
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Ulysses 31: 1x12 The Seat of Forgetfulness

The word "god" is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses.

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Ulysses 31: 1x04 Cronus, Father of Time

Eat your heart out, Dio.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 2x08 Time Fugitives (2)

Man, Bishop just can't catch a break.

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Biker Mice from Mars: 2x02 We're Going to Cheesyland

Greasepit in a tutu. Now that's some high octane Nightmare Fuel.

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The Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Show: 1x15 Count Graffitti Meets Plastic Man

Disco Mummy is best waifu.

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The Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Show: 2x15 Sale of the Century

Right, sure. But when Superman starts moving planets around, it's suddenly a big deal.

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The Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Show: 2x14 Thunderman

How is that for representation?

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The Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Show: 2x07 The Spider Takes A Bride

Man, this Spider-Man hits different.

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Spider-Man: The Animated Series: 4x10 Partners in Danger: The Lizard King

Blah, blah, blah, men are evil and/or incompetent, blah.

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Spider-Man: The Animated Series: 4x04 Partners in Danger: The Return of Kraven

Feminist propaganda at its finest.

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Biker Mice from Mars: 1x01 Rock and Ride!

Skaven propaganda at its finest.

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Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends: 2x02 A Fire-Star is Born

Was... was that an Australian Wolverine?

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Starcom: The U.S. Space Force: 1x06 Galactic Heartbeat

I've got two words for you: Malvanna's feet.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000: 13x12 The Bubble

Sunk cost fallacy at its finest.

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Courage the Cowardly Dog: 3x16 Night of the Scarecrow

Ah, yes. The Hayminator. An instant sci-farm classic.

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The Twilight Zone: 3x16 The Cold Equations

Somewhere, a child cries. I feel nothing.

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The Twilight Zone: 3x03 The Crossing

It just raises... too many questions.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x02 A Saucer of Loneliness

Huh. Nobody told me that Steve Buscemi has a sister.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x05 The Storyteller

Ah, yes.
Cliffhanger: The Origin

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Castlevania: 3x05 A Seat of Civilisation and Refinement

Ah, yes. Alucard - Castlevania's fussiest mom.

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Castlevania: 3x03 Investigators

It's not a series anymore. It's just a list of Ellis' sexual fetishes.

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Castlevania: 2x08 End Times

You had ONE job, Ellis. One job.

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Masters of Horror: 2x06 Pelts

You wouldn't know horror if it bit you in the ass. The only person keeping this wreck of a narrative going is Meat Loaf, but even his performance buckles under the sheer idiocy of the final scene.

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Masters of Horror: 1x04 Jenifer

Painfully predictable and unbearably boring.

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Horrible Histories: 8x10 Fierce Females

This is the ideological equivalent of forcefully castrating the male demographic in the public square.

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Horrible Histories: 8x08 Putrid Politics

One of the finest examples of CBBC's brainwashing. I feel sorry for the British youth.

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Horrible Histories: 6x11 Tricky Queen Vicky Special

It's simplistic, marred by emasculatory tendencies, and outright insulting to the historical figures that it tries (and fails) to portray.

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The Twilight Zone: 5x01 In Praise of Pip

I got stabbed. I got stabbed right in the feels! ;(

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The Walking Dead: 7x02 The Well

The Game of Thrones hasn't looked this good in a while! This new season is great!

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