot episode. xD

But all of its wacky irreverence, solemn complexities, and 'wait, what the shite just happened?!' moments really do grow on you overtime (along with Jesse's scruffy mug, Cassidy's sassy accent, and Tulip's kickass charms).

I am so looking forward to what's coming next for this hapless trio.

And what's with all these TV shows and their "God is missing" angles?Maybe Jesse should hook up with Lucifer and the Winchester brothers sometime. That would be hella fun! xD

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@hashmil That's really good to know! Thanks! :)

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